Dear Clyde Hill Elementary Families!
Happy May! We would like to thank everyone who contributed last week to Staff Appreciation! We heard so many wonderful things from staff - thank you for showing them how lucky we are to have them!
The School Dance is coming up this Saturday! Please join us for music, fun and of course, dancing! Admission is $10 and can be paid for on the PTA website.
The Walk-a-thon and Fun Day will be coming up soon after as well! We are looking forward to seeing everyone at these community building events!
As we come toward the end of the year, information for the Year Book is up!
PTA events are all volunteer-run, so families are donating their time and energy to put these on. These events cannot happen without help! Please see "Call for Volunteers" or use the embedded sign up links or email us for more information. Please consider contributing your help! Thank you all!
We thank you for making Clyde Hill a welcoming and inclusive family where we value everyone's humanity. An environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging increases all students' academic success and well-being.
Thank you,
Clyde Hill PTA
A previous newsletter had an incorrect date for the last day of school. The last day of school is June 22, 2023.
Fun Fact:
There is the same amount of water on Earth as there was when the Earth was formed. The water from your faucet could contain molecules that dinosaurs drank.
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School Dance! May 20th, 5p - 7p | |
The Walk-A-Thon is less than 3 weeks away!
- This year’s event will take place during the school day on June 2nd so all students have the opportunity to participate!
This event is only possible with parent volunteers. Please sign up and volunteer for this very fun event!
Every student is asked to set a goal of raising $100.
All donations are collected online with a new and easy to use webpage: https://www.clydehillpta.org/walkathon-donations
- Please share the donation link with family, friends and neighbors! (we have included an example email you can use, below) Many companies will match your donation!
- Donations go directly to our PTA Annual Fund via PayPal. (The PTA prefers donations be made online for tracking purposes*)
- Donations are not tied to laps walked – they are flat donations prior to event in support of the student/school.
- Please visit the PTA Walk-A-Thon website for more details.
- A huge thank you to this year’s corporate sponsors!
Gold Sponsors:
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The 2022/23 yearbooks should be delivered the week of June 16th. Please use this Microsoft Form to reserve your student's yearbook (complete one form for each student). Payment information will be sent soon.
Please upload photos to contribute to the yearbook here.
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Please Volunteer! These events cannot happen without help!
Budget Committee - Ever wondered how the PTA develops its budget? Want to understand more? Would you like to be part of budget discussions? The budget committee is for you! This committee puts together the budget for the 2023-2024 school year which Treasurer presents at the June PTA meeting for a vote. Please email Michelle Coe at treasurer@clydehillpta.org.
School Dance - (Sat May 20 5-7pm) Thank you Kelsey Gordon for volunteering to chair the school Dance! Kelsey is looking for volunteers to help with planning assistance, food donation, and coordination, decorations, ticket sales, student check-in, and clean up/take down of the event.
* RSVP * Volunteer *
Walk-a-thon! - (Fri June 2) This is our most loved, all-school fundraiser. We need all available helpers on hand for the most fun! Please volunteer and help make this a success! Please also check out the Walk-a-thon webpage for more information about our the event and our fundraising goal.
Fun Day - (Fri June 16) Thank you to Eileen Sun and Rachel Raff for volunteering to chair Fun Day! More information is coming soon but we will definitely need your help to make it a great day for all of our students.
Summer Play Dates - In an effort to welcome students heading to Clyde Hill Elementary this fall, we would like to host summer playdates on our school grounds. Current and incoming Clyde Hill Students will be invited for simple playdates on school grounds. If you are willing to help host and coordinate a summer playdate, please sign up here.
Call for submissions: Celebrating our Community Families - please share with us!
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May Math Challenge - due May 26! | |
PTA Executive Committee Nominations | |
The Nominating Committee is accepting nominees for the PTA Executive Officer Slate for the 2023-24 school year. If you like being involved with your child’s school, staying up-to-date with school events, helping effect changes that support every student, and planning school-wide activities for our community, then please consider joining the PTA Executive Committee.
Every position can be job-shared between two (or more) people. Nominees MUST be current Clyde Hill PTA or Wilburton PTA Members for at least 15 days prior to the election. You can nominate yourself! The PTA Executive Committee consists of the following positions:
· President
· Vice President
· Secretary
· Treasurer
All nominations (form attached) must be received before May 31, 2023. Forms can be emailed or returned to school in your student's homework folder. If you would like additional information about the executive positions and/or job duties, please email NomCom@ClydeHillPTA.org.
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PTA General Assembly Meeting -
Elections and Budget - June 9
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Save the Date!
Our last PTA General Assembly Meeting is on June 9th! We will have cover: Fundraising Update; Officer Elections; Vote on the Operating Budget for 23/24; Golden Acorn(s) Awarded.
Are you interested in volunteering next year for an Executive Committee position (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer)? Please send us an email! The executive committee positions are year-long commitments and each position can be shared. We'd love your help! Executive Committee Nominations
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Science Fair Participants - Follow Up | |
Thank you to all of our Clyde Hill Cougars who participated in the Science Fair. We have great photos of some of the students' projects (click here). Some families did not receive the registration link beforehand. We would greatly appreciate it if you would submit your student's information now. We will update the order for Science Fair ribbons to reflect the correct number of participants and then distribute them to students upon arrival. Also, a HUGE thank you to the International Schools' Titan Robotics Club for bringing one of their robots for our students to explore and operate. Titan Robotics is currently gauging interest in summer robotics camps. Please use their contact form online to express interest in their summer programs. | |
School Consolidation Information | |
Please keep an eye out for a survey link from the District and/or your school administrators, who want to hear from you as we look ahead to the next academic year. In an effort to welcome students heading to Clyde Hill Elementary this fall, we would like to host summer playdates on our school grounds. Current and incoming Clyde Hill Students will be invited for simple playdates on school grounds. If you are willing to help host and coordinate a summer playdate, please sign up here.
Upcoming Community Building Events:
- Saturday, May 20, 2023, 5:00-7:00PM: School Dance
- Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 5:00-6:30PM: Popsicles and Play (school tours will also be provided)
Student visits to schools are being planned for June. We will be utilizing Student Ambassadors from Wilburton, ClydeHill and Enatai to support the visits and welcome students. ClydeHill, Enatai and Wilburton teachers and leaders continue to plan for a joint student placement process, and we are also working with Human Resources to solidify staffing at both ClydeHill and Wilburton for next year.
2023-2024 School Transition Planning
BSD Planning for the Future website
BSD School Transition Weekly Updates
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Call for Submissions:Celebrating Our Community | |
At Clyde Hill Elementary, we are so lucky to have a wonderfully diverse school community with many different cultural backgrounds and traditions. If there are families who celebrate the upcoming holidays and are willing to provide information about their traditions we would love to highlight them here! Please email editor@clydehillpta.org. Information might include what is the holiday; who recognizes/celebrates this holiday and what are some practices during the event such as: community gatherings, prayer, foods, fasting. We're aiming to share more about practices and traditions in our community. Our diversity is amazing! | |
Sat May 20 - School Dance - Families - please help run this event!
Mon May 29 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
Fri June 2 - Walk-a-thon - Families - please help run this event!
Tues June 6 - 5:00 - 6:30pm - Popsicles and Play
Fri June 9 - Final PTA General Assembly meeting of the school year
Fri Jun 16 - Fun Day
Mon Jun 19 - Juneteenth - NO SCHOOL
Thurs June 22 - Last day of school
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Tyee Middle School PTSA and
Newport Technical Drama
Annie, the Musical
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Join us for this exciting musical journey at the Newport High School Performing Art Center (4333 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA 98006) on May 18th and May 19th at 7pm, and May 20th at 2pm.
Online ticket sales start now. General admission is $15/person, high school students and under pay $10/person, and free admission for lap kids.
Purchase tickets by credit/debit card by clicking here. If you prefer to pay by cash or check, you can do so at Tyee Commons during lunchtime from May 15th-18th, or one hour before each show time at the door.
Please bring proof of purchase when picking up your tickets at Tyee Commons during lunchtime from May 15th-18th or one hour before each show time at the door.
We can't wait to see you there!
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Receive a 20% discount on minted.com orders by using Clyde Hill Elementary’s unique Minted.com promo code at checkout.
Holiday cards, graduation announcements, invitations announcements, children's art and more!
15% of net sales from each purchase using our code is donated back to our PTA at the end of each year. Please share this code with friends, family and coworkers!
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Purchase personalized labels for your child’s belongings, for home, office and more and receive free shipping. 20% of all purchases will be donated back to Clyde Hill Elementary PTA. Dishwasher, laundry and microwave safe.
To shop, visit: https://campaigns.mabelslabels.com/. On this page, enter “Clyde Hill Elementary PTA” and start shopping!
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Start 2023 off with some stress relief for yourself! Signup for Smith Brothers Farms Home Grocery Delivery and when you do, you'll receive $15 off your 1st delivery and Clyde Hill PTA receives a $50 gift donation from SBF! It's a win-win! You get the iconic Porch Box with your 1st order & it can be filled each week with milk that is 2-days-fresh from the farm, eggs that are 3-days-fresh, fresh produce, almond & oat milk, and hundreds of grocery items that are primarily from local PNW companies!
Delivery is free with a $10 order. There are no monthly fees and no contract. Give it a try; we think you will love the service! Thank you!
Sign up here!
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Contribute to PTA Newsletter! | |
If you would like to share something with the Clyde Hill Elementary community, such as information about a community event (like the Farmers’ Markets), a students’ sports league, or other activity, please send your submission request to editor@ClydeHillPTA.org. | | | | |