Our August meeting is this Monday!
Join us Mon. 8/9 for our Members' Meeting
Just a quick reminder that 0ur next regular business meeting will be this Monday, August 9th, starting at 7:30 p.m.

Things start getting busy around the Council in the fall, so now's the time that we have to start planning, lining up volunteers, and signing-up attendees to our many events on the calendar.

All members are welcome at our meeting. As usual, we'll be serving dinner for members at 6:30. We hope to see you there!
Also, we'll be having an important Oktoberfest! planning meeting on Monday, August 16th, at 7:00 p.m.

We're doing it again as a fundraiser for St. James parish. Last year's event was an amazing success because of the many volunteers who turned out to help. We're still working out all of the details, but it looks like we're going to need the same level of staffing to maintain the high-standard we set for ourselves last year.

The date for Oktoberfest! is Saturday, October 9th, so SAVE THE DATE! We'll be using Eventbrite to pre-sell dinner seatings and take-out orders like we did last year. Once we finalize the details, you'll get an email blast with the link to purchase tickets.
For news, our calendar of upcoming events, and information on membership, our council, and contacts, please visit our website: carmelknights.org.