A MESSAGE FROM the Executive Director
Dear CSU Alumni Family,
Spring is upon us and with that comes new growth. That seems to be the theme at Chicago State these days. The University is growing by leaps and bounds. Among our growth includes our growing list of alumni, thanks to the upcoming commencement ceremony on May 18. During this momentous occasion, more than 600 CSU students will switch their tassels from one side to the other as they embark on their next chapter as CSU alumni.
Additionally, the University is engaged in capital improvements across campus, Athletics is investing in new programs, the CTC/CSU Alumni Association has welcomed nine new board members, and the Foundation is working on new partnerships that directly support current students and alumni. This collection of collaboration and the drive to evolve, improve, and grow is a part of the fabric that built the CSU community to be the strong and powerful family that it is. In this spring season of growth, may you always remember that of all the things you learned as a student at CTC or at CSU, chief among them is that we are always stronger, together.
Melanie Sillas
Executive Director
Chicago State Foundation
An Alumni Love Story Turning Loss Into Opportunity for Current Students
The Chicago State community mourns the loss of alumnus and local legend, Edward Gardner, who recently passed at the age of 98. Mr. Gardner was the co-founder of Soft Sheen Products with his wife of over 50 years and fellow Chicago Teacher's College alumna, Bettiann. Their company went on to become one of the largest Black-owned beauty brands in the country.
Former co-owner of the Chicago Bulls and active Chicago philanthropists, Edward and Bettiann left a legacy for Chicago like no other. To honor Mr. Gardner, his surviving wife, Bettiann, and their children, wasted no time setting up the Edward and Bettiann Gardner Fund at Chicago State Foundation, supporting current and future CSU students in scholarship and programming. Read more about this impressive couple, and consider making a gift to this new fund in honor of the Gardners today.
Supporting Current Students
Thanks to more than 50 student organizations, students like Adrinana can feel at home on campus, giving them more mental energy to focus on their studies. Learn more about her story here, and consider being a champion for students like her today. Text Link
CSU Joins Ohio Valley Conference as
Affiliate Members in Two Sports
Chicago State Joins Ohio Valley Conference as Affiliate Members in Men’s Soccer and Men's and Women's Golf Beginning Fall 2023. Read all about it.
Cougar Athletics Exploratory Committee
Earlier this year, CSU revealed key members of its new sports exploratory committee that will assist in evaluating the potential impact of adding a Division I FCS (Football Championship Subdivision) program and additional women's sports teams to the existing roster of university athletics. Learn more about the committee, and these exciting new Cougar initiatives here.
The 370th Chicago State University Commencement Ceremony will kick off on Thursday, May 18th with our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Ngozi Ezike, who lead the Illinois Department of Public Health during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and current President and CEO of Sinai Chicago, the city's largest private safety net health system.
Celebrate the newest graduating class with Dr. Ezike and CSU President Z. Scott by attending this year's commencement ceremony alongside your fellow alumni, with the CTC/CSU Alumni Association, membership not required. Participate in the special alumni seating section to welcome our newest additions with open arms, and reconnect with fellow alumni and former classmates.
Register to attend with your fellow alumni here.
Cougar Congratulations!
John Robak - Longtime Chicago State Foundation Board Member, John Robak has been named Chair of the Board of Directors.
Welcome to the newest members of the CTC/CSU Alumni Association Board of Directors, whose two-year term began in January of this year.
Veronica Barclay, '87
Audrey Blinstrup, Ed.D.
FreDrena-Maria Brown, '15
Pamela Cotton-Roberts, Ed.D., '82
Richard Glass, Ed.D., '98
Eric Horn, '03
Ron Lynch, '98
Michelle Owens, '07, '10
Joy Pilcher, Ed.D., '70, '77
Remembered with Love
It is with our heartfelt sympathy that we extend our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of all Cougars that have passed in recent months. Some of those include:
Marvin Dewey Sheilds, passed away at the age of 87 on April 14, 2023. He began a career teaching English until a mid-career change brought him to CSU, where he obtained a master's degree in corrections and lived out the rest of his career serving the Illinois Department of Corrections.
Nollie Louise Kennedy attended Chicago Teachers College and worked as a librarian and teacher. She passed away on April 2 at the age of 91.
Joel Reed, was an alum of Chicago Teacher's College serving as a long-time educator and coach, after his own successful football career that included a brief stint in the NFL. He passed away peacefully in April 2023.
Jerome McNulty, '96 passed away on March 30, 2023, unexpectedly while doing what he loved, 4-wheeling through the woods. A lifelong educator, Mr. McNulty was beloved by his family and his students who affectionately call him "Mr. Mac".
Edward Gardner, '50, longtime southside businessman and philanthropist, passed away on March 20, 2023 at the age of 98. Mr. Gardner met his wife at Chicago Teacher's College and together went on to create a business and philanthropic empire together.
Joanne Coleman, '88 was a wife and mother, earning her nursing degree from CSU, passed away on peacefully on February 14, 2023 at the age of 78.
For Chicago State Foundation's 4th Annual
Friday, October 6, 2023
at our new venue
The Geraghty
2520 S. Hoyne
Chicago, IL
Tickets will go on sale soon.
Options Program Starts May 20
One of the benefits of being an alumnus is access to the CSU Options Program for a significant discount of 15%. Alumni association membership required. Check out the next session of available courses by clicking here today. Classes begin May 20.
We want to hear from you!
Share your significant accomplishments (i.e., promotions, new jobs, retirements, special recognitions or honors) with your fellow alumni!
Update your Alumni Profile to receive exciting campus news and invitations to alumni events. Your information will never be shared publicly but it will be shared with the CTC/CSU Alumni Association.
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