All Massachusetts bills must move out of their committees on 2/2
“The Community Immunity Act” S.1517 and H.2271
Scroll down to see bills we OPPOSE***

TIME TO TAKE ACTION. The Massachusetts legislators need to vote all bills that have already had a hearing out of the current committee one way or another by February 2nd.

Everybody that is in this fight to protect our medical freedom must step up and TAKE ACTION NOW - Over the next 3 days, support health freedom bills and oppose bills that restrict our medical freedoms by e-mailing (we have a lot of ONE-CLICK letters) and calling the Massachusetts legislature.


These are broad fundamental rights bills focused on protecting our medical freedom in Massachusetts. These bills would make vaccine passports illegal in Massachusetts, and would make it unlawful to terminate employment based solely on an employee's medical decisions. They are both in the Judiciary committee and we want the members to vote these bills favorably out of committee!!!

ONE CLICK LETTER: CLICK BUTTON BELOW to send a letter in support of medical freedom bills S.1122 and H.4151
Sending a personalized e-mail is even better! It doesn't have to be long.
E-mail the Joint Committee on the Judiciary - step by step below

SUBJECT: Please SUPPORT S.1122 and H.4151



I am a resident of Massachusetts and I am e-mailing today to urge the Judiciary committee to SUPPORT bills S.1122 and H.4151. Please report these bills FAVORABLY out of committee.

[you may also add a sentence or two on why you support these bills and/or why they are necessary!]

Thank you,

CALL the Judiciary Committee and state your SUPPORT for S.1122 and H.4151, and urge them to vote these bills FAVORABLY out of committee.

Senate contact (S.1122) (617) 722-1120
If you’ve never done this before, here is an example of what you can say:
"Hi my name is [ ]. As a Massachusetts resident I would like to voice my SUPPORT for bill S.1122 and urge the Committee to report this bill FAVORABLY out of committee. Please record my name and support. Thank you very much.”

House contact (H.4151) (617) 722-2396
"Hi my name is [ ]. As a Massachusetts resident I would like to voice my SUPPORT for bill H.4151 and urge the Committee to report this bill FAVORABLY out of committee. Please record my name and support. Thank you very much.”

If they do not answer, please leave a voicemail!
SIGN the Petition to SUPPORT S1122 - An Act relative to bodily autonomy and family integrity. This bill will protect your fundamental right to make decisions about your own healthcare without coercion or discrimination.
MA residents only, you can only sign once.
More Medical Freedom Bills We SUPPORT

SUPPORT S.330 and H.706 - both bills are exactly the same (Senate/House version). These bills would protect and expand medical exemptions for vaccinations (school aged children)

E-MAIL the Joint Committee on Education stating you are a resident of Massachusetts and you are urging the committee to SUPPORT bills S.330 and H.706

SUBJECT: Please SUPPORT S.330 and H.706


My name is [ ] and I am e-mailing today to urge the Judiciary committee to SUPPORT bills S.330 and H.706 and vote these bills out of committee FAVORABLY.

Thank you,

CALL the Joint Committee on Education

Senate contact: (617) 722-1206
"Hi my name is [ ]. As a Massachusetts resident I would like to voice my SUPPORT for bill S.330 and urge the Committee to vote this bill out FAVORABLY. Please record my name and support. Thank you very much.”

House contact: (617) 722-2070
"Hi my name is [ ]. As a Massachusetts resident I would like to voice my SUPPORT for bill H.706 and urge the Committee to vote this bill out FAVORABLY. Please record my name and support. Thank you very much.”

All other bills that have been heard will be voted on too! Keep on speaking up until they vote on Wednesday 2/2! Here are a few bills that are important to OPPOSE!

Health Choice 4 Action MA has been the driving force behind the opposition of dangerous bills being introduced in the Massachusetts legislature. This group has worked tirelessly over the years to oppose the following 3 bills, which have been re-introduced again this session. We need to KILL THESE BILLS once and for all.

OPPOSE S.1517 and H.2271 ("The Community Immunity Act") Senate and House versions.
These bills are incredibly dangerous. These bills would:
  1. Allow any physician to vaccinate any minor without parental consent or knowledge and without any constraints on age, intellectual ability, or capacity to consent. Medical records related to vaccination would be hidden from parents (lines 173-177)
  2. Allow any private daycare, preschool, school, or school-affiliated extra-curricular program (“covered program”) to require additional vaccines outside of those specified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) (lines 108-112).3 ▪ Public health officials should be the only ones making vaccination requirements.
  3. Allow any covered program to deny the religious exemption for vaccination (lines 108-112). 3 “Covered programs” would be strongly incentivized to refuse religious exemptions to avoid being publicly branded as an “elevated risk program” under the Act (lines 127-132)
  4. Place special needs students particularly at risk - The vast majority of special needs programs are “covered programs,” and thus would be subject to a powerful incentive to deny religious exemption to avoid the stigmatizing label of “elevated risk program.”
  5. Restrict the criteria a physician may use in consideration of a medical exemptions for vaccination. Only narrowly defined “contraindications” may be used (lines 67-68; 93-94). Contraindications are meant to specify circumstances where vaccines should categorically not be administered. They are not meant to define every possible circumstance where an exemption would be appropriate.
  6. Require that DPH approve all medical exemptions, thereby relegating patient care decisions to a DPH employee who has never met the patient, may not have relevant clinical experience, and is not ethically bound to the patient’s best interest (lines 90-94).
Read a full summary on these bills here

OPPOSE H.2411 (removal of religious exemption to vaccination for school aged children)
Read a full summary on this bill here

All 3 of these bills are in the Public Health Committee.
CALL ALL of the Public Health Committee members and voice our OPPOSITION to bills S.1517, H.2271 and H.2411
Phone numbers listed below!!

Flood their phone lines and RESPECTFULLY voice our opposition!

If you’ve never done this before, here is an example of what you can say:
“Hi my name is XYZ. As a Massachusetts resident I would like to voice my opposition to bills H.2411, S.1517 and H.2271. Please record my name and opposition. Thank you very much.”

If they do not answer, please leave a voicemail!

MA Joint Committee on Public Health
Joanna Comerford (Chair)
Susan Moran (Vice Chair)
Harriette Chandler
Rebecca Rausch
Julian Cyr
Patrick O’Connor

Marjorie Decker (Chair)
Brian Murray (Vice Chair)
Paul Schmid
Jack Patrick Lewis
Andres Vargas
Jon Santiago
Brian Ashe
Kay Khan
Vanna Howard
Hannah Kane
Shawn Dooley

Other Bills We OPPOSE

OPPOSE S.1398 and H.2228 (Immunization Registry)
Get a template to oppose these bills here. You can also find more in-depth information to oppose these bills on the Health Choice 4 Action Website.

OPPOSE Door-to-Door Pushing of Injections and Invasion of Privacy. H.2370 and S.1515, H.2228 and S.1398, H.2276
Get a template to oppose here.

OPPOSE Sections 4 & 5 of S250 and H3716 – Masking and Pool Testing in Schools
Get a template to oppose here.
2 Easy Actions to Oppose Vaxx Passports & Support HD.4416
Take Action to Support Representative Peter Durant's bill HD.4416 that would prohibit vaccine passports in the Commonwealth.

Read the Bill: Massachusetts HD.4416

An Act prohibiting COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of entry, to the commonwealth, to public buildings, a business, place of public accommodation, resort or amusement, and no public or private elementary school, secondary school, high school, charter school, college, university or other post-secondary institution of higher education shall require proof of vaccination against COVID 19 as a condition of enrollment, access to campus or attendance in in-person class.
We have a brand new petition that has a double purpose. It opposes the vaccine passports and supports HD.4416. We will submit it to the committee that will be considering the bill. This bill was late-filed so it does not follow the usual process.
Share C19 vaxx injury stories
Health Rights MA is collecting C19 Vaxx injury stories from Massachusetts residents, for those that want to share them. We are setting up meetings with legislators and they are saying these shots are safe and effective. We need to share the truth with them.

Please fill out this private form if you are willing to share your story and you live in Massachusetts. We will only share the information you give us with legislators unless we contact you to seek further permission.

We may reach out and ask you if you’re willing or able to attend a meeting to share your story. Please use this form and share widely if you know of any groups or boards that may have people from Massachusetts.

We need to find committed people passionate about health freedom that want to help make real change at our legislature here in MA. If you are looking to volunteer or get more involved in helping these bills see some action please fill out this short questionnaire.