Due to a technical glitch, a member profile in this week's newsletter ran twice. The corrected newsletter is below. | |
Happy holidays to you and yours |
The last day of this year will be 123123. Unique, just like the year 2023. It marked the transition from pandemic response to a new normalcy. With that, World Trade Center Delaware graduated to a full schedule of in-person meetings, training, matchmaking, networking events, and international travel.
International Delaware Debuts
The latest edition of International Delaware™ was released last week and shows just why Delaware is not just the Corporate Capital of the World, but also becoming the choice for companies that wish to move or expand their manufacturing or logistics operations. Let us know if you would like hard copies to share with your customers, clients, and partners.
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WTCA Global Business Forum
Already, we are planning our exhibition space at the 54th World Trade Centers Association Global Business Forum, formerly called the General Assembly, in Bengaluru, India from March 3 to 6, 2024. The new name reflects the increased emphasis on Business to Business, Government to Business and other matchmaking and collaboration opportunities within WTCA events. Join us and learn just how your membership in the World Trade Centers network can boost your business.
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US-Africa Business Summit and Kickoff
Our next travel will be to the 2024 US-Africa Business Summit from May 6-9, meeting in Dallas, Texas this year. Companies that travel to the Summit with us report excellent results. They strengthen relationships with African and US partners, customers, and suppliers, and learn about trade strategies and opportunities from corporate leaders and policymakers at the highest level of US and African governments and multilateral organizations. Of course, we will again host our Kickoff to the Summit on April 16. Places for this signature event are limited, so be sure to sign up and indicate your matchmaking choices as soon as we open registration. World Trade Center Delaware members in good standing have first choice for this event.
EXIM Training
Another signature event is our annual EXIM training with leaders from the Export-Import Bank of the United States, members of our Congressional delegations, and financial and risk management experts. We are holding this on June 13, and attendance is limited to allow for meaningful dialogue among the participants. WTC Delaware members enjoy the first opportunity to register.
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Chocolate and Beer
We are planning a series of after-work social events around the state beginning in early 2024. Save February 22 for our 6th Annual Chocolate and Beer tasting using all local purveyors. The beer is produced by Midnight Oil Brewing with gourmet chocolate bonbons from Sweet Dreams. Again, we will munch on sponsor United Cocoa Processor’s chocolates and find out the source of this year’s goodies.
Seamen's Center Support
On a more serious note, we in Delaware are very fortunate that the economy has improved, and that we are safe from the vicissitudes of war. Such is not the case in other parts of the world. In this newsletter, we link to an appeal from the Seamen’s Center of Wilmington for donations for the seafarers, many of whom come from countries in economic disarray or strife. Please include them in your thoughts and actions as you prepare to celebrate the holidays and new year.
We wish you a very happy and healthy holiday season and our sincere wishes for a prosperous and peaceful new year.
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Carla Sydney Stone
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Learn more about Port to Port International
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Learn more about Delaware Business Times
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Delaware Prosperity Partnership
The Delaware Prosperity Partnership is Delaware’s lead economic development agency, aiming to attract, grow, and retain businesses. It also works to build a system of innovation and entrepreneurship and support employers in attracting and recruiting talent. World Trade Center Delaware is one of DPP’s economic development partners, referring companies to WTC for consultations and support.
Learn more: www.choosedelaware.com
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A leading bank in the region since 1832, WSFS Bank is one of the 10 oldest banks in the U.S. still operating under the same name. It manages $77.6 billion in assets. It operates multiple wealth management planning and advisory services, trust services, and investment management services, as well as ATM vault cash services, a commercial financial equipment company, and mortgage lending services. WSFS also donates more than 17,000 volunteer hours and more than $2.9 million to the communities it serves.
Learn more: www.wsfsbank.com
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Convergence Public Affairs
Convergence Public Affairs is a public affairs, government relations, strategic communication, and public policy firm in Wilmington and Washington, D.C. Senior Director of Public Affairs and Advocacy Ken Grant first connected with World Trade Center Delaware when working with Miles Scientific in 2007, and he served as the master of ceremonies for the recent WTC Gala. "Carla and the team at World Trade Center Delaware provide valuable insights and connections in every market we have explored," Grant said.
Learn more: www.convergencepubaffairs.com
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Welcome New Board Member Ken Grant | |
Please welcome new World Trade Center board member Ken Grant! He has more than 30 years of experience in media, government relations, and marketing, as well as several experiences with trade missions to Brazil, UAE, India, China, Japan, and South Korea. He's been named as a Small Business Media Advocate by the Small Business Administration, an Entrepreneurial Advocate by the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce, and the Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council has named him the recipient of the Excellence in Public Service Award.
Ken is an active member of the Rotary Club of Wilmington and was part of the committee that organized a fundraising effort to provide nearly $300,000 in humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine. Ken and his wife, Kristin, live in Newark, where Kristin tutors international students through the University of Delaware's English Language Institute.
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Foreign Trade Zone Workshop a Success | |
World Trade Center Delaware and several partners held a recent successful workshop to help attorneys, bankers, accountants, custom brokers, warehousers, and others understand how foreign trade zones can benefit their business. From left, Carla Stone, president of World Trade Center Delaware; Erik E. Kelling, chief of staff, Area Port of Philadelphia, U.S. Customs and Border Protection; Sean F. Lydon, president, ISCM Inc., a speaker at the event; Patty Cannon, Delaware Foreign Trade Zone Administrator; Nesrin Cakiroglu, director of operations and training, World Trade Center Delaware; and Scott Taylor, member and FTZ Practice Leader, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, a speaker at the event. | |
Save the Date: Events Coming Up | |
The Path to High Impact Business & Successful Entrepreneurial Activities
February 8, 5 – 7 p.m., Yards Brewery, 500 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, PA 19123
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World Trade Center Delaware interns Erin McGrellis and Seyeon Min represented us at the recent Taste of Delaware event in Washington, D.C. They toured Washington, Annapolis, and the National Gallery of Art during the day. | |
Exploring the Winter Holidays Worldwide | |
Delaware’s diverse cultural and religious communities join others throughout the globe in celebrating holidays in winter. They include Diwali, Bodhi, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, each with unique significance and customs. This multitude of winter celebrations illustrates the rich diversity of customs and practices embraced by communities worldwide during this festive season.
Diwali is an official five-day Hindu festival in India. The word “Diwali” is from a phrase meaning “row of lamps,” as the holiday involves lighting small clay lamps, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.
Bodhi, meaning awakening or enlightenment, is observed through Mahayana traditions. Celebrated by meditating around Asian countries, one shared aspect across all services is the commemoration of Buddha’s achieving nirvana.
Christmas is the most globally recognized holiday, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. A Christmas tree with lights and ornaments is a common sight, especially in the United States.
Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday that celebrates the re-establishment of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem following the Maccabean Revolt in the 2nd century BCE. It begins on the 25th day of Kilev in the Hebrew Calendar.
Kwanzaa is a week-long holiday, aimed at honoring African heritage within African American culture. It is observed from December 26 to January 1 and ends with a festive meal and the exchange of gifts.
Lunar New Year begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends on the first full moon of the lunar calendar, 15 days later. The lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, so the date of the holiday varies slightly from year to year. Access the complete article here!
By Seyeon (Sena) Min - WTC Delaware Research & Trade Information Intern
Diwali, Hanukkah: https://mccormickcenter.nl.edu/library/winter-celebrations/
Christmas, Kwanzaa: https://time.com/6242283/december-global-holidays-christmas-hanukkah-yule/
Bodhi Day: https://www.worldreligionnews.com/religion-news/buddhism/winter-holiday-series-bodhi-day/
Lunar New Year: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lunar-New-Year
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Help Fill the Seamen's Center Wish List | |
This holiday season, let us remember those seafarers who work far away from home. These unseen angels of the sea make it possible for us and our families to enjoy our standard of living and for us to work in an industry that we love. Please give to the Seamen's Center of Wilmington Christmas at Sea by making a purchase from the gift list below of the most needed items for the ditty boxes they will receive. Just click on the link. Help our seafarers by acknowledging that their work never stops, even for the holiday season. | |
Read International Delaware Online Today | |
Every year, International Delaware magazine showcases how World Trade Center Delaware expands businesses, improves profitability, and increases employment through international trade. The 2023-24 edition of the magazine shares why Delaware is known as the corporate capital of the world, the advantages of locating in Delaware, why Delaware's court system is a plus for businesses, and more. | |
Apply to Join South Korea Trade Mission | |
U.S. exporters can apply now to join an agribusiness trade mission to the Republic of Korea in March. The mission will take place March 25-28 along with the USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, Alexis Taylor.
Selected participants will have two days of meetings with potential importers, processors and distributors. They will also receive market briefings from USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service and industry trade experts and participate in site visits and other networking opportunities.
The Republic of Korea is one of the top US export markets and officials see tremendous potential for growth in health and fitness, ready-to-eat, and convenience products. In 2022, South Korea imported approximately $41.1 billion worth of agricultural goods, and the United States was the leading supplier with $10.4 billion in agricultural exports.
Exporters must apply by December 18, 2023.
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Apply for Panama, Costa Rica, and Colombia Trade Mission | |
Women-led businesses can apply for an upcoming Global Diversity Export Initiative trade mission to three countries next March.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration will be leading the mission, which will include the Opportunities for Woman-Led Businesses in the Americas Conference in Panama City, March 10-11.
There will also be prearranged 1-on-1 consultations with U.S. commercial officers and diplomats representing 15 countries in the Americas. U.S. Embassies participating in the event are from the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay. Learn more about the mission.
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WTC Delaware provides a full range of international trade-related services with an in-depth focus on export/import of services and manufactured goods. These pages contain brief information on opportunities that could offer exciting possibilities for U.S. companies in a variety of industry sectors.
MEXICO: EV Charging Station Partners
COLOMBIA: Railway Equipment
RUSSIA, UKRAINE, EURASIA: Reconstruction Procurement Alerts
ARMENIA: Water Reservoirs Assessment
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Water and Wastewater Technology Supplier
EGYPT: EBRD Consultancy Opportunities
HONG KONG: Oceanographic Deep Sea Gas Hydrate Inhibition Technology
MOROCCO: Water Infrastructure Project
MEXICO: Wastewater Collection System Improvements
TUNISIA: Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation
View the most recent trade leads here.
Delaware companies: Please fill out our trade leads form so we can market your products or services!
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The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce promotes economic development in Kent County by advancing the civic and social interests of private businesses. As a nonprofit, nonpartisan and nonsectarian organization, the CDCC works in education, legislation, marketing and networking to grow business development. Its 5-star accreditation is achieved by just 1 percent of chambers in the country.
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Highlight your most recent offerings and achievements with World Trade Center Delaware.
Become a member today!
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World Trade Center® Delaware is the State’s premier international business resource. We help companies, especially small, medium-sized and emerging enterprises, to grow their international business. We provide trade leads, training programs, job leads, networking, matchmaking, trade mission and reverse trade mission opportunities for Delaware companies. We serve all types of companies in various sectors including agriculture, environmental remediation, IT, medical equipment manufacturing, biopharmaceuticals, financial, legal and real estate services. For more information visit us at www.wtcde.com.
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World Trade Center Delaware
42 Reads Way, Suite B
New Castle, DE 19720
ph: 302-656-7905
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Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved. | | | | |