• Assisting Your Cat: What a great time to bond with your kitty. As most of you are now working from home, this is a perfect opportunity to pay closer attention to your cat and his/her coat condition and grooming needs. Use those grooming tools you have at home to comb and brush through their coats daily to prevent matting. Please remember to never use scissors to cut out any mats. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need help or guidance on how to care for your cat at home.

  • Disinfectants: Be careful with the cleaning supplies you use to disinfect your household. Remember that cats spend a good portion of their day licking themselves all over. It is for this reason that you want to be conscious of the ingredients in your household cleaners. Please check out this article on disinfectants that are safe to use around cats. https://cat-world.com/disinfectants-safe-for-cats.html

  • How much kid can your cat take: Please be conscious of the new environment being created for your cats at home. As creatures that thrive on routine, cats may exhibit behavioral and grooming issues now that their space is being invaded all day. Remind family members that Sheltering-in-Place is hard for everyone and that everyone can benefit from some peaceful down-time. Here is a link to some very beneficial products that we sell to help calm your cat should you find him/her a little on edge. https://shop.furcatssake.com/health-wellness/behavior/