Coronavirus Update #165
HFAM Update and Voting Guide
HFAM issued its first COVID-19 update to the long-term and post-acute care sector on January 29 and now we find ourselves with 99 days left of this historic year. Let me kick-off our sprint to the end of 2020 by offering these five points:
- You and your teams have provided millions of days of quality care to Marylanders in need this year, and you have saved lives.
- While we will be fighting COVID-19 and the seasonal flu for the foreseeable future, and until there is a vaccine for this killer virus, we will emerge from this crisis. There will be an end.
- We will long be navigating the related issues coming out of this pandemic—funding, regulatory, care delivery reform, and workforce that existed even before this time, measured in years and not months.
- These issues will be historically challenging, and we will share our sector expertise to identify the quality care opportunities that come with these challenges.
- Work on diversity, inclusion, and equity is a must. It will be a critical success factor for enterprises going forward.
Having said this, here’s the question: How are you and your teams preparing to sprint to the 2020 finish line and to start 2021 strong?
Our number one mission remains supporting you, your teams, and quality care for Marylanders in need. Onward together!
Here are some important other updates:
- We continue to work with colleague associations and the State to share experiences, advocate for data-driven policies, and find solutions to fight COVID and other viruses going forward.
- As a sector, and now under historic circumstances, we have an opportunity to prove what we have known for years: we can be counted on to provide quality care to those in need.
- We need to continue supporting one another, as we have, and in new ways.
- Please be reminded that as of September 1, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is measuring COVID-19 cases and deaths in our sector as part of its four-month $2 billion-based purchasing initiative. The data for this initiative is being mined directly from your reporting in NHSN/CRISP.
Finally, and I think VERY importantly, HFAM has written letters to every local election office on your behalf. See this sample letter as well as a a directory for all local boards of election. This year under extraordinary circumstances we must together endeavor to make sure people can vote. Please read through the below for more information on voting and be on the lookout for additional reminders as we approach the election.
Be well,
Joe DeMattos
President and CEO
Get Ready to Vote!!!
The 2020 General Election is Tuesday, November 3
Make sure that residents, patients, and staff are prepared to vote!
Don’t wait, start planning today!
While there are many ways to participate in the 2020 Presidential Election, all Marylanders are strongly encouraged to vote by mail due to the COVID-19 pandemic. None of us have navigated an election during a worldwide pandemic or statewide public health emergency such as the one we currently face. Please know that we stand as an active resource to ensure residents, patients, and staff can vote in the upcoming General Election. In addition, for specific questions and assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to the election director at your local board of elections.
Register to Vote by October 13
First, make sure that you and residents are registered by October 13, 2020. Registrations must be up to date with current addresses.
Please note that the State Board of Elections now refers to absentee ballots as “mail-in ballots” and absentee voting as “mail-in voting.” This change in terminology does NOT change the process of mail-in voting.
Mail-in voting is the best option for both residents and staff in long-term care centers to vote. Any registered voter may vote by mail-in ballot. In order to vote by mail, your request must be received by Tuesday, October 20. There are two convenient ways to request a mail-in ballot:
Online with a Maryland Drivers license or MVA-issued ID card.
Complete and return this form to your local board of elections.
If you would like to check the status of a mail-in ballot request, please visit the voter lookup website.
Mail-in ballots may be received via mail, fax, or download from the State’s website. Ballots are sent or posted to the website about three weeks before an election.
Once you receive your mail-in ballot, please review the instructions carefully before voting to ensure that you fill the ballot out correctly. Some key points to remember:
- Use Black Ink to Mark your Ballot
- Sign the Return Envelope
- Do Not Sign the Ballot
- Seal your Return Envelope
- Send your Ballot using the Postage-Paid Return Envelope
Marylanders are encouraged to return their mail-in ballot as soon as possible. To return your ballot, use the postage-paid return envelope provided. Ballots must be mailed or hand delivered; they cannot be submitted online, by email, or by fax.
Mailed ballots must be postmarked on or before November 3, 2020 and received by your local board of elections by November 13 at 10:00 AM.
Early voting for the 2020 General Election starts on Monday, October 26 and runs through Monday, November 2. Early voting centers are open daily (including Saturday and Sunday) from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. If you vote in person during early voting, please practice social distancing, hand hygiene, and wear a mask.
While everyone is strongly encouraged to vote by mail-in ballot, you may also vote in person on election day. Approximately 350 voting centers will be open on election day. Be sure that you are registered and go to an election day voting center in the county where you live between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM. If you vote in person on election day, please practice social distancing, hand hygiene, and wear a mask. Note that voters will be kept six feet apart and there will be a limit on the number inside voting centers at one time.
Did you miss HFAM's previous alerts?
Visit our website to view all previous HFAM alerts, as well as guidance
from our federal and state partners.
Additional Resources and Guidance
Thank you.
We cannot thank you enough for the dedication and diligence in doing all that you can for the residents in your communities. HFAM continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic with our state and national partners and will do all we can to support you during this time.