Dear students,

I commend you for completing your work in the midst of this pandemic. It is a tremendous accomplishment. And, for those of you who completed your program and will graduate, MTC is determined to hold an in-person ceremony so you will be honored appropriately.

Graduation: Rescheduled for December 9, 2020
Today, I am happy to announce that MTC’s 2020 graduation ceremony has been rescheduled for December 9 at Colonial Life Arena in Columbia. The event will honor students who completed their degree and certificate coursework in the Fall of 2019, Spring of 2020, Summer of 2020, and Fall of 2020. Those students who are candidates for graduation will receive details about next steps via their official MTC email on Wednesday, May 6.

If you are graduating and are looking for a job, remember Student Employment Services has resources available for you, including job boards, individual search assistance, interview tips, and more.

Summer Registration and Payment
This Friday, May 8 is the deadline to register for summer classes and pay your tuition and fees.

I encourage you to avoid the temptation of taking time off right now. You can do this. Keep persevering and success is sure to follow.

Please don’t forget to complete registration and make your payment(s) by 1 p.m. Friday to avoid being dropped from registered classes.

The MTC Foundation thanks everyone who took time to apply for the scholarships that are available to students. Our review committee is hard at work considering all applicants. Those who are selected will be notified in June.

Stay well,
President Ron Rhames
Class of ‘78