Infection Prevention eNews Letter:
Dr. Will Sawyer's Coronavirus and Flu Prevention Tips

Help Dr. Will Sawyer  and Henry the Hand teach everyone how to prevent the spread and contraction of the Coronavirus! Share our video!
We need YOUR help to translate the video into many languages to share with others so they understand how to STOP the Coronavirus spread!
Dr Will's request is offer this video in manyy languages to increase EVERYONE's understanding that  Humans are the petri dish that grow and then spread viruses perpetuating infectious disease that become outbreaks, epidemics and Pandemics! 

So if we STOP contaminating our facial mucous membranes (eyes, nose or mouth) then there would never be another epidemic or Pandemic!

If you or someone you know can HELP us to share this viedo with the world to help "spread the word not the germs"! And put an end to the Pandemic!

Please contact me!

Remember, your hands are clean only until you touch the NEXT surface. 

Will Sawyer, MD
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