Photo Contest
Sasha Stahoski - Fifth Grade                     First Place Winner of City of Ketchum Photo Contest for Hemingway Students

City of Ketchum
P.O. Box 2315
480 East Avenue N.
Ketchum, Idaho 83340
"Small Town, Big Life"

Inform. Celebrate. Involve.
March 20, 2017
In This Issue
Stay involved. Included here are links to the Monday, March 20, Council agenda and Council meeting information. This meeting will begin at 5 p.m. At this meeting, Council will consider approval of a contract for a gondola Cover Art project and the purchase of a new hybrid sport utility vehicle for City use. Public hearings will be held on an interim ordinance on affordable housing, and ballot language for the election to extend the 1% Local Option Tax for Air Service. Staff will request direction on the implementation of the parking strategy and initiation of the purchase of affordable housing units.  
It is the responsibility of the City to inform the public and gain public input. Please provide the City with your opinion and comments by attending Monday's meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Ketchum City Hall, 480 East Ave. N., or sending an email to

With the opening of the Limelight Hotel, parking availability in that area of town has become problematic. This is primarily because long-term parking is allowed in high-demand locations that could be available for short-term customer parking. (Currently the City has daily, two-hour short-term parking areas and unrestricted long-term parking areas within the City center.) Once construction of the Auberge Hotel starts up again, and potential construction of a performing arts theater at Main and First streets begins, parking availability will become even more challenging.
To address the current parking conditions, and in anticipation of the impending construction impacts, the City took its first step to provide parking for customers by designating short-term parking in more areas. The new designated areas are: 
  • Second Street between Leadville and Walnut avenues
  • First Street between Main Street and East Avenue
  • Leadville Avenue between Second and River streets
At Monday's City Council meeting, staff will ask for direction on how to proceed with the City's parking strategy.  The following recommendations will be made by staff for immediate action: 
  • Extend the short-term parking restrictions from 8-6 p.m. to 8-8 p.m. in defined areas.  Signage and enforcement would occur in summer 2017.
  • The City and KURA work together to combine lots on Washington Avenue between First  and Second streets to create one parking lot. Paid parking would be installed to allow for longer-term parking. Currently there are 34 spaces on the City lot. If the KURA lot were to be paved and restriped, an additional 36 spaces could be added totaling 70 spaces. However, if both lots were combined and the planters removed, the total number of spaces could reach 82, with an additional 10 spaces added on the street, totaling 92 spaces. That could result in 58 new spaces in the area. This action would be implemented in summer 2017. Click here for staff report details.
  • Begin implementation of paid parking in the downtown core and at the 6th and Leadville public parking lot.  Six months after implementation, the City would conduct a utilization study to determine the impact of the paid parking on parking patterns for both short-term and long-term parking and determine if paid parking should be expanded to other areas. Paid parking would be implemented in spring 2018. Staff would prepare a request for proposal to select a parking equipment vendor.
  • The City and KURA work together to prepare a financial and feasibility analysis to determine the funding options and construction costs for a paid parking structure located on their adjacent lots on Washington Avenue.
  • Continue investing in sidewalks and lighting to create safe pathways to long-term parking areas.
  • Annually the City conducts a parking survey to evaluate distribution, supply and utilization of parking spaces, then make adjustments where needed.
Conversations will take place between the City and the Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency about the proposal for parking on their adjacent properties on Washington Avenue. Your participation and input during the parking discussions are invaluable. Attend the meeting on Monday, March 20, or send your comments to .

Dark Sky
Ketchum's night sky is one of its most unique natural resources. Celestial awes like the Milky Way Galaxy are visible only with clear dark skies. Unfortunately, 80 percent of North Americans live in areas with light pollution that makes the Milky Way Galaxy and other stars not visible. The City of Ketchum has worked to preserve its awesome night sky over the past seventeen years.

Ketchum was among the first cities in the Northwest to adopt a local ordinance intended to prevent light pollution and preserve the night sky. Night sky conservation continues to be a guiding value of the City. The 2014 Comprehensive Plan details the community's value to protect the visibility of the stars in the night sky through the lighting code, education and enforcement. The City is, also, working to preserve the night sky in our backyard by participating in the formation of the Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve .

There are many reasons to preserve our dark skies, not the least of which is preserving our ability to view the starry night sky. Other factors motivating communities towards night-sky conservation include mitigating the disruption of nocturnal animals and the impacts on human health. Increased artificial lighting has been shown to have a negative and life threatening impact on many species, ranging from amphibians and mammals to insects and plants. For humans, artificial lighting can disrupt our circadian rhythm and the production of melatonin. Reducing the amount and intensity of outdoor lighting can also work to reduce energy waste and cutback on overall carbon emissions.

The City of Ketchum is currently updating and modernizing its Dark Sky ordinance and simultaneously working towards becoming an accredited International Dark Sky Community through the International Dark Sky Association. The goal is to achieve recognition for Ketchum's magnificent night sky and to further preserve one of its most valuable natural resources.

If you are interested in providing your support to the City's efforts towards International Dark Sky accreditation, please submit a letter of support detailing your experience with Ketchum's night sky. Send your letters of support to P.O. Box 2315, 480 East Ave. N., Ketchum, Idaho 83340, or by email to Please submit letters by April 30, 2017 to ensure your support is included in the City's International Dark Sky Community application.

Bring a Business to Sun Valley 
Sun Valley Economic Development's video, "Bring a Business to Sun Valley," is to help gather interest from out-of-town entrepreneurs to consider bringing their business to the valley.
Mayor Nina Jonas
Anne Corrock, Ketchum City Councilmember
Josh Solly, Ketchum Energy Advisory Committee member
5 p.m. Start Time for City Council Meeting
Due to a long agenda, the City Council meeting on Monday, March 20, will begin at 5 p.m. and will take place at Ketchum City Hall.

Have an Idea for Creative Solar Installations?
The city is seeking creative, innovative and attractive solutions for installing solar power systems at Atkinson Park. Possibilities include incorporating solar generation systems into existing structures, playground equipment, picnic shelters, benches and shade structures. The goal is to incorporate solar energy to encourage active and passive recreation while saving money, creating jobs, and increasing energy reliability and security. The installations also may be designed as a net metering service to reduce city electricity purchases. Request for proposal is available at

Bid Invitation for Ketchum Sidewalk Infill 2017 Project 
Design work is complete for sidewalk development at four locations in Ketchum. Invitation to bid and contract documents are available at Sealed or electronic bids will be received until 3 p.m., local time, Friday, March 24, and will be publicly opened and read aloud at Ketchum City Hall.
Be Flood Ready
Flooding is more likely to occur in many areas of Ketchum this spring after the high-snow-level. Access flood preparedness information at . The American Red Cross of Greater Idaho is prepared to respond to weather events impacting the need for assistance and a shelter is on standby for the Blaine County area. Note: Flood insurance take 30 days to go into effect.

Ketchum Joins National Immigration Day of Action
On Monday, March 20, Mayor Nina Jonas declares Ketchum's solidarity with the immigrant community and asserts its commitment to the values of diversity, inclusivity and equality as she proclaims March 21, 2017 Cities' Immigration Day of Action. #MayorsStand4All
Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve Takes Shape
Ketchum's collaborative efforts with neighboring jurisdictions, local non-profits and residents to create the Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve are taking shape. The group recently released its website where you can find information on the project and how you can help to preserve the night sky. The website is still under construction so keep checking back for more information. #LookUp
Dark Sky Enthusiasts
The Sawtooth National Forest is soliciting public comment on the proposed  Dark Sky Reserve, which Ketchum would be a part of. Please consider writing a letter of support by March 22 to Matt Phillips at
Photo Contest
The City of Ketchum Photo Contest for Hemingway Students brought three winners to the surface. First place went to Sasha Stahoski (see photo featured at the top of this newsletter), second place to Natalie Gowe and third place to Dexter Morrison. All three winners will be honored at the City Council meeting on April 3.
City Needs Facilities Maintenance Workers
Seasonal, full-time positions are available for maintaining city parks including sports turf, landscaping, trees and shrubs, natural areas, river access points, and facilities and structures. Visit for job description and application.
Be Smart About Your Water Use
Get direct access to your water meter data using the city's  WaterSmart program. WaterSmart makes it easy to understand your water usage and save money on your bills. Sign up at
Property Tax Reduction Deadline 
The deadline to file for Property Tax Reduction Programs, including "circuit breaker" and "homeowner's exemption," is April 18. To learn if you qualify and to see application details, visit the Blaine County Assessor's website, or call the County Assessor's Office at 788-5535. 
Teachers Create a Wish List
The Blaine County Education Foundation has initiated a new method to provide extra materials to help support teachers and enhance their students' learning environment. You can find more information and make a donation at
City Council 
Attend the next City Council meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 20. City Council meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month in Ketchum City Hall. Click here to see the agenda and staff reports or scan the QR code.

Planning and Zoning Commission 
Attend the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 10. P&Z meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in Ketchum City Hall. Click here for agendas and staff reports or scan the QR code.

Public Comment 
If you cannot attend the Council or P&Z meetings and would like to express an opinion, please submit your comments via email to Your input and engagement is encouraged. All comments will be reviewed. 
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City of Ketchum