January 14, 2021
Hello St. John’s Family,
 As I write to you today, it struck me how you have been in my thoughts constantly in recent weeks. Pastors, by the nature of our calling, often think of and pray for those they are blessed to serve. Yet that focus – the desire to lift up our St. John’s family in prayer – has been constantly in the forefront of my mind. The seemingly constant challenges that have come during a season of distance and separation has been incredibly difficult for all of us. We’re all feeling tired and weary. Please know that, in the midst of all the challenges, you are being prayed for! Also know that covering of prayer increases as the challenges mount.
  I sense one of the greatest challenges we face in the ongoing whirlwind of uncertainty and difficult news is that internal feelings of jadedness, frustration and anger can impact our hearts. What do I mean? Well, we humans have a way of personalizing setbacks. Years back, when my daily commute was from Pennsburg to Sumneytown/West Point, I would sometimes find myself behind drivers who were in no hurry whatsoever to get where they were going. I was often in a hurry to get where I was going, and really didn’t appreciate the lack of urgency on the part of others. However, more times than I care to admit, that “setback” left me in a foul mood for the rest of the morning. Or longer. During one particularly stressful period it actually reached the point that one co-worker could tell if I was delayed, joking that “I must have gotten stuck behind grandma again.” A setback in my day impacted my heart, and others noticed.
 Now, I do not offer that (very humbling) example to make light of the real difficulties we’ve experienced over the past year. It’s been an incredibly hard stretch, and the difficulties don’t seem to be disappearing. Yet those difficulties are an opportunity for us to offer a living witness of the real hope we have through Christ. Often, words aren’t even required! A heart that desires God’s goodness above all else, though, is required. Cultivating that desire takes intention and focus, as the wisdom of Proverbs reminds us: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23). My hope is that we can do just that: guard our hearts as we desire the ways of Jesus, such that a powerful witness is offered to the hurting world around us. Or, as the ancient Gaelic poem says, Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart…
                                                                                                    Grace and Peace,
                                                                                                           Pastor Brad
This Sunday, January 17, 2021
Join us Virtually!
A recording of the 9 AM worship service will be posted to the website upon completion.

Video – Are You Listening?
The Rev. Dr. Andrew Foster III, District Superintendent
              I Samuel 3:1-10, New Living Translation

Accompanist: Brian Barber
9 AM Special Music
Quartet: Alissa and Peter Nelson, Roy Nelson, Lynne Tomlinson

St. John's 2020 Advent Mission Offering
Thank you for your support of Compassion International - Water of Life Program
Due to your generosity, over $10,000 was raised and at least 126 families will have safe drinking water for life!
Drive-Thru Living Nativity!

Thank you to all that helped make our 3rd Annual Drive-Thru Living Nativity such a beautiful evening as we shared the glory and hope of Christ with our community! Over 350 cars came through and experienced the Christmas story!
All Sunday School classes will continue on Zoom this Sunday. Note that Pre-K through grade 5 will have a video component and will also include follow-up materials that guide parents in talking about the concepts throughout the week. Hope to see you on Zoom!
Young Children (Pre-K to Grade 2)
What's In the Bible? 
Sundays at 11 am on Zoom 
Join Buck Denver and a group of hilarious friends as they journey through the Bible and discover what it means for us. Amy Scarlett will lead us for the opening weeks as we discover What's In the Bible!  
Lesson length: 20-25 minutes.

Older Elementary Children (Grades 3-5) 
Orange 252 Kids
Sundays @ 11am on Zoom 

Life is filled with moments where we can decide to reflect God’s character, take responsibility, and use what we have wisely. This month’s series, Rules for Life, is about following through and doing what needs to be done, so that we can point others to Jesus, the One who took the ultimate responsibility for us and made it possible for us to be with God forever.
Lesson length: 25-35 minutes
Youth Study - Orange High School XP 3:
Sundays @ 11:30 am on Zoom

Emotions are everywhere especially after the year 2020! The problem isn’t feeling all the feels - the problem is when these emotions start ruling our world. In this four week series we will help our youth identify ways their emotions can be good and bad and use scripture to help them identify ways to deal with their emotions while reminding them that trusting Jesus to lead them is healthier than being controlled by their emotions.

Click the links below to enjoy the music from
our St. John's Bell Choirs.
Ring of Faith - December 13, 2020 - 3rd Sunday of Advent
Genesis Bells - December 20, 2020 - 4th Sunday of Advent
CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266
Theology 102
Paul Henry will be continuing his Zoom Class “Thinking About God” on Tuesday, January 19, at 10:30 am. If you are interested in joining these discussions please contact Paul at 215-962-6719 or [email protected] so that he can get you set up on Zoom.
This presentation and discussion format is designed with a number of topical areas so that you can participate as topics interest you or you can be a part of the Zoom course through April.
The first presentation will focus on a 20 year study that was done by Harvard University to determine if active church participation could result in better health outcomes. The study was completed in 2019 and was not impacted by the pandemic. Join us and see what it says.

January 19
Can You Have Better Health Outcomes by Attending Church Regularly? 
What do Harvard University and the AMA have to say about this?
Bible Study Opportunity: The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John is often considered the greatest Spiritual writing of who Jesus is as it reveals His mission to bring salvation to all of God's children by His life, ministry, death and resurrection. Beginning Wednesday, February 3, Ken Lee will be offering a weekly Bible study of John's Gospel utilizing Jesus in the Gospels curriculum. The group will meet each Wednesday at 7pm in the Parlor. By studying this Gospel in Fellowship, the group aims to develop and grow our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

If you are interested in participating, please contact the church office by January 20, and indicate if you need a Study Manual. The cost of the Study Manual is $32; St. John's will provide assistance as needed to ensure the cost isn't prohibitive. 

This is an excellent opportunity to grow in and strengthen your faith - hope to see you in February!

Prayer requests can be submitted
online (click here).or through the church email, [email protected]
Prayer requests are reviewed
Monday-Friday AM.

All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"
will be listed for two weeks.
 Please submit a new prayer request,
if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
Hand made prayer shawls (or lap robes for men) are again available for those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issue. Each comes in a sealed plastic bag. Recipients need not be members of St. John's. Requests can be made via the comments section of the prayer request form on the church website, by calling or emailing the church office, or by calling Carol Rice at 215-357-1203. Requesters will be notified of contactless pickup arrangements at the main entrance of church building.

The Red Bird Mission are CLOSED for the winter.

Thanks to everyone who has donated to this program, helping the people in Red Bird Kentucky. They are grateful for all items that have been sent. The Red bird committee would also like to thank all the volunteers who gave their time packing trailers. 
Your effort’s have been greatly appreciated. 
Red Bird Committee

Donations of non-perishable food for the Eastwick Food Pantry are needed throughout the year. Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex and fellowship hall lobby. 
Volunteers are also needed to deliver food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank. Please contact Lou Lescas, [email protected] if you are available to help. 
Thank you for your support.
Two significant needs and great opportunities to serve
at St. John's!

A small team of dedicated audio-visual ministry volunteers enable us to offer meaningful online worship each week. We're in need of additional help, as there's very little flexibility within the team in the event someone needs to be away. While some aspects of this ministry requires technical expertise, other aspects are very straight-forward. If you have the ability to advance PowerPoint slides, you can help us offer online worship!

Similarly, ushers will be needed once in-person worship returns to greet worshippers, direct them to their seats, and assist with questions. This is a simple yet meaningful opportunity to serve God by serving our St. John's family.

Please consider serving God in the New Year by assisting with one of these this crucial ministries. Those interested in serving can contact the office at [email protected] or (215) 357-6998. Thank you for your faithful support of all we do in service to Christ at St. John's!

  • Just go to our website stjohnsivyland.com
  • Click on the 'Give' button in red and register.

Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit.
All you have to do is text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!

It's quick and secure.
The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidential. 

You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974

If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
email Lou Lescas at [email protected]
2021 Offering Envelopes are now available for pickup at St. John's. If you know someone who may not be able to get out at this time, please consider taking their envelopes with you and dropping them off to them. You'll do them a favor, and save the church the cost of mailing them. Thank you for your help!
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving, and to all those who have pledged to support God's work at St. John's in 2021. To date, we've received 123 pledges totalling $294,000, over half of our anticipated budget of $559,000. If you haven't pledged and would like to, you can do so online, or returning a pledge card by mail. Thank you for your commitment to God at
St. John's!
I fell down the steps on 9/29/20 and I injured 3 fractures on my left ankle. I was in the hospital for a week, went to Attleboro Rehab on 10/3/20 and I was home on 10/29/20. I had a nurse and a physical therapist until 12-22-20.

I can't thank you enough for the many cards, meals, the flowers and the poinsettia plants, the phone calls and people taking me to the doctors.

Thank you so much!

Carole Diemer

The Upper Room Devotional
 for January/February is now available.
Copies are in a container on the front porch of the church.
Be sure to pick up your copy and take one for a friend as well.
The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the
"What's Happening"tab on our website.
CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266

St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
215-357-6998/[email protected]
Rev. Brad Leight, Sr. Pastor