When people analyze what makes a profitable healthcare provider organization tick, they usually find that they have processes in place that they follow and some refer to these as their financial “recipes for success”.
Its common to see many of these successful processes that are somehow unique to the organization and the managing staff operating them.
Each year, CostFlex attempts to collect these individual recipes from our client family organizations and combine them into a master cookbook for everyone to share.
While you may be having great returns from your use of the CostFlex DSS software currently, it cannot hurt to investigate new and additional ways to utilize your toolset to stay ahead in the game!
We are asking for contributions of success stories and process descriptions from all our users to share with one another.
These knowledge shares can be in any format and can include supporting report examples as well.
All submitting authors will earn Amazon gift cards for your efforts!!
We are sending reminders under separate cover and CostFlex staff will be contacting clients to assist and remind as well.
Please help each other and participate!