Monthly Newsletter
October 1, 2019  Issue 81
Residents of District E,
As cooler, and hopefully drier, weather moves into Texas we welcome lower temperatures and the opportunity to meet with our neighbors in celebration of National Night Out. National Night Out, taking place tonight, October 1, is an annual community event that is about building relationships within our neighborhoods and strengthening partnerships with our first responders to create a safer neighborhood. 
I ask each District E resident, in the wake of Tropical Storm Imelda, to check in on how you and your neighbors are doing emotionally. These events leaves scars on our hearts that are not always visible. It is important to take time to assess how you are doing and watch those close to you for signs of emotional trauma like trouble concentrating, difficulty making decisions, recurring dreams/nightmares, and sleeplessness. The District E Office is doing all they can to assist as quickly as possible. Keep in mind they too undergo this stress along with you, each phone call, email, and site visit they participate in. As with any health concern it is important to seek the advice of a licensed medical professional.
If you were effected by Tropical Storm Imelda please contact Houston 3-1-1 by calling (713) 837-0311 to report storm debris as well as structural flooding, water that entered your house. Solid Waste Department (SWD) crews continue to work their way through the Lake Houston Communities but during this round of flooding reporting is especially important as we know there are some instances that water only impacted one or two homes on a street. This adds to our request for patience as we work to guide SWD crews to all addresses effected. Once you have reported your storm debris and structural flooding please fill out the Tropical Storm Imelda Survey. Currently our office is monitoring over 500 unique cases specific to the Kingwood, Huffman, and Crosby area. There has not been a Federal Disaster Declaration at this time. Questions related to FEMA should be directed to Congressman Dan Crenshaw's Office, who has been a great partner visiting hard hit areas shortly after the storm.
Since Tropical Storm Imelda hit our area, I have requested that over the next 10 to 12 weeks the Houston Public Works Department take a comprehensive look at the stormwater drainage system in the Kingwood and Huffman areas evaluating any choke points or localized debris that needs to be addressed. This has already started. Additionally, I have requested that Harris County Flood Control District Projects that are currently active on Taylor Gully and Bens Branch be re-evaluated to further assess needed work in these channels post storm. I am also working to meet with Montgomery County Officials in an effort to help them understand how the lack of updated development standards in Montgomery County are negatively impacting District E residents is, as well as, City of Houston infrastructure. If you recall, I supported stricter City of Houston standards for development that were approved by City Council last April. As always the District E Office and Council Member Martin continue to collaborate and engage with elected officials at the local, state, and federal level in order to garner support and create awareness for immediate action related to these issues as severe storms continue to increase in frequency.
Many early reports indicated that this was an inundation event, related to several inches of rain within a very short period. Harris County Flood Control District Meteorologist, Jeff Lindner, has released flood control's first Tropical Storm Imelda Report. The City of Houston's drainage system was designed to handle a 100-year storm, which is 1 to 2 inches of rain every hour. During Imelda in the Lake Houston Area, at one point the area experienced 4 inches of rain in a 15-minute period. Our stormwater system simply cannot accommodate that amount of rain we are receiving during these extreme weather events. We cannot out engineer mother nature, but the City of Houston is committed to doing our part to reduce the risk of flooding. 
The District E office continues to monitor debris removal from all parts of District E. Please make sure that any debris that you have is reported to Houston 3-1-1 (713-837-0311) and forwarded to our office. We are well on our way to recovery and together we will get through this and grow in strength from this terrible incident. My thoughts and prayers go out to all District E residents as we all work to put our City back together again.


Dave Martin
The District E Office
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Contact Information
  Phone: (832) 393-3008
Fax: (832) 393-3279
District E Team

Jessica Beemer
Chief of Staff

Katherine Cunningham
Deputy Chief of Staff

Jordan McGinty
South Sector Manager

Clarissa Perez
North Sector Manager

City of Houston Contacts
(713) 837-0311
Mayor's Citizens
Assistance Office
(832) 393-0955


Kingwood Community Center
(281) 348-2570

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District E Fall Town Halls

Council Member Martin invites District E residents to attend his upcoming Town Hall meetings.  
Thursday, October 10
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Space Center Houston - Special Events Building
1601 East NASA Parkway
Houston, Texas 77058
Thursday, October 17
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Kingwood Community Center - Main Room
4102 Rustic Woods Drive
Kingwood, Texas 77345

Mayor Turner will be in attendance at both events, and we have invited representatives from several city departments and community partners to provide updates related to District E. Both meetings will be live-streamed and posted on Council Member Martin's Facebook Page for those who cannot attend in person. 

In Clear Lake, we have invited the folks from Commissioner Adrian Garcia's Office, Exploration Green, Houston Airport System, Houston Parks and Recreation Department, Clear Lake City Water Authority and Houston Police Department to provide updates about ongoing projects, issues, and community news related to the Clear Lake/Southeast areas of District E. 

In Kingwood, we will have invited Stephen Costello, City of Houston Chief Recovery Officer,  Houston Public Works, TIRZ 10 Chair Stan Sarman,  San Jacinto River Authority Director of Flood Management, Houston Parks Board and Texas Department of Transportation, and Harris County Flood Control District. 
Arlington Heights Water Repairs

Houston Public Works will be making repairs to an inoperable valve located at 4400 South Shaver on Thursday, October 3 at 11:30 p.m. Residents in the Arlington Heights area should expect water service to be interrupted for approximately 2 to 4 hours. 
Council Member Martin would like to express his thanks to the Arlington Heights Civic Club for bringing this matter to the attention of District E staff at Arlington Heights Civic Club's September membership meeting. Following the meeting, District E staff coordinated with Houston Public Works to have the concerns of water outages and low pressure investigated. 
After this investigation, the valve was found to be inoperable and partially closed. The repairs being conducted later this week should eliminate water outages and low pressure issues within the area. However, if residents continue to experience water issues, please report that matter to Houston 311 and follow up with the District E office. 
For more information, please contact Council Member Martin's office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at
Tropical Depression Imelda Recovery: Reporting Storm Debris and Structural Flooding

Council Member Martin is encouraging all District E residents to report storm debris and structural flooding to  Houston 311 by calling 713-837-0311. It is imperative this information be reported to the City of Houston so there is a clear record of homes impacted and the appropriate departments can respond as quickly as possible. 

The District E office coordinated with the City of Houston Solid Waste Department (SWD) to begin storm debris pickup to the Kingwood and Lake Houston area on Monday, September 23 and crews are still working in the area. Please make sure the debris is not placed near mailboxes or blocked by vehicles as this will impact SWD's ability to access and remove the debris. Roadways should be kept clear to ensure SWD vehicles can pass through the neighborhoods. Please avoid street parking if possible. 

In addition to reporting storm debris, structural flooding must be reporting to Houston 311 so the City of Houston will be made aware of those impacted. 

Houston 311 can be contacted by calling 713-837-0311. Following the report to 311, a service request number will be generated. Please share this service request number and the associated address with the District E office by emailing so District E staff can track each case and expedite debris clean up as quickly as possible. Please note, two service request numbers must be generated to properly report storm debris and structural flooding separately.
Harvey Home Connect Imelda Survey

For those who experienced flooding during Imelda, the first step for now is to complete the Imelda Survey. As of today, the federal government has not issued a federal disaster declaration. This means that FEMA help is not yet an option. Mayor Turner and Judge Hidalgo launched a charitable fund on Monday to help survivors through a partnership with the Greater Houston Community Foundation. 
It's critical the federal government see the full picture of Imelda damage in Texas. Please report any damage to your home through the Harvey Home Connect  Imelda as well as reporting to Houston 3-1-1 (713-837-0311). 
If you already are working on a Harvey application and had Imelda damage, too, please call your Housing Specialist or 832-393-0550. The Harvey program is underway and will continue even as we wait to see what the federal response will be to Imelda.
Fosters Mill Community Meeting

On September 9, Council Member Martin had the opportunity to speak at the Fosters Mill Village Annual Community Meeting. Council Member Martin provided an update on various Lake Houston projects such as the mouth-bar dredging recently completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the FEMA Lake Houston Spillway Dam Improvement Project (Flood Gates).

Thank you to community member, Maryanne Fortson, for the invitation to attend. It was wonderful to see everyone back in the Deerwood Country Club for the first time since Harvey. 
Jack and Jill, Inc: Humble-Kingwood Chapter Recognition

On Tuesday, September 10, Council Member Martin had the opportunity to present a proclamation to the Jack and Jill, Inc: Humble-Kingwood Chapter in honor of Jack and Jill Humble-Kingwood Annual Day, and their achievement of the 2018-2020 Five Star Chapter of Excellence Award.
Jack and Jill of America is a membership organization of mothers with children ages 2 to 19. The mother members are dedicated to nurturing future leaders by supporting children through leadership development, volunteer service, philanthropic giving and civic duty.
Council Member Martin was honored and proud today to recognize the Humble-Kingwood Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. for the both the impactful work the organization is doing in the Kingwood, Humble, and Lake Houston communities, as well as for their participation in the organization's Carole Robertson Memorial Day.

Clear Creek Education Foundation Dine In To Donate

The Clear Creek Education Foundation is gearing up to host its sixth annual "Dine Out to Donate" on Monday, October 7th. The process is simple - citizens enjoy a meal at a participating restaurant, and in return the restaurant will donate a portion of the proceeds to CCEF to benefit the students and teachers of the Clear Creek Independent School District.
This event brings fun competition district wide between all CCISD schools. The top three elementary, intermediate and high schools with the highest percentage of participation based on student population will each win: 1st - $1,000, 2nd - $500 and 3rd - $250. Overall, the top school wins the "Top Dog Trophy" which comes with very special bragging rights.
For more information on the CCEF's Dine Out to Donate event and a list of participating restaurants, please click  here.
Taylor Gully

On Monday, July 15,  Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) began a desilt project on the upstream portion of Taylor Gully from Bassingham to the Harris County line. The work is nearing completion as crews were delayed due to Tropical Storm Imelda.

This work effort has include desilting the channel, reconstructing the backslope interceptor structures, installing new backslope interceptor pipes, regrading backslope swales, installing new gates and signs, and resetting the covers of the "E type" inlets that have been damaged.

During recent rain events, intense rainfall rates greatly exceeded internal and primary drainage system capabilities resulting in significant and at times deep street flooding and sheetflow. 

Council Member Martin has asked that HCFCD reevaluate the existing projects and address any needed change to further reduce flood risk. 

After completing this reach of channel, HCFCD staff will investigate Taylor Gully further downstream, where HCFCD completed a desilt job in the spring of 2019. HCFCD will open up any constrictions and desilt the channel if necessary.
Houston Spaceport Phase One Construction Update

On Thursday, September 12, Council Member Martin had a productive meeting with Clear Lake residents and the Houston Airport System (HAS) regarding flooding concerns at the Houston Spaceport as well as in and around the Bay Pointe and Northfork neighborhoods.
During the meeting, Council Member Martin, District E staff, and the residents had a chance to examine the progress of the Spaceport Phase One construction. Included in the plans for Phase One is a 105-acre storm water detention facility. This detention facility will hold the water draining from Ellington, and is designed to drain in 48 hours to meet HAS design criteria. The drainage model shows the 100 year flood water surface elevation is reduce in Horsepen Bayou by a little bit over half a foot. With this new drainage plan in place, the water will be slowed down, and held, instead of rushing from Ellington Airport property to Horsepen Bayou.
With future development of the Spaceport, more detention will be added. To learn more about the Spaceport Phase One Construction, HAS will be providing an update at the District E Clear Lake/Southeast Houston Town Hall meeting on Thursday, October 10, at 6:30 p.m. in the Special Events Building at Space Center Houston.
Bens Branch Conveyance Restoration Project

The Bens Branch Channel from Kingwood Drive to about 1,800 linear feet downstream of West Lake Houston Parkway, is owned by the  Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD). 

As property owners of this channel, HCFCD began their Conveyance Restoration Project on August 19. The project will include removing and disposing of approximately 76,285 cubic yards of sediment accumulations. This will be a multi-step process. First, HCFCD's contractor, Solid Bridge Construction, LLC, must remove the soil from the creek. Then the soil must drain and dry. Finally, dump trucks will remove the excavated material. Based on the current timeline, the project is scheduled to be complete by the summer of 2020, weather permitting.
Please be aware that construction equipment will access the work area via the established access points from Kingwood Drive, Bens View, West Lake Houston Parkway, and Denmere. The contractor will use heavy construction equipment such as dump trucks, excavators and bulldozers. Motorists are urged to be alert to truck traffic when passing near construction access points.
For any questions or concerns, please contact the Harris County Flood Control District by calling (713) 684-4197 or visiting their website. For more information on HCFCD projects in the Kingwood area, please visit this link.

Council Member Martin has asked that HCFCD reevaluate the existing projects and address any needed change to further reduce flood risk. 
Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership Aerospace Advisory Council Meeting

On Thursday, September 12, staff from my office attended an Aerospace Advisory Council committee meeting at Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership featuring Texas State Comptroller Glenn Hager. The Comptroller briefed the group on his latest study regarding Johnson Space Center's economic impact on the State of Texas.
NASA makes a $4.7 billion annual impact on the Texas economy and directly and indirectly supports more than 52,000 public and private jobs. It plays a critical role in education, research, tourism, and business activities not only in our region, but in the state as a whole. Council Member Martin looks forward to watching NASA's relationship with Texas prosper and evolve.
Progress on the Lake Houston Spillway Dam Improvement Project (Flood Gates) 

In August of 2019 the clock for Phase I of the Lake Houston Spillway Dam Improvement Project (Flood Gates) started with the award of a Hazard Mitigation Grant through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) in the amount of $47,170,953 for the City of Houston Lake Houston Spillway Dam Improvement Project  (Federal Share $35,378,214.75, Non-Federal Share $11,792,738.25).  This award is pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Section 404, and 44 CFR Part 206.434.
The first phase of this project includes the City of Houston working with Harris County Flood Control District, as a partner, to procure a consultant that will provide for the design, permitting, environmental, hydraulic and hydrologic analysis. The first phase of this project is expected to be completed by Fall 2020 but extensions may be necessary depending on results of environmental analysis and impact studies. The City of Houston will front all costs for the Lake Houston Spillway  Dam Improvement Project and submit reimbursement requests to the Texas Division of Emergency Management on a monthly basis. 

Once Phase I of the project is complete the City of Houston will renew the cost benefit analysis and submit to FEMA for their review. Upon their review of the completed cost benefit analysis after Phase I completion, the additional funds provided to the state of Texas for this project will be made available for reimbursement to the City for completion of Phase II construction. The two phases of the Lake Houston Spillway  Dam Improvement Project are expected to be completed within 36 months, with the possibility of extension if needed.
As updates for this project become available the District E Office will notify residents utilizing the office newsletter and social media platforms. If you do not already, please follow @cmdavemartin on Twitter and like the Council Member's Facebook Page.
San Jacinto College State of the College and Center for Petrochemical, Energy, and Technology Grand Opening 

Wednesday, September 18, District E staff attended the San Jacinto College State of the College and Center for Petrochemical, Energry and Technology Grand Opening at the San Jacinto College Central Campus. The grand opening ceremony revealed LyondellBasell as the facility's naming rights partner, honoring the company's generous $5 million donation and their support in helping to develop the facility's curriculum, aligning with LyondellBasell's strong commitment to workforce development.
The new, cutting-edge training facility is located at the College's Central Campus, placing it square in the heart of the largest petrochemical manufacturing complex in the United States, where 90 companies operate 132 plants within a 13-mile radius of the College's new facility.
As a top 10 community college in the nation and the country's second-largest producer of process operator graduates, San Jacinto College plays a vital role in helping the region maintain its status as the "Energy Capital of the World." The new technologically advanced Center will enhance the College's ability to provide unrivaled, hands-on training in real-world labs, designed with current industry needs in mind.
Kingwood Area Republican Women's 40th Anniversary Celebration

On September 20, Council Member Martin had the honor of presenting a proclamation to the Kingwood Area Republican Women's Club for celebrating 40 years of service in the community. 

The Kingwood Area Republic Women's Club is comprised of strong, steadfast women who have advocated on behalf of the conservative men and women in the Lake Houston Area since they were federated in January 1979. They are an award-winning organization that continues to show unwavering support for GOP candidates and leaders on every level.

Council Member Martin thanks the Kingwood Area Republic Women for their hard work and commitment to the community over the last 40 years.
Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce General Membership Monthly Meeting

On September 25, Council Member Martin attended the September Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce General Membership Luncheon at the Hilton Houston NASA Clear Lake.
The program featured a Legislative Panel featuring State Senator Larry Taylor, and State Representatives Dr. Greg Bonnen and Dennis Paul. The state officials provided updates on their accomplishments during the 86th legislative session in disciplines such as education, school safety, property tax, and infrastructure.
Elm Grove Elementary Flood Recovery Event

On Thursday, September 26, Council Member Martin visited with residents in the Elm Grove community who were affected by Tropical Storm Imelda. The event was hosted by Elm Grove Elementary staff who provided food and recovery resources for those in attendance.

Thank you to Humble ISD and staff at Elm Grove Elementary for coordinating this event in such a quick manner during this difficult time. 

All residents please make sure that reports of structural flooding and storm debris are made to Houston 3-1-1. 
Houston Fire Department Station 71 Open House

In April, the Houston Fire Department's "Open House" Public Safety Awareness Campaign kicked off to promote Fire Prevention and Safety. As part of the program, several open houses were scheduled through the city for the 2019 year.  Please join Clear Lake Houston Fire Department Station 71, at 15200 Space Center Boulevard, 77062, for their open house on Saturday, October 12 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

Citizens will have the chance to learn about common causes of home fires such as cooking, heating units, and smoking; be reminded of the importance of having working smoke detectors (and checking them frequently) and how critical it is to have a fire safety escape plan in place.

There are two safety themes for 2019 open houses: "Know the Way Out" and "Cook with Caution." Open house activities, which may vary by fire station, include: an interactive tour through the fire safety house to learn how to prepare and evacuate during an emergency, demonstrations by firefighters, fire station tours, photo ops with Sparky the Fire Dog, and free pizza and chips. 

"Every year, the majority of fire deaths in North America happen at home. In a typical home, you may have as little as one to two minutes to escape safely from the time the smoke alarm sounds. Our open houses are a time for people to think ahead. You can help ensure your family's safety by having a home fire escape plan, making sure your smoke alarms work well, and being careful with cooking and heating equipment," said Fire Chief Sam Pena.
El Dorado Boulevard Widening Update 

Harris County Precinct 2 recently completed the necessary removal of approximately 100 trees along El Dorado Boulevard from Clear Lake City Boulevard to Horsepen Bayou. The next phase of the project has begun: street light pole relocation. Centerpoint began staking on Wednesday, September 4. Centerpoint's work is estimated to take about 16 to 20 weeks and we are hopeful construction of the roadway will begin in February 2020. 

TxDOT FM1960 Access Management Study Public Meeting

The public meetings for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) FM 1960 Access Management Study are coming up on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 and Thursday, October 3, 2019. Citizens are cordially invited to attend the meetings. The meetings will be held in an open-house format where staff will be available to answer questions and citizens may provide comments.


The study is for the 11-mile segment of FM 1960 from East Gatewick (just east of I-45) to BF 1960A (east of I-69) in Harris County. The FM 1960 Study aims to identify short-, medium-, and long-range improvements to reduce crashes, improve mobility, and support existing and future development.


Tuesday, October 1

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Humble High School

1700 Wilson Road

Humble, TX 77338


Thursday, October 3

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Nimitz High School

2005 W. W. Thorne Drive

Houston, TX 77073


For more information, please visit and Search: "FM 1960 Access  Management".

Contact Information

Reference the following project number: 1685-03-104, 1685-02-052


TxDOT Houston District

Director Advance Transportation Planning

7600 Washington Avenue,

Houston, TX 77007

(713) 802-5000

Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library Family Place Library Ribbon Cutting

The Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library will be joining the Family Place Libraries™ national network, providing a welcoming community environment with resources to help families nurture their children's development and early learning during the critical first years of life. 

To help ensure all children enter school ready and able to learn, our new Family Place offers: 
  • A specially designed space in the children's area for families with young children to relax, play, share books and meet other families. 
  • Parent-Child Workshops- a five week series of fun, play-based activities for toddlers and their parents and caregivers. Rich with toys, books and art activities, the Workshops provide an opportunity for families to spend time together, make friends and talk one-on-one with specialists on various aspects of child development and early literacy. 
  • Collections of books, toys, music and multimedia materials for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, parents and caregivers.
  • Librarians specially trained in child development and family support.
The Family Place Libraries™ model is now in over 400 libraries in 29 states serving thousands of young children and their parents/caregivers. Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library is proud to be among them.  In our library, this expanded public library role is made possible with funding from the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation and support from the Friends of Freeman Library.
Please join us for our ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday, October 4 at 10:30 a.m. Following the ribbon-cutting, we will enjoy refreshments and a family music performance by local musician and author Cynthia Butler.
Lake Houston Maintenance Program

As residents in the Lake Houston and Kingwood area see local projects starting, Council Member Martin is continuing to work behind the scenes on a long-term maintenance program for the San Jacinto River and Lake Houston. This program will regularly address issues like sedimentation levels in the river and lake as well as the removal of floatable debris.
This fiscal year, Council Member Martin proposed a budget amendment that for the first time creates a funding mechanism for a Lake Houston Maintenance Program utilizing existing revenue during this year's budget process and it achieved full support of City Council. Before Council Member Martin's amendment was passed this year, a program to maintain Lake Houston for any other purpose than as a drinking water facility did not exist.
This program will use revenue from boat dock and permit fees on Lake Houston that previously went into the City of Houston General Fund to kick start regular maintenance of the river and lake to reduce the risk of flooding increasing public safety. Council Member Martin has been working diligently with Houston Public Works, Coastal Water Authority, Harris County Flood Control, San Jacinto River Authority, and the State of Texas to identify a more robust, sustainable, and reoccurring funding source for these activities. Additionally, the Council Member is looking to these agencies for partnerships in maintenance to further the benefits for the community. 
The District E office is currently is in the preliminary steps of creating this program and will continue to update the community as progress is made.
National Drug Take Back Day

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day will take place this year on Saturday, October 26, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Walmart located at 2165 Northpark Drive in Kingwood. 
The national event, sponsored by the United States Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration, aims to provide safe and convenient disposal of prescription drugs while also educating the public on the potential for the abuse of prescription medications. Sites will be available throughout the City of Houston for residents to drop off unused or expired drugs for safe disposal by law enforcement personnel. To learn more about National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, please click here

Once information is available on a date in Clear Lake the District E office will notify residents through Council Member Martin's social media pages. 
Rain Barrel Program

The City of Houston Green Building Resource Center helps area residents conserve natural resources to lessen the effects of the Texas heat by offering rain barrels and compost bins at a discounted price. The fall edition of its biannual online sale is now open, with a pick-up date of Saturday, October 12.

The rain barrels, which typically retail at $129 and provide homeowners with an affordable alternative to watering from the tap, will be available for $72. Additionally, compost bins, which reduce the volume of garbage needlessly sent to landfills, will be offered for $67. Both come with instructions for easy set-up and use.

To order, visit the website by Sunday, October 6:

Purchases can be picked up October 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Houston Permitting Center (West) Parking Lot 2, 1002 Washington Ave. GBRC Program Director Steve Stelzer will be available to answer questions and assist all who take part in this offer.

Council Member Martin is working with Houston Public Works to coordinate an event in Spring 2020 to accommodate District E residents by hosting pick up events in Kingwood and Clear Lake. Be on the lookout for more information in the coming months!
Forest Cove Townhomes Buyout Update

The District E office continues to monitor the progress of the Harris County Flood Control District Buyout Process. As of this month, HCFCD has continued with the purchase and demolition of some properties located in the Forest Cove Townhome Community as part of their Home Buyout Program.

HCFCD has purchased all units in the following buildings: 1102 Marina, 1050 Marina, 1060 Marina, 1040 Marina, 1030 Marina, 930 Aqua Vista, and 803/5 Timberline. There are approximately 18 more units in the process of being purchased. Once these remaining properties are purchased HCFCD will have complete ownership.

The following buildings have been demolished: 1050 Marina, 1060 Marina, and 803/5 Timberline. HCFCD is in the process of demolishing 1102 Marina, 1040 Marina, 1030 Marina, and 930 Aqua Vista. As HCFCD completes ownership on the 19 remaining units, the demolitions of those buildings will follow.

The District E office greatly appreciates everything HCFCD has done in keeping our office informed on the status of the demolition process for these Hurricane Harvey buyout properties. We would also like to thank the City of Houston Police Department and Houston Fire Department for their efforts in monitoring this area and responding to concerns when needed. Council Member Martin encourages residents to continue reporting any suspicious activity or illegal dumping to 3-1-1 by calling (713) 837-0311.
Wings Over Houston 

Council Member Martin invites all Houstonians to Ellington Airport on Saturday, October 19 and Sunday, October 20 for the Annual Wings Over Houston Airshow. This year, Wings Over Houston is honored to host, not just one, but two national military jet demonstration teams, the United States Air Force Thunderbirds and the Canadian Forces Snowbirds. Both teams will put on jaw-dropping demonstrations highlighted by precision formation flying (separated by only a few feet) at hundreds of miles an hour.
Gates will open at 8:00 a.m. on both October 19 and 20. For more on the Wings Over Houston Airshow, including ticket information, please visit
Upcoming Events

Please email the District E office if you would like us to include your upcoming event in future newsletters! 

City Wides
October 1 
National Night Out

Southeast Houston/Clear Lake

October 2
Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership State of the Counties

October 4
Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library Family Place Library Ribbon Cutting

October 10 
Clear Lake Southeast Houston Fall Town Hall Meeting

October 10 
Meadowcreek Village Civic Club Meeting

October 12
Clear Lake Electronic Waste Recycling 

October 12
Houston Fire Department Station 71 Open House

October 15
Clear Lake PIP

October 24
Freeway Manor Civic Club Meeting

October 30
Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce General Membership Luncheon


October 5
Kingwood Electronic Waste Recycling

October 9
Kingwood Service Association Public Safety Committee

October 15
Kingwood PIP

October 16
Kingwood Super Neighborhood Meeting

October 17
Kingwood Lake Houston Area Fall Town Hall Meeting

October 21
Quarterly Huffman Public Safety