April 11, 2018
Dear CRPO member:
Have you considered running as a member of CRPO Council? The window to submit your completed nomination package is rapidly drawing to a close. Being a member of Council is an important way that RPs can serve their profession and is key to self-regulation. We strongly urge all members to consider running.
The election will be taking place only for those in District 1 - West, 5 - South West and 6 - Central West. You are receiving this message as your electoral district, as determined by your primary practice site (or residence if not practising), is located in one of these districts. If you are unsure of which electoral district you're in, log into your CRPO user account and click on the "Elections" tab.
In order to become a candidate, you must submit a completed Nomination Package (which includes the Candidate Information Nomination Package AND the Candidate Statement)
no later than 12:00 p.m. EST on Monday, April 23, 2018. Nomination Packages that are incomplete or received after this deadline will not be accepted. All of the information you need, including the Nomination Package documents, can be found on the Council Elections page of CRPO's website.
Deborah Adams, MA, MHSc, CHE