All are invited to the annual World Missions Symposium on Saturday, August 26 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. in the Bishop Jones Center Mission Room*. An abbreviated online option will be available as well, through Zoom.
Hosted by the Rt. Rev. David M. Reed, Bishop of West Texas, the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, Bishop Coadjutor of West Texas, and Dr. Marthe Curry, Director of World Missions, Symposium participants will delve deeper into the opportunities and unique challenges involved in international missions outreach. Several speakers will share the impact serving in World Missions has had on their own parishes and faith journeys. The agenda will also include Question & Answer segments and Small Group Brainstorming sessions.
The Symposium will feature lively and informative presentations by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jonathan Folts of the Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota, the Rev. Canon R. Brien Koehler of Christ Church, San Antonio, and Gen. Garry Schnelzer. After lunch, the event will conclude with Praise & Worship as well as a homily from Bp. David G. Read.
Registration costs $25 for in-person participants and includes all materials and a boxed lunch from Broadway Daily Bread Bakery. An abbreviated online version will be available for a $10 contribution to World Missions to attend online.
Registration is available at the link below; for assistance signing up email Catherine Markette or Marthe Curry.