"The earth is [ His]  and everything in it, the world, 
and all who live in it." Psalm 24:1 NIV
Table of Contents
  1. From the Admissions Department
  2. Our Bright Future
  3. Upcoming Events & Activities
  4. Elementary Highlights
  5. Happy Birthday and Spirit Rock Fun
  6. Middle School E-Newsletter 
MCS Heroes of the Week
Jenè Streeter
Judy Bagby
Angela Drevlow

Congratulations to last week's hero Judy Bagby and this week's Heroes Angela Drevlow and Jenè Streeter. We hope you enjoy your up-close parking spot. 

Jenè Streeter: Sixth Grade History Teacher
Ms. Streeter is a hero to me because she makes math so accessible to students. I wish I would have had Ms. Streeter as a math teacher when I was a student because I struggled with math and felt like I just was bad at it. However, she makes it her mission to show students that that thought is a lie and that all students can be good at math. She is one of the most dedicated teachers I know who works well beyond the school day and on weekends too to make sure her students get the best instruction. She also makes a subject that can be really intimidating not so scary and helps every student grow in not only content but confidence in the subject. It is a pleasure to know her and to see how she inspires us each and every day.

Angela Drevlow: 1st Grade Teacher
Thank you so much for stepping up and supporting your elementary co-workers in so many ways! Your leadership and willingness to serve does not go unnoticed around campus. Here are just a few examples of you going the extra mile ....leading the phonics PD for K-1, planning Read Across America for elementary, planning Cat in the Hat breakfast, and serving on the admissions committee just to name a few....your stamp on the MCS elementary program is easy to see! Thank you for being a servant to others and giving your all! You are a gifted educator and completely open to what God has in store for you and your future. Hats off to you!

Angela, you are a rock star teacher! You inspire us every day by the way you faithfully lead our team, elementary staff and the way you pour your heart and soul into your students. We are so thankful to work alongside you and so grateful for the way you encourage us professionally and personally,
Love,Your 1st Grade Team

Judy Bagby: Kindergarten Aide
It is so inspiring to see you first thing in the morning in carpool with your beautiful smile.You represent Mariners Christian School with such enthusiasm and energy and your mannerisms reflect Christ through to our students.  We are grateful for you and the way you serve our families.  You are our hero this week and every week!
brightfuture Illuminate 2019

We're excited to share that World Renowned Magician Justin Flom will be our special entertainment for the evening.  Check him out ON YouTube here.
MCS Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Featured in the Newport Beach Indy

Enjoy the enclosed story about last month's Ribbon Cutting Ceremony featuring the Argyros Center for Worship and Performing Arts and the Living Legacy Athletic Center.
ALL NEW College Scholarship Available for MCS Alumni
We are excited to share with you that a Friend of MCS has donated funds to create a new scholarship designated for MCS Alumni who have struggled with learning disabilities in their academic life! Please take a moment to read the announcement that was sent to our Alumni.


  • Spirit Run "Dash for Cash" Fashion Island | Sunday, March 17th | It's Not Too Late!
  • Difference Maker Book Drive | March 18th-21st
  • TK Music Informance | Tuesday, March 19th
  • 8th Grade Grad Pictures Due | Wednesday, March 20th
  • Dads Carpool, Fellowship & Prayers | Thursday, March 21st
  • No School - All Students "Professional Development Day" | Friday, March 22nd
  • TK-7th Gr Yearbook Dedications | Due Friday, March 22nd
  • Elementary Musical Production | March 22nd and 23rd | Purchase Your Tickets
  • Pastors Breakfast & Chapel | March 25th
  • K & 1st Music Informance | Thursday, March 28th
  • 4th-8th Gr "HIS" Photos | Submission due March 29th
  • Elementary Talent Show | Friday, April 5th
  • Spring Celebration & Auction  | Friday, April 12th | Tickets on Sale Now
It's Not Too Late to Join in the Fun! Register at the Event on Sunday!  Spirit Run Fashion Island March 17th
If you have not registered but want to participate in the Spirit Run this Sunday (3/17), you can register at the event.  Stop by the registration booth at Gateway Plaza 110 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island.

Visit the MCS booth on Anacapa Drive to pick up your T-Shirt and have a cup of coffee. You'll see the MCS pop-up tent. Feel free to call or text Barbara O'Brian at: 949.290.3023 now or on the event day if you have questions.

For more details about the Spirit Run on Sunday, CLICK HERE
Difference Maker Book Drive March 18th-21st
Our next Difference Maker Grant Project is "Project New Chapter". Fifth graders, Hagen Ebright and Hudson Dexter, are leading the charge to increase access to good books by planting two Little Free Libraries and organizing a book drive. ALL MCS STUDENTS are encouraged to donate gently used books next week - March 18-21! Students can drop the books in their classroom Difference Maker Collection Bins. These books will stock the Little Free Libraries and be donated to Shalimar Learning Center and local schools that serve at risk communities.  See the attached flyer for details !

Please see the Difference Maker IMPACT Newsletter under Elementary Highlights below.
Parents Invited to TK Music Informance on Tuesday (3/19)
TK Music Informance
Tuesday, March 19th, at 9AM
K & 1st Grade Music Informance
Thursday, March 28th, at 9AM
Parents are invited to stay following the informance for coffee and refreshments hosted by the advancement department .
Parents are invited to stay following the informance for coffee and refreshments hosted by the advancement department .

INFORMANCE: "A performance intended to be both educational and entertaining." en.OxfordDictionaries.com

Dads Carpool - Fellowship & Prayer - See you March 21st!
DADS! Join Us on Thursday morning, March 21st
for our next Dad's Carpool - Fellowship - Prayer Morning
Carpool from 7:30-8:10 then fellowship and prayer from 8:15-8:45. Feel free to just show up at your convenience or sign up at the following link:    tinyurl.com/MCSDadsFellowshipHope to see you then!  Troy
TK-7th Grade Yearbook Dedications Due March 22nd

It's that time of year again! You have the opportunity to honor your TK - 7th grade child with a dedication in our annual yearbook. The focus of the written dedication is to affirm, bless, and honor your MCS child.

Here are the details:
  • Each dedication costs $20 for 1/8th of a page
  • Words only, no photos (We save the photo dedications for when your child is graduating.)
  • There is a limit of 80 words for your dedication. Please proofread your submissions.
  • Billing for the dedication will be through FACTS at a later date.
Please note that there is limited space for dedications, so make sure to submit your dedication early to guarantee that it will be included. Submissions will be accepted until all available spots are purchased. The final deadline for submissions is March 22nd. If you wish to purchase a dedication, please send your 80 word submission to: yearbook@marinerscs.org.

Thank you in advance for helping to make this yearbook a blessing to our students. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at yearbook@marinerscs.org

In Him,
Sam Brooks and Sharee Pfaff  - MCS Yearbook Advisers
No School Day - Friday, March 22nd
Professional Development for Staff

There is no school on Friday, March 22nd, due to a staff Professional Development day. 

Don't forget to attend the School House Rock Live, Jr. production on Friday evening, March 22nd, at 6PM. Click here for Friday tickets. See below for more details.
Don't Miss Our First Ever Elementary Musical Production
Friday, March 22, 6PM & Saturday, March 23, 2PM & 6PM

We Love Our Church Leaders!  Pastors Breakfast and Chapel March 25th
We are looking forward to having our local church leaders join us for a chapel with our students on Monday, March 25. Our students have been given an invitation to hand deliver to the youth/children's pastor, small group leader, or church volunteer that makes a spiritual impact in their life. 

Please see the attached parent letter and downloadable copy of the invitation, or there are more invitations available at the front desk. 
4th-8th Grade "HIS" Photos: Submission by March 29th
The MCS Yearbook team is looking for photos that best display our theme of "HIS"! All students in grades 4th-8th are invited to submit a photo to yearbook@marinerscs.org. Here are the details:
  • Only one photo per person
  • You may have people in your photo, but clothing must follow school dress code and your must have their written permission
  • Photos must be original work by you
  • Editing is allowed
  • No picture taking during the school day
  • You may use a photo taken in the past
  • Pictures taken on a phone are accepted and must be in jpeg format
Students in the yearbook elective will be selecting the photos that best capture our theme of HIS. Selected photos will be displayed on a special page in the yearbook.

Click here for flyer.
An Invitation to Attend the 1st-5th Grade Elementary Talent Show April 5th at 6:00PM
We are looking forward to seeing our students shine for Him! Don't miss this fun, family event!

 elementaryhighlightsElementary Highlights 
Celebrating the IMPACT of Another Student-Led Difference Maker Grant Project

You can read more about the Backpacks of Hope project in the attached IMPACT report. Thank you for your partnership in our Christmas Toy Drive and HOPE bears sponsorship program.

Our next Difference Maker Grant Project is "Project New Chapter". 5th graders, Hagen Ebright and Hudson Dexter, are leading the charge to increase access to good books by planting two Little Free Libraries and organizing a book drive. ALL MCS STUDENTS are encouraged to donate gently used books next week - March 18-21! Students can drop the books in their classroom Difference Maker Collection Bins. These books will stock the Little Free Libraries and be donated to Shalimar Learning Center and local schools that serve at risk communities. See the attached flyer for details !

Thank you for your partnership!

Happy St. Patrick's Day
May the dreams you hold dearest be those which come true. And the kindness you spread keep returning to you.
4th Grade Sacramento Field Trip
Fourth grade enjoyed three days learning about California history in Sacramento, Coloma, and San Francisco last week.
intheknowIn The Know
Change in Parking Availability for Parents

As always, the safety of our students is a high priority. To increase safety during morning drop-off, staff park will now park in our parking lot against the field. This will keep parents from pulling in and out of those spots (across the student path of travel) while students are arriving).

To compensate for this, staff will not park on Fischer Avenue along our property, leaving these spaces available for parents.

IMPORTANT REMINDER TO PARENTS: During morning drop off, please do not drop off students in the street or while parked on the street. You may park in the parking lot or you may park along Fischer Avenue, but you must accompany your student into the school. Parents must park and walk student(s) into school if you are not using the designated drop-off areas. There is NO STUDENT DROP OFF in parent parking areas. We cannot have students crossing the car path of travel without being accompanied by an adult.

Please see the enclosed diagram for details. If you have questions, please contact Keven Kroehler at kkroehler@marinerscs.org.  Thank you for your partnership.
New Law to Go Into Effect July 1, 2019
There have been recent changes to school entry immunization requirements that go into effect July 1, 2019. We are sharing these changes with you so that you may work with your child's healthcare provider to make sure your child is vaccinated (California Code of Regulations Title 17, Division 1, Chapter 4.) There has been the addition of a second Varicella vaccine requirement for entry into elementary school at Transitional Kindergarten (TK)/Kindergarten (K) and/or seventh grade, administered by a licensed California Healthcare Practitioner.

Grade                   Number of Doses Required of Each Immunization
TK/K-12 Admission 4 Polio 5 DTaP 3 Hep B 2 MMR 2 Varicella
7th-12th Grade 1 Tdap

7th Grade Advancement 2 Varicella 1 Tdap

California schools are required by law to check the immunization records for all new student admissions at TK/Kindergarten through 12th grade and all students advancing to 7th grade before entry. Students meeting all immunization requirements will be unconditionally admitted to school. Students may also be unconditionally admitted if they have a permanent medical exception in accordance with Section 6051. Your child may receive the necessary vaccines from his/her primary care practitioner or pharmacy. It is important to get your child vaccinated early so there will be no issue with school entry. Please make sure you bring your child's vaccine record to the school so it may be on file. Should you have questions, please contact the MCS Health office or your child's health care provider. 
Choice Lunch

Please remember to order Choice Lunch for your student(s) for March and April. Thanks so much! www.choicelunch.com.
All Lost and Found Items Donated the Last School Day of the Month

Please note that lost and found items will be donated at the end of the school day on Friday, March 29th. Please take a moment to look for your lost items periodically.
Volunteers Needed!

Looking for a great way to volunteer that can  fit your schedule? Lost and found distribution would love your help. There are lots of items wanting to find their owners! Please contact Jen Crowell at jcrowell@marinerscs.org for more information. 
happybirthdayHappy Birthday & Spirit Rock Fun!
Happy Birthday Malakai. Wishing you all of God's blessings as you turn 6!

  If you would like to share your rock design and special person in E-News, please email a photo to nenglish@marinerscs.org.  Thank you!


Jené Streeter 3/4
Angie Nakamoto 3/19
Bing Liu 3/21
Karri Meyer 3/21
Barbara O'Brian 3/24
Sara Lunsford 3/26
Kimberly Wilson 3/26
Rick Contreras 3/31


Heather Harrison 4/3
Paulette Seaman 4/7
Morgan Knight 4/11
Lisa Bahadoor 4/12
Chris Carpenter 4/16
Susan Conners 4/26
Natalie English 4/26

This list is provided to you by our Parent Teacher Fellowship.
Movie Recommendation: Faith, Hope & Love This Weekend!
Our Outdoor Director Jennifer Crowell wanted to share about an amazing Christian Family movie produced by a friend of hers coming out next weekend. 
Faith, Hope & Love is coming to theaters the weekend of March 15,16 and 17!  In order for the movie to stay in theaters it has to do well the first weekend, otherwise the theaters will stop showing it.  Tickets are available now for purchase online at https://fhl.movie
middleschoolenewsMiddle School E-Newsletter

  H I S
"The earth is [ His]  and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." Psalm 24:1 NIV
Evening of Honor: A Sakura Celebration
Click Below for Evening of Honor Photo Gallery

The 2019 Evening of Honor lived up to its name last Friday night, as the 7th and 8th grade students honored God, each other, and their school in our annual dinner/dance event. The theme this year was A Sakura Celebration, which means Cherry Blossom Festival in Japanese.  The new Center for Worship and Performing Arts served as the perfect location to host this event, and the students were in awe as they walked into the transformed space.  The students reveled in the opportunity to dress up, with the young ladies in their beautiful dresses and the young men in their dapper attire.  The evening consisted of dinner and dessert served by the middle school staff, along with an 8th grade flash mob (choreographed by Mrs. Harrison!), joyful dancing, and many photos snapped in the photo booth! The evening ended with the beloved tradition of the mother/son and father/daughter dance, concluding an evening full of new memories that will last a lifetime.  

A special thanks to the committee of moms who beautifully carried out the vision for the evening, including: Laurie Kelly, Dee Hill, Adella Pyo, Courtney McDonald, Kristen Morrissey, Valerie Reiner, Irene Yonkers, Michelle Vail, Theresa Hellings, Barb Rieke, Jen Anderson, Shannon Wooten, Angie Wisdom, Brenda Read, and Kelley O'Bryan. Thank you for so generously sharing your time and talents on our students' behalf. 
Middle School Pi Day 2019
MCS Middle School Pi Day 2019
On the same day that Google calculated 31.4 trillion decimal places in the number Pi, the math department celebrated the day with discoveries, creative Pi shirts, and food galore.  Not only did we increase our circumference by enjoying delicious, round treats, we also explored the meaning of Pi by discovering various circumferences and areas.  It was definitely an irrational day!
Middle School Share2Wear:  Tuesday (3/19) is Share Day 
Wednesday (3/20) Wear Day: Childhood Book Character
Our March Share2Wear Day is this coming Wednesday, 3/20! Here's the scoop: Tuesday-Share day: Bring in at least 1 gently used book (or as many as you can scrounge together!) Books can be for people of all ages. Coming from one of last year's Difference Maker ideas, these books are going to go into free libraries that will be strategically placed in our surrounding neighborhoods for families to use. 

Wednesday-Wear Day:
In keeping with the theme...those who share will be able to dress like a character from one of your favorite childhood books! Think way back to when you were a kid...who were your favorite characters to read about? What clothing, hairstyle, or accessory was unique to their character? Your attire must have at least 3 things in common with your character that make it obvious who you are dressed up as.   This is NOT a free dress day. You should very clearly be in theme, or you should be in uniform. For this month only: costume style attire is acceptable, as long as it is not a distraction and it still fits within all other dress code guidelines.

All School Themed Dress Guidelines Apply:  CLICK TO VIEW

Middle School What's4Lunch? Orders Due Sunday (3/17) 11:45PM
Wednesday! March 20th: The Pizza Bakery
Please click the link below to sign your child up for lunch:

The choices are as follows ($6 per meal):
  1. One GIANT slice of cheese pizza, 2 garlic knots, a cutie orange, and a bottle of water
  2. One GIANT slice of pepperoni pizza, 2 garlic knots, a cutie orange, and a bottle of water
  3. One GIANT slice of gluten free pepperoni pizza, a cutie orange, and a bottle of water
Please Note: If your child has a healthy appetite, you are welcome to order 2 meals for him or her!
All orders must be placed by 11:45 PM on Sunday, March 17. Late orders are not accepted.

*Please print a receipt and send it with your student on the day of Wednesday (3/20) as an expedited ticket to their meal.*

We Love Our Church Leaders!
Pastors Chapel Invite & Parent Letter Sent Home Today
We are looking forward to having our local church leaders join us for a chapel with our students on Monday, March 25. Our students have been given an invitation to hand deliver to the youth/children's pastor, small group leader, or church volunteer that makes a spiritual impact in their life. 

Please see the attached parent letter and downloadable copy of the invitation, or there are more invitations available at the front desk. 
Attention 8th Grade Parents-Graduation Video Pictures Due March 20th 
One of the hallmark pieces of the graduation ceremony is the video that includes all graduates both at a young age and now. Parents are required to submit these photos to Mrs. Niles no later than March 20th. Information has been communicated regarding the details for submittal. To review this information again, CLICK HERE
TK-7th Grade Yearbook Dedications Due March 22nd

It's that time of year again! You have the opportunity to honor your TK - 7th grade child with a dedication in our annual yearbook. The focus of the written dedication is to affirm, bless, and honor your MCS child.

Here are the details:
  • Each dedication costs $20 for 1/8th of a page
  • Words only, no photos (We save the photo dedications for when your child is graduating.)
  • There is a limit of 80 words for your dedication. Please proofread your submissions.
  • Billing for the dedication will be through FACTS at a later date.
Please note that there is limited space for dedications, so make sure to submit your dedication early to guarantee that it will be included. Submissions will be accepted until all available spots are purchased. The final deadline for submissions is March 22nd. If you wish to purchase a dedication, please send your 80 word submission to: yearbook@marinerscs.org.

Thank you in advance for helping to make this yearbook a blessing to our students. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at yearbook@marinerscs.org

In Him,
Sam Brooks and Sharee Pfaff  - MCS Yearbook Advisers
No School Day - Friday, March 22nd
Professional Development for Staff

There is no school on Friday, March 22nd, due to a staff Professional Development day. 

Don't forget to attend the School House Rock Live, Jr. production on Friday evening, March 22nd, at 6PM. Click here for Friday tickets. See below for more details.
4th-8th Grade "HIS" Photos: Submission by March 29th
The MCS Yearbook team is looking for photos that best display our theme of "HIS"! All students in grades 4th-8th are invited to submit a photo to yearbook@marinerscs.org. Here are the details:
  • Only one photo per person
  • You may have people in your photo, but clothing must follow school dress code and your must have their written permission
  • Photos must be original work by you
  • Editing is allowed
  • No picture taking during the school day
  • You may use a photo taken in the past
  • Pictures taken on a phone are accepted and must be in jpeg format
Students in the yearbook elective will be selecting the photos that best capture our theme of HIS. Selected photos will be displayed on a special page in the yearbook.

Click here for flyer.
An Invitation to Our Middle School Band & Orchestra Concert on April 9th
Save the date and invite your extended family and friends to hear the amazing sounds of our Middle School Band and Orchestra on Tuesday, April 9th, at 6:30PM

High School Information

Mater Dei High School: Please more information about entrance exam dates and admissions, click here.

Corona del Mar High SchoolUpcoming Open House/Incoming 9th Grade Parent Night - DATE CHANGE:   New date is: Wednesday, March 27th begins at 5:30PM. If you have questions, please contact Julie Rahmatulla at 949.515.6037.

Newport Harbor High School:  New Sailor Families Invited (for incoming Freshmen) - Open House on Monday, March 25th , from 6:00-8:00PM in the Main Gym. Contact 949.515.6300 if you have questions.  Food Trucks in the parking lot between 4:00 and 8:00 PM. 

Pacifica Christian High School:  Click here to register for an upcoming Open House Event or schedule your visit here . Contact Sarah Parsons, Director of Admissions, with questions at sparsons@pacificaoc.org .
Early College High School: Questions, call 714.424.7990 for details. Located at:  2990 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
Orange Lutheran High School: To view OLu's UPDATED AND UPCOMING Shadow Days , CLICK HERE. You are cordially invited to attend OLu's Spirit of Spring Concert featuring Jazz Band, String Ensemble, Orchestra and several Choirs. It will be held on Sunday, March 3rd, at 2PM, in the Alexandra Mechita Center for the Arts. An invitation to attend "Hairspray - The Broadway Musical" April 11, 12, 13, and 14. To purchase your tickets, visit: lhsoc.org/arts or call 714.282.4699.
JSerra Catholic High School: Questions, please contact Chris Harrington at charrington@jserra.org.

Crean Lutheran High School: Summer Youth Camps. Visit clshs.org/youthcamps for more information.   Contact Mrs. Tara Mathis at mathis@clshs.org or at 949.387.1199, ext. 2417.