Sokol SF Newsletter - October 2021
Dear Sokols and Friends,
we are entering the last season of this year, filled with remarkable Sokol SF events.
Among September activities, two of them in particular, were very well received by many participants:
- Czech virtual cooking of fruit dumplings, namely dough with gluten free flour
- "Help Conserve Nature" in Candlestick Point, organized by Sokol SF & Czech School of CA, 34 hardworking children and adults removed large amounts of trash, a real help to conserve nature.
In October, in collaboration with ČOS (Česká Obec Sokolská) and Czech School of California, we are looking forward to taking part in "Sokolsky Běh Republiky" for the very first time.
Over 70 runners will honor an anniversary of the Czech Republic. The run will be followed by a picnic in the same area - Ryder Park Picnic Area in San Mateo.
For November we are preparing an elegant "Gala" event, and in December we will hold the popular virtual Christmas Cookies Demonstration and Christmas carol singing.
And do not miss the DJ’s Bistro Lunch in Concord on Sunday, October 10, 2021!
You are very welcome to all of our events!
Jara Dusatko
October 10
Farewell to DJ's Bistro Lunch
October 17
Picnic - potluck
Sokolsky Beh Republiky - REGISTRATION IS CLOSED- capacity is sold out
see information below
November 13
Sokol Grand Gala at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Foster City
Registration is open
December 12
Czech Christmas Cookies - Vitrual demonstration
December 18
Christmas Carols singing
January 22
Annual meeting @ 4 pm via Zoom
May 7, 2022
San Francisco Symphony -
A. Dvorak Symphony 9th - From the New World
Event Times are on Pacific Daylight Time
Thanks to this year's successful "Membership Drive," we are thrilled to
announce that Sokol SF has reached 100 members!
It's been exciting to see individuals join our online events and
subscribe to our newsletter from all over the world and
we thank each and every one of our new and
existing members for supporting us and what we do!
With gratitude, the Sokol SF Board
Last Call for Dancers for November 13, 2021
Sokol SF Gala Event
Sokol SF is putting out a call for dancers. All are welcome!
Couples, singles and any level of dance experience to perform the Grand Polonaise at the
SF Sokol Gala Evening (details below).
Rehearsals will be held on 4 consecutive Tuesday evenings October 19 through November 9 beginning at 7:30 PM at the
Polish Hall at 3040 22nd Street in San Francisco.
We ask dancers to make a commitment to a minimum of 3 rehearsals and the performance.
Costumes will be provided, footwear to be determined
Sokol SF Gala Evening
8:00 PM performance
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1221 Chess Drive, Foster City
Music by Antonín Dvořák, Choreography by Mary Kay Stuvland
Contact Anastasia Heroldova if you have questions or if you'd like to join:
Farewell DJ's Bistro Lunch
in Concord on Sunday, October 10, 2021
Alas, the rumors are true - after over 20 years, Jaroslav Sedivy - the owner of our favorite Czech East Bay eatery - DJ's Bistro, will be closing up shop and retiring.
We will miss him and his delicious dishes at his restaurant and at the various events he always enthusiastically catered for us, but not without visiting him one more time!
We hope you join us for one last lunch
as we bid Jarda and DJ's farewell and all the best!
Sunday, October 10, 2021 at noon
Meet at DJ Bistro
1825 Sutter Street, #C
Concord, CA 94520
Sokol SF members will receive from us $10 contributions for their lunch.
Public Safety: All county COVID-19 protocols remain in place, including maintaining a social distance of 6' & mandatory face coverings when this is not possible. Please bring your own face coverings & hand sanitizer. Help us stay safe by following the local public safety orders.
SF Bay Area Sokolský Běh Republiky 2021
and picnic
Sunday, October 17, 2021
We are so excited that so many of you decided to celebrate the foundation of the Czech Republic with us!
Our registration is now closed as all runner spots had been already taken!
You can still join us for a picnic and cheer our runners on!
For more general information about the run and its history, click on the "Sokolsky Beh Republiky" image on the right or go to:
Both the Run and the Picnic will take place:
Sunday, October 17, 2021
There is 10 large picnic tables, one of which we will use as a staging area for any shared food and BBQ supplies, 4 smaller picnic tables, a large grassy area if you want to bring your picnic blanket, chairs, etc.
We encourage you to bring any lawn games.
If you play guitar or other musical instrument, bring it too! That would be awesome if we could sing together.
Schedule for the day:
8 - 9 am Check-in for the Kids races - 10 and under group ENDS at 8:45 am
8 - 10:15 am Check-in for the Adult run
8:45 am 10 and under group moves to top of the hill to the Start
9:00 am 10 and under group START
9:30 am 14 and under group START
all return to Ryder Park Picnic area after the second race
10:30 am Adult run START
11:00 am BBQ grills will be ready to start grilling
12:00 pm Kids races podium followed by Adult run podium
After the run, we will have a picnic and potluck partially sponsored by Sokol San Francisco and the Czech School of California.
We will be providing:
charcoal and BBQ tools
tablecloth and napkins
paper plates and plastic cutlery
snacks for the runners
Bring your favorite entree to grill and if you like, you can bring some to share.
Public Safety: All county COVID-19 protocols remain in place, including maintaining a social distance of 6' & mandatory face coverings when this is not possible. Please bring your own face coverings & hand sanitizer. Help us stay safe by following the local public safety orders.
Sokol San Francisco Celebrates With A Grand Gala
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Sokol SF is excited to announce that we would like to celebrate together once again
Join Us
Saturday, November 13
6:15pm - 10:30pm
at the
Crowne Plaza Hotel in Foster City
Black Tie Optional
The Grand Gala will feature a rich program
as well as a three-course dinner in the company of great friends and newly made friends all in a stunning setting.
Our new Czech Consulate,
Amb. Jaroslav Olša, Jr.,
will greet us and then present
the prestigious Gratias Agit award
to Sokol SF President, Jara Dusatko
Tickets are available for purchase below
Sokol SF Members can reserve a table with friends.
If we have to cancel the event,
you will be fully refunded.
Dinner will be a choice of one of three scrumptious entrees
Braised short ribs with
Yukon potato puree
Pan-seared salmon with
mashed cauliflower and lemon butter
Vegetarian butternut squash ravioli, organic baby vegetables and cannellini bean cassoulet
Czech dancers and friends wearing traditional costumes,
will entertain us with the ceremonial processional,
the Grande Polonaise, with music by Antonín Dvořák.
We will dance the night away
to our favorite
Capriccio Dance Band.
So that all can participate when the polka music starts,
Anastasia Heroldova will lead us in dance lessons.
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Thank you all who joined us for our virtual cooking demonstration.
And thank you for all your kind words.
We are glad you enjoyed our presentation and had fun as much as we did and that you learned something new along the way.
Your questions and notes were appreciated.
Just in case you missed it, here are links to the recipes and the video recording of the class.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our next event.
We are working on Christmas cookie edition. You can drop us a note what are your favorite cookies or what cookies you would like to learn to make or our Facebook page
Help Conserve Nature
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Presented by Sokol SF and The Czech School of CA
For our recap here is a Thank you letter from ranger James who summed it up really well:
Dear Sokol Group and Staff,
WOW! What an incredible work party!
We had a killer little baby Gopher Snake, which most of the kids got to gently touch, to feel that the scales are dry, not slimy.
Other than that, we had no time for animals because everyone had their heads down on trash removal.
Today, 34 Helpers plus Mo and Interpreter James removed 71 5-gallon buckets of trash! 71!
We also removed 15 tires (some with rims!).
We also removed 21 large hunks of gnarled and rusted metal. It looks like a whole car was dumped there at one point.
We stayed along the shoreline from about the middle of Sector G to the middle of Sector F. Mostly around the boat ramp vicinity along Yosemite Slough.
We found a heavy electric rental scooter that had been damaged and dumped.
We found a full piece of rebar that was perfectly straight, so we left it near the wood pile next to the dumpster for Maintenance use.
Finally, we also sang and danced to the Candlestick Point is Awesome song!! Nice singing and clapping everybody.
We can’t wait to have you come back and join us again for a funtabulous adventure. It was totally my pleasure working with such a hard working group. As everyone can clearly see, this park needs lots and lots of help; and the Sokol Group is part of the cure! 😊
And shout out to Mo for coming out from the local community and being a great second; helping us stay neat and organized, and taking some great pics (most of the pics attached are his).
Please check out our social media and inform the rest of the group. Please send me more of your pics if you have them.
Thank you for caring about Candlestick Point SRA, and for helping me make a real impact in this park and in the Bayview community.
Hike the Redwood Shores Bay Trail with Us!
Sunday, September 26, 2021
6 adults, 3 kids and 2 “Sokol friendly” dogs met for a hike on September 26th. We started at the new Redwood Shores Librarywith a nice view of the Oracle Corporation's World Headquarters campus which sits on a peninsula at the end of Belmont Slough.
We walked all together for about 2 hours to see marchland surrounding the Redwood Shores with nice view of the Bay and variety of animals all around us (Canada geese, jackrabbit, loon, salt marsh harvest mouse).
We had the opportunity to witness a fisherman catching a stingray and let it go back to the Bay.
Come and join us for the next hike with SOKOL and meet new friends.
Beach Táborak - Call for Help
Sitting around a camp fire and singing, guitars playing,
buřty sizzling over the fire...
Does that sound good to you?
Can you help us put the event together?
We are looking for volunteers to help organize a Beach Táborak in the
Please respond to
Krajane v Kalifornii oslavili v horskem kempu Labor Day
Setkání letos už po šesté organizovala Martina Nemecek v Hurkey Creek parku. Více jak sto padesát krajanů i jejich psích mazlíčků se sjelo z Los Angeles, San Diega a okolí k třídennímu odpočinku a zábavě v nádherné vysokohorské přírodě. Cesta sem není vůbec jednoduchá. Z Los Angeles trvá dvě a půl hodiny.
Celebrating a year of St. Ludmila
Národní svatoludmilská poutˇ a mše v Tetíně 18. září byla vyvrcholením oslav "Roku svaté Ludmily".
Pro slavnou poutní bohoslužbu poskytl svou louku s romantickým výhledem na okolní krajinu místní farník a statkář pan Matthew V. Duras. Na louce u tetínského fotbalového hřiště začal v 10:00 hod. modlitební předprogram, vedený Mons. Pavlem Dokládalem, farářem v Koclířově. Během tohoto programu byl na louce požehnán velký dubový kříž. Od 11:00 hod. na louce celebroval v českém jazyce slavnou poutní mši svatou zvláštní papežský legát pro tuto příležitost Christoph kardinál Schönborn OP., vídeňský arcibiskup. Spolu s ním koncelebrovali čeští a moravští biskupové. Poutní bohoslužbou jsme chtěli také poděkovat za dar církevního školství a modlit se za zdravé mezigenerační vztahy.
Život známé české světice, oddané manželky, matky 6 dětí, vzdělané a spravedlivé panovnice, moudré vychovatelky a babičky, je inspirující i po 1100 letech.
Ludmila byla dcerou knížete Slavibora, jenž sídlil buď v Mělníku nebo v dnešní Lužici. Stala se manželkou prvního známého Přemyslovce Bořivoje a společně s ním přijala křesťanství. Spolu tak nasměrovali vývoj české státnosti vstříc evropskému křesťanství, písemné kultuře a středověkému státu. Po smrti muže se Ludmila úspěšně přičinila o udržení moci Přemyslovců v Čechách a po smrti vládnoucích synů – Spytihněva a Vratislava – se stala vychovatelkou vnuka Václava.
Spory o výchovu či přímo o politickou moc vedly ke konfliktu se snachou Drahomírou, která nechala svou tchyni zabít na hradě Tetín. Václav nedlouho poté při nástupu k moci nechal ostatky své babičky přenést do Prahy a Ludmila se tak stala světicí.
Její kult zůstal ve stínu kultu jejího vnuka, ale byl rozvíjen v pražském klášteře benediktinek u sv. Jiří.
Sv. Ludmila může v dnešní době inspirovat tím, jak přirozeně naplňovala svou úlohu ženy a vychovatelky v rodině, byť pozice ženy v raném středověku byla jiná než dnes. Její život byl v minulosti inspirací i pro výtvarné umění. Především středověká a barokní ikonografie si vybrala motiv babičky jako vychovatelky sv. Václava.
Vždy je zobrazována jako starší žena s atributem šátku, tedy nástrojem své mučednické smrti.