Surface Treatment Insights

Issue no. 3, December 2022

Corona & Plasma Surface Treatment

We are often asked if plasma is the new corona. The simple answer is ‘no’.

Plasma is not a replacement for corona – but it is a similar technology that offers other benefits in cases where the substrate has a complex structure, or the downstream processing has specific requirements. But the simple answer doesn’t provide the full insight into what is a complex discussion.


In this 3rd edition of ‘Surface Treatment Insights’ we look closer at corona and plasma treatment and explain how and why they differ and discuss which is most appropriate for specific applications.


Download our Tech Paper or watch our webinar on demand to find out whether corona or plasma is best for your individual requirements.


Corona & Plasma Surface Treatment

In this Tech Paper we look closer at the 2 technologies, their similarities, and how they differ.

Download Tech Paper


Corona or plasma treatment

Which is best for your process?

Watch - or rewatch - this webinar where our VP of Technical Sales, Kevin McKell explains the technology and highlights the difference between corona and plasma.

View Webinar


Understanding the science behind the processes will allow you to make the best judgment on any upcoming investment in surface treatment.

Here are our five key points to remember:

  1. Corona and plasma are similar but have significant differences
  2. Plasma is not a replacement for corona
  3. Corona is effective in more than 90% of applications
  4. Plasma is an R&D process with costs to match
  5. The investment in plasma is only justified for packaging innovation on a large scale

If you know the difference - you will make the right choice!


Did you miss one of our previous tech papers?

Download our previous tech papers and get unique insight into the world of surface treatment.

Vol. 1 Dyne Decay

Vol. 2 Surface Treatment at Extrusion
