The American Council for School Social Work ( ACSSW), as nearly every organization, agency, school, or health facility across the country - across the world! - has been carefully following the development of the coronavirus or COVID-19. This is an unprecedented occurrence that will affect nearly everyone in some form. Our hope for you is that the impact will be minor.

As such, our time has been devoted to keeping updated with the virus' spread, the closing of schools and other large entities, travel restrictions, government recommendations and restrictions, and more. Consequently, our regular newsletter will not be issued this week. In its place, here are some resources and ideas for you as you struggle with keeping students safe and healthy, providing services during the crisis, and maintaining a calm and measured approach so as to reduce fear.

It is our intent that, should you need them, some of the supports and information listed herein will be useful to you, your students, their families, and school staff.

from Steve Whitmore, Oakland, MI, Schools Consultant

to eligible households (those having K-12 and college students)

in areas that have Comcast; to eligible households

HUNDREDS! of educational resources

free cultural & educational media on the web;
all grade levels,

(may or may not apply to SSW services)

updated frequently

As serious and dire as this disease is, and as it seems to be developing out of control, we must keep in mind that it will end. We must keep in mind that we must help children be safe and feel safe by not inciting fear or providing information that is beyond a student's developmental level.

And remember: "Only the vulnerable are at risk". But your "only" is someone else's "everything."

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be kind.
