Infection Prevention eNews Letter:
Here is a poster to share with others so they understand how to STOP the Coronavirus spread!
Humans are the petri dish that grow and then spread viruses perpetuating infectious disease that become outbreaks, epidemics and Pandemics! 
So if we STOP contaminating our facial mucous membranes (eyes, nose or mouth) then there would never be another epidemic or Pandemic!

Please share this simple poster with the world to help "spread the word not the germs"! And put an end to the hysteria.

Together WE CAN make a difference!

For 33 years of Family Medicine I have been teaching patients that the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth are the ONLY portal of entry into the human body for ALL respiratory infections including coronavirus!
And your hands are clean only until you touch the NEXT surface. 

Will Sawyer, MD
T Zone Poster
Download the Tools!
Visual cues and reminders always help change behavior! Yes even healthcare professionals!!

Help others "Break the habit"! Just for the Health of it!
Vinyl repositional wall posters
  to help reinforce the message!
Examples: Henry the Hand 4 Principles posters, Do not Touch the T Zone poster, Germs on Your Hands poster, Classroom Weekly Handwashing Charts and Handwashing Instruction Guide posters ALL available!

FREE Posters: Click HERE

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