Volume 71 | June 2023
Grand Knight's Report
Brother Knights,

This will be my last report as your Grand Knight.

I have appreciated all the support from my Brother Officers and the members of our Council in the past year.

I am pretty sure we have qualified for Star Council this year and that would be because of all of you. But, a few Brothers stood out. We would not have won the Faith Award at the State Convention or made our membership goal or met the insurance requirement this year without our Knight of the Month, Membership Director Joe Molyson.

Our church would have suffered with out the good works of Brother Woody Lott and our community without the good works of Brother Henry Lam.
Many Brothers got their wives involved and it has been hard to pick the Family of the Month Brian and Karen Hanley. Brian has served yeoman duty as Family Breakfast Chair and is retiring from that role. We could use a younger Knight or Two to be Chair or Co-chairs of this event.

Our next event is Thanksgiving in June and Chairman Ed Dantzer is looking for help and hoping you will come and enjoy the event.

Please come to the Council Business meeting June 12 to vote for your new officers and approve the Council 2023-2024 budget.

And, to find out who is Knight of the Year.

Vivat Jesu,


Membership Report
Membership report from BK Joe Moylson in last month's business meeting:

Membership report as of May 8th we have 141 associate members, 79 insurance members and 17 inactive members for a total of 237. Year to date we have 15 new members that were recruited and exemplified which is 107% of our yearly goal. Congratulations to all members who helped us reach this important milestone.
New BKs Manuel Vega and Joel Olvera were exemplified May 7th. Welcome new Brother Knights.

BK Michael H Jones retired from military service and has transferred into Council 7923. Welcome aboard and thank you for your service.

BK Joe wants to focus on getting current Brother Knights to come out and participate in meetings and events. He is also updating the mentor list, so if you are willing to mentor a new BK please reach out to BK Joe Moylson.
Highlights from the Business Meeting
Prayers for Knights in Need
Please pray for the following Knights in need (list from the last meeting):

  • All BK’s - For all our Clergy, Military and first responders who keep us safe every day.
  • Margie & Gary Schmitt – Healing for Margie’s broken ankle 
  • BK Bob Cunneen – Broken Hip, Housebound
  • BK Frank Swider – Dominic Druda – Recovering from falling and Parkinson’s
  • BK Brian Hanley – Brother Richard ill

Monthly Awards
BK Chester Adkins – Knight of the Month

DD Mark (Pam) Davis - Family of the Month
50/50 Drawing
  • 50/50 Drawing
  • DGK Brian Jeffers - $11
Charitable Donations
The following charitable donations were given by the Council:

  • Pennies from Heaven - $110
  • S.M.I.L.E - $500
  • Marriage and Family Life Ministry - $640 (from Family Breakfast)
Lecturer's Reflection
BK David Werve read an excerpt at the Membership Meeting:


One thing is clear: sacramentals are not objects of superstition for us Catholics. We know that they are a God-given channel of grace for us, but are not necessary for our salvation.

As the Catholic Encyclopedia says,

The sacramentals do not produce sanctifying grace ex opere operato, by virtue of the rite or substance employed, and this constitutes their essential difference from the Sacraments.

That is, the Sacraments are necessary for our salvation and sanctification, but sacramentals do not hold such power.

So—why sacramentals?

The Catholic Company’s Our Lady Undoer of Knots Rosary is an example of a sacramental

The Church gives a few reasons, all simple yet solid:
  1. First, sacramentals “prepare men to receive the fruit of the Sacraments” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1677). Sacramentals point to the Sacraments and the graces they offer, nudging us to prepare ourselves for those graces with reverence and devotion.
  2. Sacramentals sanctify “certain ministries of the Church, certain states of life, a great variety of circumstances in Christian life, and the use of many things helpful to man.” (CCC 1668) The sacramental always includes a prayer and an external sign, such as holy water or the sign of the cross. They tell us that this particular circumstance or ministry is set apart from the ordinary.
  3. Sacramentals, properly understood and used, distinguish the Catholic from fallen-away denominations. They serve as reminders of the fullness of the Faith, “enhancing the dignity of the Holy Sacrifice and arousing the piety of the faithful.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia)
2023-2024 Officer Candidates
2023-2024 Council 7923 Officer Candidates
The following Brother Knights are candidates for 2023-2024 Fraternal Year

Chaplain - Fr. Sunny Punnaknziyil (Deacon Mike Hayward (Assistant))

Grand Knight - BK Brian Jeffers

Deputy Grand Knight - BK Gil Abad

Chancellor - BK Harvey James

Recorder - BK Joe Molyson

Treasurer - PGK Steve Brischler

Warden - BK Walter Feble

Advocate - BK Larry Hoffman

Financial Secretary - PGK Glenn Klein

Inside Guard - BK Timothy Daly

Outside Guard - BK Jesus Ochoa

Lecturer - BK David Werve

1st Year Trustee - PGK Jim McHugh

2nd Year Trustee - PGK Hugh Gardnier

3rd Year Trustee - PGK Michael MacFarlane
Knight's Info
Council 7923 Officers

Fr. Sunny Punnaknziyil
Deacon Mike Hayward (Assistant)

Grand Knight
GK Jim McHugh

Deputy Grand Knight
BK Brian Jeffers

BK Harvey James

BK Mike Madore

PGK Steve Brischler

BK Gil Abad

BK Larry Hoffman

Financial Secretary
PGK Glenn Klein

Inside Guard
BK Francisco Espinoza

Outside Guard
BK Alex Naumis

BK David Werve

1st Year Trustee
PGK Michael MacFarlane

2nd Year Trustee
PGK Mark Dallas

3rd Year Trustee
PGK Hugh Gardnier

District Deputy
DD Mark Davis

Insurance Field Agent
BK John Paul (JP) Williams - 678-787-2201
Happy Birthday Knights

David L. Grosch 6/2
Hung Doan 6/2
Joe Odom 6/2
Louis H. Lobe 6/2
Mark Davis 6/3
Stephen Drzik 6/8
William J. Bierster 6/8
Thaddeus Ugha 6/10
Joseph A. Galasso 6/12
Wayne J. De Gray 6/14
William Manning 6/15
Gustavo Valdes 6/17
Larry D. Sheeter 6/18
Tim Daly 6/23
Mark Tkacik 6/24
Ruben Nunez 6/24
Greg Bertram 6/28
James Merritt 6/30
Joke of the Month

Council Calendar
Upcoming Council Events

June 4th @ Reynold's Hall - Monthly Breakfast - 9:30am - 1:00pm

June 5th @ Houston Feaster Center - Officer/Planning Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

June 6th @ The Diner at Webb Gin - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

June 12th @ Houston Feaster Center - Business Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

June 13th @ The Diner at Webb Gin - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

June 17th @ Reynold's Hall - Thanksgiving in November Dinner - 5:30 - 8:00pm

June 18th @ SJN - Knight's Mass - 8:30am

June 20th @ The Diner at Webb Gin - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

June 27th @ The Diner at Webb Gin - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

July 2nd @ Reynold's Hall - Monthly Breakfast - 9:30am - 1:00pm

July 3rd @ Houston Feaster Center - Officer/Planning Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

Knights in Action
GK Jim McHugh and BK Jesus Ochoa man the snack table at SMILE run
BK Woody Lott finishing the race at the SMILE run

Fr. Sunny motivating the crowd at the SMILE run

Come out for a great turkey dinner in June
Come out for the next Family Breakfast
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