July 15, 2020 @ 4:30 p.m.
Every Wednesday, Dr. Sherrill Brown, Medical Director, Infection Prevention, Berenice Constant, VP, Government Relations, and Elizabeth Sepetjian, AVP, Talent Management (HR), give an update for clinic and corporate line of business leaders.
You can listen to today's recording
Questions & Communications
We welcome your questions, suggestions and input. We do review each submission and respond appropriately, so please continue to email us—
click here
Know that this is a safe space and that most questions will be answered individually prior to being shared anonymously with staff.
We also encourage you to use existing communications, such as the Wednesday-only COVID-19 huddles, COVID-19
pages on Town Square,
, and any regular emails you receive.
Q & A of the Week
If my coworker tests positive for COVID-19, does our supervisor have the obligation and responsibility to communicate it to the rest of us, or does our supervisor need to keep their diagnosis confidential?
If you discover that a staff member is positive for COVID, do not share this information with other staff members, as COVID diagnoses are considered PHI. Please notify Darlene Dickens-Jeffers, Senior Manager, Infection Prevention, so she may complete an investigation. She will notify any staff members who may need to act, related to a general exposure.
Rolling Back on the Reopening of California
n California and in many states around the country, there has been a significant spike in the number of positive COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. In response, on Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom
ordered a major rollback of the state's reopening plan
. Businesses required to close throughout California include:
- Bars (both indoor and outdoor)
- Indoor restaurant dining
- Indoor wineries and tasting rooms
- Movie theaters
- Other indoor family entertainment centers, like bowling alleys and laser tag
- Indoor museums and zoos
- Cardrooms
Los Angeles County officials announced the re-closures of indoor operations within certain business sectors, including:
- Fitness centers and gyms
- Worship centers
- Offices for non-critical sectors
- Indoor malls
- Hair salons and barbershops
- Personal care services such as nail salons, body waxing and tattoo shops
Cases have also surged in Orange County in the past month, complicating an ongoing debate about the reopening of schools. The Orange County Board of Education voted to allow students to return to schools in the fall, but left the final decision to individual school districts. The Los Angeles Unified School District will not open schools for in-person instruction in the fall.
We're Here for You, Now More Than Ever!
Dr. Sherrill Brown reminds us of our enormous responsibility to provide exceptional care to our community. We can do so by keeping a safe and healthy work environment. We must continue to adhere to the safety measures we have in place and follow screening guidelines for patients and staff.
We've made improvements to our facilities, including the addition of HEPA filters and negative air pressure rooms, the impending installation of new plexiglass shields, and an increase in our telehealth services to patients, among others. We continue to work towards a safe and healthy work environment, and will communicate to our employees and community accordingly.
In order to prioritize primary care services for existing patients and the influx of community members with reduced health care access, AltaMed has closed many of its COVID-19 outdoor testing and medical evaluation sites in Los Angeles and Orange counties. AltaMed continues to provide COVID-19 testing but is prioritizing access to current patients exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms and essential workers.
Since March 20, AltaMed has administered more than 40,000 COVID-19 tests. As a federally qualified health center, AltaMed is committed to provide access to care to anyone who seeks it, regardless of their status or ability to pay.
Following Safety Guidelines
Please remember that it's everyone's personal responsibility to follow safety measures and guidelines both at work and at home.
- Wear your masks – Face masks are to be worn at all times over your nose and mouth (except when drinking or eating), and should be stored properly or discarded.
- Maintain hand hygiene – Staff should have easy access to hand sanitizer dispensers to clean hands frequently, and should wash hands for 20 seconds at a time.
- Practice physical distancing – Six feet apart from other individuals whether inside or outside.
- Wipe down any work surfaces you touch.
- Patient-facing staff, including front office, should wear a face shield or eye covering in addition to a face mask—avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Employees must wear appropriate PPE when on site.
Dr. Ravi Kavasery Featured on KQED: Latinos and COVID-19
Ravi Kavasery, M.D., Medical Director, Quality and Population Health, was featured in a KQED discussion about how the coronavirus disproportionately impacts Latinos in California.
Latinos make up about 39 percent of California's population and account for 55 percent of reported infections. Community leaders are calling for more resources to help reduce the spread and risks for Latinos. Click
to listen to the interview.
UnidosUS Offers Free and Confidential Financial Guidance
The financial experts at UnidosUS are available to provide free and confidential financial coaching to help improve your credit score, reduce debt, plan for retirement, purchase a home, and even save for that perfect vacation.
Go to
to learn more or get connected to a UnidosUS financial and guidance coach.
Please Note: If you are contacted by the media with questions about the coronavirus outbreak or for any other reason, please email
Veronica Orozco
, Sr. Manager, Public Relations. The Public Relations team monitors all media coverage of AltaMed (social and traditional platforms) to uphold our reputation. If you have questions and concerns regarding media coverage, please call Veronica at (323) 482-3073. If you'd like to read news releases from AltaMed, visit our external website,