Please note this updated version of our Legal Services of Eastern Missouri Newsletter with corrections issued.


New Resources for Older Adults Statewide

After almost two years of research, writing and project management, Legal Services of Eastern Missouri is proud to announce the publication of the 21st edition of the Senior Citizens Legal Handbook.

First introduced in 1977, this publication provides comprehensive self-help legal information for senior citizens, caregivers and other advocates for older adults statewide.

Last updated in 2016, this new edition provides more in-depth legal information than previous copies, with updated and expanded sections on topics such as estate planning and retirement plans.

Another major update came with the participation of Health Literacy Media in the project. They provided many hours of assistance to make the handbook more accessible to older adults by re-writing content in plain language, increasing font size and breaking content into smaller sections with call-out boxes, charts and other visual aids. This redesign was made possible with support from the St. Louis City Senior Fund.

The Senior Citizens Legal Handbook is available online now. Printed copies, provided with funding from the Missouri Bar, will be available soon through the Missouri Bar. 

Coordinated by Legal Services staff, the handbook was very much a collaborative project, with many volunteer lawyers and other community advocates contributing their expertise to the various sections.

Legal Services Staff Attorney Victoria St. Jean, who edited this publication along with Associate Director of Client Services, Jeanne Philips-Roth, says, "We are extremely grateful to the large team of volunteer attorneys and others, including Legal Services staff, all of whom put in many hours of work crafting these Q&A chapters on a wide variety of subjects.”

“Deep thanks go to the St. Louis City Senior Fund for their support throughout this long process and for formatting the Handbook with pictures, and to the Missouri Bar for supporting the printing of this Handbook!" she added.

CLICK HERE to access a digital copy of the Senior Citizens Legal Handbook


The Power of Partnership: Helping Homeowners

Legal Services regularly collaborates with more than 150 partner agencies to maximize benefits for the clients we serve.

Ms. Pearlie Bowen, a resident of the City of Berkeley, is a recent beneficiary of these powerful partnerships. Ms. Bowen has lived in her home for over 50 years. She bought the house with her husband in 1972, and they raised their two sons there.

In 2019, Ms. Bowen had an accident that left her wheelchair bound. A few years after, Beyond Housing built a wheelchair ramp for Ms. Bowen so that she could continue living in her home. Ms. Pearlie says that the ramp was “a blessing” because it meant she could leave the house on her own.

ABOVE: Ms. Pearlie Bowen with her sons.

Aging in place was especially important to Ms. Bowen because her son, who helps care for her, lives next door.

Last year, Beyond Housing sent letters to over a thousand past home repair recipients like Ms. Bowen, alerting them to the free estate planning services offered by Legal Services' Neighborhood Advocacy program. Ms. Bowen was one of hundreds of clients who reached out to learn more about the benefits of estate planning.

Neighborhood Advocacy researched Ms. Bowen’s title and discussed her assets with her. Attorneys determined that a simple transfer on death deed would meet Ms. Bowen’s needs. Ms. Bowen elected to leave her home to her two sons after she passes. The transfer on death deed that Neighborhood Advocacy drafted and recorded will pass title directly to her sons without probate court, sparing her sons future legal trouble and expenses.

Estate planning services like those provided for Ms. Bowen ensure that the benefits of homeownership are passed on to future generations. Without legal assistance, families risk losing the value of their hard-earned assets.

Ms. Bowen summed up the value of her legal help, “This program has provided a lot of peace of mind—for me and my sons.”

When nonprofits like Legal Services and Beyond Housing partner,

we double the difference we make in people’s lives and in the community.


December Grant Awards Help Further Our Mission

To support an organization with 15 different substantive programs Legal Services’ Development Team is always seeking opportunities to expand and diversify its funding. Recently, Legal Services welcomed the news that it would receive grants from Deaconess Foundation and the Trio Foundation of St. Louis.

In December, Legal Services received a one-year $20,000 Seeding the Future Grant from Deaconess Foundation. These grants are awarded for general operating funding to support organizational and civic infrastructure expansion, advancement of issue-specific public policies, and efforts impacting systems transformation for the improved health and wellness of people in Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois.


The Seeding the Future Grant is designed to cultivate a partnership pipeline for the Movement Transformation Cohort. Members of this cohort receive annual grants of $20,000 to $30,000 over a three-year period for general operating support.

Also in December, Legal Services received a $15,000 grant from the Trio Foundation of St. Louis. This grant will support work on behalf of female entrepreneurs who seek legal assistance from the Community Economic Development Microenterprise Program. 

Microenterprise provides legal services that help low-income entrepreneurs build the capacity of their small businesses. Clients typically need assistance with forming legal entities, creating operating agreements, protecting intellectual property, and other activities essential to securing a business’s legal foundation and accessing capital.

“We are thrilled to partner with foundations who believe firmly in the mission of Legal Service of Eastern Missouri. Deaconess Foundation and the Trio Foundation of St. Louis value our work, our clients, and our community,” said Colleen Daum, Director of Development for Legal Services.We are grateful for the financial support they provide and for the ways they help amplify our work,” she added.


Both the Trio Foundation of St. Louis and Deaconess Foundation have supported Legal Services in different program areas in past decades. We are pleased to see two past funders renew their partnerships with Legal Services!


Legal Services in the Community

ABOVE, L to R: Board Member Sandra Keys helps wrap holiday gifts for clients with Legal Services staff members Tiajuana Henderson, Abbie Leonard, Jenny Slosar & Claire Riebling

ABOVE: In December, Neighborhood Advocacy Attorney Brittany Hubbard received a "Community Partner of the Year" award from Academy Sherman Park Neighborhood Association in recognition

of her work with them.

ABOVE: Congratulations to the team from the Neighborhood Advocacy program who claimed the title of "Trivia Champions"

at the Legal Services Holiday Party.

ABOVE & BELOW: In January, Legal Services Social Worker Abbie Leonard testified on behalf of clients at a Public Service Commission Hearing regarding a proposed 15% electricity rate hike by Ameren.

Abbie shared that, "since the last rate hike, we have directly represented 1,375 households facing housing insecurity and turned away another 5,500 applicants, all of whom struggle to pay utility bills."


  • Hon. Richard B. Teitelman Memorial CLE Seminar

Hosted by The Simon Law Firm, P.C.

Tuesday, June 17, 2025 - details to follow

  • For The Common Good Awards Luncheon

Thursday, August 21, 2025 - details to follow


In the spirit of Black History Month, we are holding a Personal Care Drive to support people of color within our client population who are most in need. Access to culturally appropriate care products is essential, and by coming together to provide these resources, we honor both our history and our responsibility to uplift one another.

CLICK HERE for our Black History Month Supplies Drive Amazon Wishlist


Legal Services of Eastern Missouri is currently seeking applicants for the following roles:

  • Paralegal/Office Manager, Parental Justice Program, full-time, Clayton Office

CLICK HERE to view current vacancies

Interested in Legacy Giving?

Legacy Giving is a great way to protect access to justice for the clients and communities we serve. 

A Legacy Gift to Legal Services of Eastern Missouri will support the vision of equal access to justice for all for future generations.

Learn More about Legacy Giving





Legal Services of Eastern Missouri

701 Market Street, Suite 1100

St. Louis, MO 63101

314.534.4200 / 800.444.0514


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