Volume 84 | July 2024

Grand Knight's Report

Dear Brother Knights,

Here is the report for June 2024. It was another eventful month and here are some of the highlights. On Sunday, June 2nd we had our breakfast and it benefitted the Walking with Moms in Need Ministry. I appreciate Nancy Fadeley and her ministry’s help during the breakfast. Then on Saturday, June 15th our Council hosted our annual Thanksgiving-In-June Dinner. It was a well-attended event and I would like to especially thank BK Ed Dantzer and BK Bruce Rago for making the dinner a success.


On Monday, June 10th, we held our membership meeting. BK David Werve bought some Kentucky Fried Chicken that we all enjoyed. During the meeting we voted and approved a $2,000 donation towards the purchase of a new refrigerator for the St. John Neumann Parish. The $2,000 that was donated came from the Fish Fry profits. The Budget for the 2024-2025 Fraternal Year was voted on and approved and finally the Council Officers were elected for the 2024-2025 Fraternal Year.

I enjoyed being Grand Knight during the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year and I’m proud of all the work and charitable contributions that our Council accomplished during the year. The Knights donated money to other ministries within our Church and we almost always donated money to those afflicted by recent natural disasters. I was reelected again as Grand Knight and I appreciate the vote of confidence from my fellow Brother Knights. During my second year, I will continue to serve the St. John Neumann Parish Community and serve all Brother Knights in Council 7923. Another goal of mine is to recruit new members so our Council can continue to serve the Parish Community at the highest level. Finally, I plan to have more fun this upcoming year like hosting appreciation nights and dinners and try to make this a more enjoyable experience for current Brother Knights and hopefully this in turn will help my goal of recruiting new Brother Knights.

May God Bless you All!

That concludes my report.

Vivat Iesu,

GK Brian Jeffers

Membership Report


  • Annual Membership Growth Quota - 13
  • Membership gains this year - 13
  • % of Annual Membership Goal/McGivney Award - 100%
  • Prospects awaiting exemplification - 0
  • Insurance Meetings for Founders Award (Need 2 for year) - 2


  • Associate Member - 145
  • Insurance Members - 74
  • Inactive Members - 17
  • Total Membership - 236


  • Honorary (Age 65 plus 25 years consecutive years - reduced dues) - 7
  • Honorary Life (Age 70 plus 25 years consecutive years - reduced dues) - 50
  • Exemption (disability) - 1

Highlights from the Business Meeting

Prayers for Knights in Need

Please pray for the following Knights in need (list from the last meeting):

  • Our Pope, Archbishop, Clergy and Religious - Safety and Perseverance
  • Our Military and First Responders - Safety and Perseverance
  • Innocents abused, injured and killed - War and Hate
  • Hostages in Gaza - War and Hate
  • BK Wayne DeGray - Health
  • Susan Hoffman - Health
  • Fr. Sunny's Niece - Health
  • BK Mickey Finnegan - Health
  • Pam Mogan - Health
  • Pam Lemon - Health
  • Wife of Jerry Mock - † Deceased

† - Deceased - Repose of Soul


Knight of the Year: PGK Mike MacFarlance

Knight of the Month: BK Larry Hoffman

50/50 Drawing
  • 50/50 Drawing
  • No drawing last month
Charitable Donations

The following charitable donations were given by the Council:

  • Walking with Moms Ministry - $587 (from Family Breakfast)
  • Life Teen Ministry - $1031
  • Eye Believe Foundation - $1500

Lecturer's Report

Paragraph 1168 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks about the liturgical year.

It states that beginning with the Easter Triduum as its source of light, the new age of the Resurrection fills the entire liturgical year with its brilliance. Gradually, on either side of this source, the year is transfigured by the liturgy, making it truly a “year of the Lord’s favor.” The economy of salvation operates within the framework of time, and since its fulfillment in the Passover of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the culmination of history is anticipated “as a foretaste,” and the kingdom of God enters into our time.

Knight's Info

Council 7923 Officers


Fr. Sunny Punnaknziyil

Deacon Mike Hayward (Assistant)

Grand Knight

GK Brian Jeffers

Deputy Grand Knight

DGK Mike Jones


BK Harvey James


BK Steve Rasmussen


PGK Steve Brischler


PGK Joe Molyson


PGK Jim McHugh

Financial Secretary

PGK Glenn Klein

Inside Guard

BK Timothy Daly

Outside Guard

BK Jesus Ochoa


BK David Werve

1st Year Trustee

PGK Michael MacFarlane

2nd Year Trustee

PGK Mike Clark

3rd Year Trustee

PGK Bob Cunneen

District Deputy

DD Bill Gorny

Insurance Field Agent

Steven Znoj - 678-869-5006


Happy Birthday Knights

Gerard Roets 7/6

Damien Bock 7/12

Joseph T. Finnegan 7/12

Charlie Brantley 7/14

Paul Hayes 7/16

Glenn Klein 7/21

George D. Childs 7/22

Tadesse Haileyesus 7/22

Bernard P. Lyons, Sr 7/22

William Verciglio 7/22

Daniel Eaton 7/24

Carlos Torres 7/24

John D. Cooper 7/25

James Moorman 7/26

Robert Tallent 7/26

CPT David M. De Wolf 7/28

Michael A. Madore 7/31

Joke of the Month

Council Calendar

July 8th @ Houston Feaster Center - Officer/Planning Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

July 2nd @ Chicago pizza & Sports Grill 3888 US-78 E, Snellville - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

July 7th @ Reynold's Hall - Monthly Breakfast - 9:30am - 1:00pm

July 8th @ Houston Feaster Center - Business Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

July 9th @ Chicago pizza & Sports Grill 3888 US-78 E, Snellville - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

July 14th @ SJN Church - Knight's Mass - 9:00am, Rosary - 8:30am

July 16th @ Chicago pizza & Sports Grill 3888 US-78 E, Snellville - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

July 23rd @ Chicago pizza & Sports Grill 3888 US-78 E, Snellville - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

July 25th @ Feaster Center - 4th Degree Meeting - 7:00pm, Dinner - 6:00pm

July 30th @ Chicago pizza & Sports Grill 3888 US-78 E, Snellville - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

August 4th @ TBD - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

August 5th @ Houston Feaster Center - Officer/Planning Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

August 6th @ Reynold's Hall - Monthly Breakfast - 9:30am - 1:00pm

See the Full Calendar Here
Knights in Action

Knight of the Year PGK Mike MacFarlane

Knight of the Month BK Larry Hoffman

Respect Life Ministry working the Family Breakfast

Come out for the next Family Breakfast
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