April 28, 2020 @ 2:00 p.m.
Each day, Dr. Sherrill Brown, Medical Director, Infection Prevention, Berenice Constant, VP, Government Relations, and Elizabeth Sepetjian, AVP, Talent Management (HR), give an update for clinic leaders and corporate line of business leaders. You can listen to today's recording here .
Sherrill Brown, MD
Berenice Constant
Liz Sepetjian

If you have questions about anything you've heard in the briefing, or for any COVID-19 related questions, click here to submit your questions. They will be reviewed by our COVID-19 task force and answered in our next daily briefing alert or as soon as possible. Please don't hesitate to ask questions! Know that this is a safe space and that most questions will be answered individually prior to being shared anonymously with staff.

Be sure to check last Friday's alert for FAQs answered last week, as well as our running lists of FAQs, below, to see if your question has already been answered.

(Also available on Town Square.)
New Testing Eligibility

Yesterday, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that in Los Angeles County, asymptomatic individuals in the following categories are now eligible for COVID-19 testing:

  • First responders
  • Critical government personnel
  • Health care professionals
  • Grocery workers
  • Commercial, rideshare, and public transit drivers
Senior Meal Emergency Response Program in LAC

Mayor Garcetti also announced an expansion of the Senior Meal Emergency Response Program, which may provide up to 10 meals per week to residents who make less than 600% of the federal poverty level and who are over 65 or who are 60-64 with a pre-existing medical condition. Additional information and opportunities for enrollment can be found here .
Please Note: If you are contacted by the media with questions about the coronavirus outbreak, or for any other reason, please contact: Veronica Orozco , Sr. Manager, Public Relations via email. The Public Relations team monitors all media coverage of AltaMed (social and traditional platforms) to uphold our reputation. If you have questions and concerns regarding media coverage, please call Veronica at 323-482-3073. If you'd like to read news releases from AltaMed, visit our external website, under Newsroom.