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Central Region Centennial Attire

Greetings Central Region!

We are excited to present options for you to represent in a Captivating way at the Centennial Boule. As a courtesy, we invite you to use our custom design to have your shirt made in your desired color. Below, you will find examples of how the shirt would look in four different colors. Right click on the images to download and provide to your vendor. Please keep in mind that this design belongs to Central Region and should not be altered in any way. 

Disclaimer: Please save our Captivating design for the events below. Please do not share this information on social media outlets

If you have the items listed, please bring them to Indy. If you don’t have the items just represent the Captivating Central Region in GREATER fashion! 

7/12: Thee Homecoming: Central Region Bling Shirt *Sales are closed for this shirt in the Sigma Store due to preorders.

7/13: The Block Party: Central I Am Captivating Shirt

7/14: Central Region Caplet & Boule Dress

7/15: Central Region Pearl Set or Scarf 

7/17: Praise & Worship Breakfast (Official Sponsor Central Region): Central Region Lapel Pin (any will be acceptable)

Thank you for your willingness to represent the Captivating Central Region. πŸ’›πŸ’™

I am Captivating in Gold w/Blue outline

I am Captivating in Blue w/Gold outline

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I am Captivating in Gold transparent

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I am Captivating in Blue transparent

I am Captivating Gold on Blue Shirt

I am Captivating Blue on Gold Shirt

I am Captivating Gold on White Shirt

I am Captivating Blue on Black Shirt

Central Region Logo Bling Shirt

Central Region Capelet

Central Region Pearl Set

Central Region Scarf and Pin Set

CENTRAL REGION | Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. | sgrhocentral.com

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