For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Kristen Day
Executive Director, DFLA
Phone: 703-424-6663
Email address:
Democrats for Life of America deplores
Supreme Court ruling on Louisiana abortion law
sponsored by pro-life Democrat
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 29, 2020 – Democrats For Life of America (DFLA), an organization representing the beliefs of 21 million pro-life Democrats, criticized the decision of the Supreme Court Monday to strike down an abortion regulation in Louisiana.

The bill, authored by pro-life Democrat Katrina Jackson, would require abortionists to have admitting privileges at a hospital within a 30-mile radius. This regulation is a standard protocol for any outpatient surgical facility. In Louisiana, all ambulatory surgical centers have this requirement. On some occasions, abortions will result in bleeding, infections, and damage to internal organs, resulting in a need for specialized care that cannot be provided at an abortion clinic. 

Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats for Life of America, released the following statement: “This decision endangers women’s health. Women’s safety should never be jeopardized, whether at a profit-driven abortion clinic or any other outpatient clinic. The three clinics, in this case, have been cited for 35 health and safety violations in the last decade. We are disturbed that without this reasonable regulation, women in Louisiana will suffer injuries without the benefit of face-to-face patient hand-offs, as mandated by medical best practice. Abortion doctors don’t deserve a special exemption from commonsense health regulations.”

“Contrary to the narrative promoted by NARAL and Planned Parenthood, this progressive law was brought into being by pro-life Democrats. It was authored by pro-life Democrat Katrina Jackson and signed into law by pro-life Democrat John Bel Edwards. Promoting women’s health and feminist values is fundamental to the idea of the Democratic Party. As Democrats, we care about women, who should have a right to the highest-quality medical care, in every instance. I call on the rest of the Democratic Party to join us in standing up to the $3 billion abortion industry and its laissez-faire approach to women’s health.”

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DFLA is the leading voice for the one in three Democrats who identify as pro-life. DFLA promotes a Pro-Life for the Whole Life philosophy and works to end violence against human life in all its forms without discrimination. Its Executive Director, Kristen Day, previously served as Chief of Staff to pro-life Michigan Democrat Jim Barcia.