Staying Informed and Prepared
thank you for all you and your teams are doing during this unprecedented time.
We wanted to provide an update as we continue working with leaders at UMMS and the Maryland Hospital Association (MHA), as well as other state and federal leaders to communicate concerns, information, and guidance. Please know that we plan to have our second hospital/SNF call early next week --
stay tuned for more details on this upcoming call.
As many of you know, with community spread and the exponential increase of COVID-19 in Maryland and across the nation, we are likely at the dawn of the acute care surge. This predicted surge is anticipated to be real and dramatic. It will be critically important very soon for skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers to take an increasing number of patients from our acute care partners to free up acute care beds.
During this surge, SNFs will likely need to take patients quickly; these patients may be very sick or clinically challenging If this develops, SNFs with vents, dialysis, or who employ physicians will likely be the first needed to help.
Please know that we continue working with our hospital partners to establish clinical protocols that are standard across all hospitals in Maryland. In addition, we continue to work with our State and Federal partners to find solutions to workforce and childcare challenges, lack of PPE supplies, testing shortages, and financial concerns.
This is a difficult time for staff, patients, residents, and families. That said, our partners have prepared a
communications document to help guide staff in answering difficult questions that may come up . It is very informative and written in easy language that is honest and simple. Please review and share with your teams in order to learn from and help others.
COVID-19 will require us all to work together, stay vigilant, and adapt to evolving challenges. HFAM will continue working to ensure that you have the tools and resources necessary to navigate this developing pandemic. Below is the most recent additional information from our partners regarding how to stay informed and prepared.