Volume 59 | June 2022
Grand Knight’s Report
Worthy Brother Knights,

It’s June, and we find ourselves at the end of another Fraternal Year.

The May Family Breakfast was held for the benefit of the Grounds Beautification Ministry, and we donated $730 to the ministry.

Our Knight of the Month for May was PGK Mike MacFarlane. Mike was our Fish Fry Chairman and did a fantastic job bringing back in-person Fish Frys and exceeding our profit goal for the six events.

Our Family of the Month was BK Brian and Karen Hanley. Brian’s first breakfast as new Breakfast Chairman turned out to be April Spring Break weekend, and Brian and Karen did a good job holding things together without several of our regular workers.

Elections for Council Officers were held at the May Council Meeting. Congratulations to 2022-2023 elected Officers:

Grand Knight: PGK Jim McHugh
Deputy GK: BK Brian Jeffers
Chancellor:     BK Harvey James
Recorder:     BK Mike Madore
Treasurer:      PGK Steve Brischler
Warden:        BK Gil Abad
Advocate:      BK Larry Hoffman
Inside Guard: BK Francisco Espinoza
Outside Guard: BK Alex Naumis
3 Year Trustee: PGK Hugh Gardiner
2 Year Trustee: PGK Mark Dallas
1 Year Trustee: PGK Mike MacFarlane

Financial Secretary is appointed by Supreme and will be Glenn Klein. Chaplain and Lecturer are appointed by the GK and will continue to be Father Sunny and BK David Werve.

We held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity on May 21 and brought in two new Brother Knights, BK Joe Creighton and BK Ron Bennetti.
The 120th Georgia State KofC Convention was held at Jekyll Island May 13-15. Primary Delegates for 7923 were GK Glenn Klein and Trustee PGK Mark Dallas. Also attending from 7923 were DD, FN, PGK Mark Davis and PGK Steve Brischler, current KCC Treasurer. Our Brother SK Woody Lott commanded the Convention Honor Guard. DD Mark Davis and PGK Mark Dallas were also in the Honor Guard. At the convention, Council 7923 won the State Council Program Award in the Family Category for our monthly Family Breakfast Program.

Also, at the Convention, Knights of Columbus Charities (KCC) of Georgia announced that raffle ticket sales for 2021-2022 totaled roughly $70,000. Council 7923 had turned in an application for state raffle funding for S.M.I.L.E. The application was selected by KCC as one of three charities to receive $8,000 each.  

I want to sincerely thank all of Brothers who supported me during my time as Grand Knight. I will not deny that I was pretty nervous about taking on this position, but because of those who supported me it became easier every month.

For as many of you who helped out, I know there are others who can become more involved. I urge all Brothers to become active in our Council. There was a reason you became Knights, and for most I’ll bet it was in order to offer service. Let’s all get out, be active in Council events, and help our next year’s officers. I guarantee you will not regret it.

Thank you all, Brothers, and 

Vivat Jesus!

Glenn Klein
Council's Charitable Contributions - April 2022
Grounds Beautification Ministry:
KCC State Raffle:
Prayers for Knights in Need
Please pray for the following Knights in need (list from the last meeting):

  • All BK’s - For all our military and first responders who keep us safe every day. 
  • Harvey James – Cousin, Tommy Dale fell off a ladder.
  • David Werve – Deacon Joe Odom and Deacon Manuel Echevarria
  • Frank Swider – Daughter Eileen Stewart - blood disorder and Son-In-Law Bob Stewart, stomach.
  • Mark Dallas – Brenda Dixon, leukemia treatment.
  • Mark Davis – Special intention with those who have mental disorders.
  • Glenn Klein – Leo Schiltgen, broken ankle.

Monthly Awards
PGK Mike MacFarlane– Knight of the Month.

BK Brian and Karen Hanley – Family of the Month.
50/50 and Attendance Award
  • 50/50 Drawing
  • BK Brian Jeffers won $10.

  • Attendance Award
  • No winner. Next month’s Attendance Award will be $250.
Lecturer's Reflections
BK David Werve read an excerpt to us called “The Gospel Conversations with Christ.” Please read the excerpt below.

“As we read through the Gospels we should realize that every conversation with Jesus is a lesson in prayer, for prayer is a dialogue with God. Once we comprehend this invaluable lesson, we can read these stories profitably. So, when Jesus encounters the father whose son is possessed by demons which the disciples were unable to cast out, the man turns to Jesus and says, “If you can do anything, have pity on us and help us.” (Mk 9:22). Jesus picks up on the man’s slim confidence, understandable in light of the apostles’ failure, and exclaims “If you can!” All things are possible to him who believes.” (Mk 9:24). Immediately the father cries out to Christ” I believe; help my unbelief” (Mk 9:24). This simple reply is striking for its stark honesty. And here is the lesson: what matters most in speaking with Christ is not pious words and platitudes, but the honest expression from the depth of our heart.  
Throughout all the conversations with Christ in the gospels, we see can commit to memory lines well worth remembering; phrases that we can recycle into our own conversations with God. Whether it is the words of the publican, “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” (Lk 18: 13); or the cry of the blind man Bartimaeus, Jesus Son of God, have mercy on me!” (Mk 10:47); or the request of the Samaritan women, “Give me this water, that I may not thirst” (Jn 4:15); or the plea of the leper, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean (Mt 8:2); or the reply of Martha “Yes Lord; I believe that you are the Christ” (Jn 11:27); or the noble statement of the centurion, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only say the word and my servant will be healed” (Mt 8:8); or the pithy prayer of Peter “Lord, save me!” (Mt14:30), all of these lines express the heart’s deepest needs and feelings to God.

As the monks, who practice lectio divina carefully, keep a notebook and record in it the key verses that struck them in prayer or in liturgy. Like bees gathering nectar, they would gather these precious scripture passages for further meditation.  
The monk realizes that God is speaking directly to him through the scripture. And he refers back to those notes and meditates during the day to extract the meaning meant for them.   
This is fundamentally how to use scripture (lectio) to hear God (divina) speak directly to me. “
Council 7923 Officers

Fr. Sunny Punnaknziyil
Deacon Mike Hayward (Assistant)

Grand Knight
GK Glenn Klein

Deputy Grand Knight
DGK Angel Cardenas

BK Harvey James

BK Brian Jeffers

PGK Steve Brischler

BK Charlie Brantley

BK Larry Hoffman

Financial Secretary
PGK Jim McHugh

Inside Guard
BK Francisco Espinoza

Outside Guard
BK Alex Naumis

BK David Werve

1st Year Trustee
PGK Mark Dallas

2nd Year Trustee
PGK Michael MacFarlane

3rd Year Trustee
DD Mark Davis

District Deputy
DD Mark Davis

Insurance Field Agent
BK John Paul (JP) Williams - 678-787-2201
Happy Birthday Knights

Hung Doan 6/2
Louis H. Lobe 6/2
David L. Grosch 6/2
Joe Odom 6/2
Mark Davis 6/3
William J. Bierster 6/8
Stephen Drzik 6/8
Thaddeus Ugha 6/10
Joseph A. Galasso 6/12
Wayne J. DeGray 6/14
William Manning 6/15
Karl T. Frey 6/17
Gustavo Valdes 6/17
Larry D. Sheeter 6/18
Tim Daly 6/23
Ruben Nunez 6/24
Mark Tkacik 6/24
Douglas Richards 6/25
Chris Bernsten 6/25
Greg Bertram 6/28
Bill Marten 6/28
James Merritt 6/30
Joke of the Month

Upcoming Council Events

June 4th @ Feaster Center - Feaster Center Dedication - 11:30am

June 5th @ Reynold's Hall - Monthly Breakfast - 9:30am - 1:00pm

June 5th @St. John Neumann Church - St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon Prayer Service - after 5pm Mass

June 6th @ Feaster Center - Officer/Planning Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

June 7th @ Hot & Cold Buffet, Provino's Plaza Hwy 124 and Hwy 78 - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

June 13th @ Houston Feaster Center - Business Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

June 14th @ Hot & Cold Buffet, Provino's Plaza Hwy 124 and Hwy 78 - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

June 18th @ Reynold's Hall - Thanksgiving in June Dinner - 5:30 - 8:00pm

June 19th @ St. John Neumann Church - Knight's Mass - 8:30am, Rosary in Chapel - 8:00am

June 21st @ Hot & Cold Buffet, Provino's Plaza Hwy 124 and Hwy 78 - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

June 23rd @ Feaster Center - 4th Degree Meeting - 7:00pm, Dinner - 6:00pm

June 28th @ Hot & Cold Buffet, Provino's Plaza Hwy 124 and Hwy 78 - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

July 5th @ TBD - Knight's Lunch - 12:30pm

July 5th @ Houston Feaster Center - Officer/Planning Meeting - 7:00pm, Rosary - 6:30pm

July 10th @ Reynold's Hall - Monthly Breakfast - 9:30am - 1:00pm

Knights in Action
May 21st Exemplification Team
GK Glenn Klein receiving the Family Program Award at the State Convention
DD Mark Davis receiving an Appreciation Certificate at the State Convention
Convention Honor Guard featuring PGK Mark Davis, DD Mark Davis and BK Woody Lott
Come out for the Family Breakfast on the First Sunday of the Month
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