CORRECTION 4/19: In the original newsletter released on Friday 4/15, the link to the regional news map did not work. This edition contains a working link.
Regional Updates
News from around the Region
Stay up to date with our roundup of planning and development news from around the region.
Welcome 2022 Interns
Please join us in welcoming our new GIS Intern Cora Johnson and our new Planning Intern Erik Heisel to the team.
Reminder: Comment on the Draft 2050 Regional Development Framework Report by May 13
One month left to weigh in on the 2050 Regional Development Framework! View the draft report and submit comments at
Outreach & Education
News Map Changes
After a winter hiatus, our regional news map is back with an updated look. We have also updated where we gather information from and how detailed that information is. Changes to the map will be ongoing over the next few months as we work to improve how we gather statistics from local sources.
2022 RPC-MPO Webinar Topics
The results are in! Based on your responses to our recent poll, CARPC and the MPO are planning webinars on the following topics:

  • Meeting Regional Climate Targets
  • Local Complete Streets Design Examples & Initiatives
  • Planning 101 for Local Plan Commissioners
  • Local and Regional Traffic Safety Initiatives
  • Local Examples of Regional Development Framework Strategies

Our first session, Meeting Regional Climate Targets, will take place in June. Stay tuned for more information!
Commission Activities
Welcome, Commissioner Wallner!
This month we welcome David Wallner as our newest CARPC Commissioner. David was appointed by the City of Madison to succeed long-serving Commissioner Larry Palm. A retired teacher, David is also a former City of Madison alder and previously served on the Madison Public Library Board and Board of Park Commissioners. Outside of public service, David and his wife are known for hosting house concerts at their home.
Elected Commissioner Heidi Murphy as Vice Chairperson

Designated Commissioner David Pfeiffer as a CARPC employee with the title "Executive Chairperson"

Received a presentation on the Greater Madison MPO's 2050 Regional Transportation Plan

Recommended amendment of the Central Urban Service Area for the City of Madison's Northeast Neighborhood development
Recommended amendment of the Central Urban Service Area for the City of Madison's Yahara Hills Neighborhood development

Recommended amendment of the Central Urban Service Area for the City of Middleton's Belle Farms development

Discussed MG&E's concept of solar installations in Environmental Corridors and wetlands

Discussed feedback received on the 2050 Regional Development Framework at the April 13 DCCVA Roundtable Discussion
Next CARPC Meeting
May 12, 2022 @ 6:00pm

Virtual meeting via Zoom

Visit our Meeting Info page for the most up-to-date meeting information