August 2020
** Correction: An earlier version of the WiAP newsletter incorrectly named Aly Morola Impija as the CEO of EDM. In June of 2020, Marcelino Gildo Alberto became the CEO of EDM. Marcelino Gildo Alberto and EDM are important Engendering Utilities partners, and we apologize for the error.**
First, a word of thanks.
Dear WiAP members,
thank you for participating in the WiAP member engagement survey that was circulated last month.

We appreciate your responses, and will use your feedback to strengthen the services provided through the network.

Additional information about the network can be accessed on our new webpage here. 
YALI Young Women in African Power Leadership Training Participants. Photo Credit: Power Africa
Power Africa seeks a Community Engagement Advisor for the East Africa Energy Program. The Community Engagement Advisor will provide technical assistance to Ethiopia Electric Power (EEP) and Ethiopia Electric Utility (EEU). Learn more at Devex and RTI.

Applications for the Africa Solar Industry Association AFSIA Solar Awards will be accepted until September 1, 2020. The AFSIA Solar Awards recognize the best and brightest companies in the African solar industry. Applicants will be evaluated on professionalism, quality, safety, and innovation. The awards ceremony coincides with the Africa Energy Forum and is scheduled to take place in Amsterdam on October 21, 2020. Apply here.

Nominations for Woman of the Year & Young Woman of the Year Award are now open. The Young Woman of the Year Award recognizes women under the age of 30 who have made contributions to the LPG industry, or who demonstrate significant professional career motivation and potential. The deadline for applications is August 31, 2020 and the winners will be awarded during LPG Week in November. Apply here

Power Africa’s West Africa Energy Program is working with the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) to expand ECREEE’s regional energy professional networking group and expand the Women’s Technical Exchange Program, to include a STEM internship program. For more information, contact: Adaku Ufere at
News & Events
Webinar: COVID-19 and Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship. SE4ALL, Clean Cooking Alliance, and ENERGIA organized this webinar to showcase the myriad ways the COVID-19 pandemic impacts company operations, customers, and communities. Webinar recording can be accessed here

Webinars: Gender Equality Actions to Improve Utility Resilience and Inclusive Disaster Planning in the Age of COVID-19
Engendering Utilities delivered the webinars Practical Gender Equality Actions to Improve Utility Resilience to COVID-19 Impacts and Gender-Inclusive Disaster Planning in the Age of COVID-19. The webinars illustrated the importance of using a gender lens to strengthen the resilience of the workforce, the unique needs of disaster risk planning for COVID-19, and the potential impacts of the pandemic on women. 
Calendar: Gender Equality in the Energy Sector (2020-21). Download the World Bank’s unique calendar which highlights gender equality issues in the energy sector to spark conversation throughout the year through creative (and humorous) reminders. 

Blog: Performance Management Tweaks Boost Power Generation in Malawi. A new blog highlights Power Africa and Engendering Utilities work with Malawi’s Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) to improve commercial performance, increase electricity generation, and increase gender equality across the organization. Read the article here

IEA Op-ed: Addressing the diversity challenge in energy sector recruitment. A must-read that addresses the barriers to entry for women in the energy industry, and the challenges women face advancing their careers in the sector. Gender equality advocacy organizations such as Women in Oil and Gas (WIOG), Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE), Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE) and Women in Clean Energy (WICE) play a key role in building mentoring and student networks, temporary work placements and outreach to students. Read the full article here.

Report: Gender Mainstreaming in the Solar Home System Value Chain. Power Africa Nigeria Power Sector Program’s (PA-NPSP) report explores how solar companies in Nigeria can promote gender equality in their operations while increasing the deployment of renewables, particularly solar, to address energy access problems. Full report can be accessed here.

Toolkit: Renewable Energy Auction. In today's rapidly evolving renewable energy marketplace, it can be challenging to keep track of current best practices in renewable energy policy, innovations, and market trends. USAID’s Renewable Energy Auction Toolkit, provides the latest energy auction white papers, guides, training materials, case studies, and sample auction documents. With proper design and implementation, auctions can dramatically reduce the cost of energy, increase the transparency of public procurement, and facilitate private sector investment in the energy sector. 
In the Spotlight
WiAP member and West Africa Energy Program Deputy Chief of Party, Adaku Ufere moderated a discussion on June 30, 2020 between HE Gabriel Obiang Lima, Equatorial Guinea Minister for Mines & Hydrocarbons, HE Eucario Bakale Angue Oyana, EG Minister of Public Administration and Reforms at Government, Fidel N. Envo, Vice President of Kosmos Energy Equatorial Guinea and Norman Albi, CEO Barcelona Cable Landing Station. The panel entitled “Is Data the New Oil” centered around the rising value of data and its position as a natural competitor for the oil sector.
WiAP member and Power Africa Off Grid Program Gender Advisor, Karen Stefiszyn served as a panelist for a Power Africa IFC webinar, “GBV and COVID-19: Exploring solutions for building more resilient workforces and communities.” IFC, through its renewable energy and gender program – Energy2Equal partnered with Power Africa to co-host this webinar. 
USAID Engendering Utilities partners are making significant progress towards their gender equality goals. Kenya Power is close to reaching its 2030 target of 30% women in senior management an entire decade earlier than expected! Recent appointments of women into the positions of General Managers in Legal and Corporate Affairs, HR, and Customer Service increased female representation from 10% to 27%. 

Engendering Utilities partner, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), welcomed a new CEO, Marcelino Gildo Alberto, who spoke to the critical role gender equality plays in EDM’s business strategy. “EDM has to achieve three strategic priorities: achieving universal access to energy, positioning Mozambique as an energy hub in southern Africa, and establishing ourselves as a model public electricity service company, which optimizes gender equality and business and operational excellence,” Mr. Alberto said. 
Social Media Update
Next month, we’ll be closing the WiAP Twitter handle and Facebook Page. BUT we want to continue the conversation with established and emerging female leaders who are working in the African energy sector on Power Africa's Twitter handle and Facebook page. Follow us there:

Our LinkedIn page remains unchanged!
Do you have any accomplishments, events or opportunities to share? Please post on our LinkedIn page or email