Aug. 18, 2021
This release contains the corrected link below.
Did You Know ARPA Stabilization Grants are Coming?
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is making American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Grants available to eligible child care providers. These grants and the required reporting will be completed in the Professional Development (PD) Registry. Next steps, including eligibility and application details will be shared over the next several weeks. The application will be available mid-September, so please stay tuned! 
Are you ready?

In order to apply, all child care providers need to get ready.

Create A PD Registry Account - Directors/Owners/Administrators/Fiscal Staff*: Make sure you have an account created in the PD Registry.
  • The person completing the application for your facility must have an account in the PD Registry to apply. Figure out who this key staff is now!
  • If you have an account, you do not need to create a new one.

Claim Your Organization - Directors/Owners/Administrators/Fiscal Staff*: Make sure you have claimed your organization in the PD Registry.
  • The person who plans to complete the application must claim your organization as an administrator of the facility, 
  • If you have already claimed your organization, you do not need to claim it again. 
*Each facility can have multiple administrators but only one person can apply for ARPA Stabilization Grant funds on behalf of the program.
Send questions about creating an account and claiming your organization in the PD Registry to
Once you are ready… 
  1. Make sure you and anyone applying for the ARPA Stabilization Grant is subscribed to this newsletter. Updates and information will be shared via the PA Early Ed News Special Announcements, the weekly ECE Recap and Certification Announcements. Click here to subscribe.
  2. Check your email or see announcements here over the next few weeks for next steps and to learn more about:
  • Eligibility requirements;
  • What information you will need for your application;
  • How you can use the funds; and
  • What you will be required to report on after you receive the funds
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The PA Early Ed News is a project of the PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning, and the PA Departments of Education and Human Services to inform early learning professionals, the early childhood community, policymakers, community leaders and the public on developments in early childhood education and care in Pennsylvania.

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