Do You and Your Family 
Know the Cottleville 
Golf Cart Rules?

Cottleville Police Department
Public Safety Announcement

  • Golf Cart driver MUST BE 16 years of age AND have a valid driver's license and proof of liability   insurance .
  • SLOW DOWN, MOVE OVER -Pedestrians and bicyclists have the RIGHT OF WAY!
  • No Golf Carts shall be operated in a negligent manner.
  • Golf Cart drivers should not carry more passengers than the golf cart is specifically designed to carry.
  • When operating a Golf Cart before dawn or after sunset, you MUST have a head lamp and tail light turned on.
  • No Golf Cart should be operated on private property without the permission of the owner.
  • Golf Carts CAN be driven on all streets which have a maximum speed limit of 30 mph or less or sidewalks greater than 6 feet wide.
  • No golf cart shall cross any highway at an intersection where the highway being crossed has a posted speed limit of more than forty-five (45) miles per hour. Use signalized areas crosswalks only.
  • For more rules and regulations, refer to Section 340.105 of the City's Municipal Code Click Here: City Ordinance
Enforcement of golf cart regulations are the same as a motor vehicle.  Golf Cart drivers can be ticketed by the Cottleville Police Department and processed through the Cottleville Municipal Court system.