Greetings from
Council Member Mike Knox
August 2017 Newsletter
  Carla Hulsey
Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Carla Hulsey is leaving us. She served the City for several years, and we wish her all the luck in the world.  Carla will further her goals in community relations. We know she will excel there as well.   
Sheena Childs
Meet our newest Administrative Coordinator, Sheena Childs. She graduated from UH Downtown in 2008 with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications. Sheena brings seven years of administration, outreach, and public relations experience to our At-Large 1 office. We welcome Sheena with open arms. 

Megan Barcak
Megan Barcak is one of our summer interns. She is a law student at South Texas College of Law. Megan is interested in all facets of city government.

Back to School Time
Mayor's 7th Annual Back 2 School Fest Location: George R. Brown Convention Center 1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010  August 12th.  8 AM.

Serving 25,000 pre-registered children from Houston area school districts Free:
  • Backpacks
  • School Supplies
  • Immunizations
  • Vision Screenings
  • Dental Screenings
  • Other Free Services

Due to limited supplies, this event is open only to pre-registered students in grades K-5 who reside in the City of Houston and qualify for free or reduced cost lunch. To Pre-register, Please Call: 713-837-0311 8 a.m. to 5 p.m or visit    

El Septimo Festival Anual de Regreso a la Escuela de Alcalde George R. Brown Convention Center1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010. Agosto 12. 

Ayudando a 25.000 estudiantes de varios distritos escolares que se hayan registrado antemano Gratis:

  • Mochilas
  • Utiles escolares
  • Vacunas
  • Cupones de corte de pelo
  • Examenes de la vista
  • Examenes dentales
  • Otros servicios gratuitos

Entrada gratuita para aquellos estudiantes del kinder hasta el sexto grado que residan dentro de la Ciudad de Houston y que se hayan registrado antemano. Para mas informacion y para registrarse, llame al 713.837.0311 (entre las 8am - 5pm) o visite la pagina web ESTE EVENTO SERA LIMITADO A LOS PRIMER 25,000 ESTUDIANTES REGISTRADOS.
FREE Back-To-School Immunizations
The Houston Fire Department and the Care Van Program
Offering FREE Back-To-School Immunizations

The Houston Fire Department and the Care Van Program
once again are teaming up to provide free immunizations
at their annual Back-To-School Immunization Extravaganza
August 24.

Immunization Extravaganza
Thursday,  August 24, 2017
4:00 p.m. -- 6:30 p.m.
HFD Val Jahnke Training Facility
8030 Braniff, Houston, Texas 77061

The free immunizations are only available for uninsured
or Medicaid children ages 4 to 18 years.

We apologize but we cannot service children with CHIP or private insurance.

Parents must accompany their children and
provide their most current immunization records.
Please click on the link below for more information in English and Spanish  including a map to the location.
Hurricane Season is Here -- Make sure you're prepared!
June 1st marks the start of the 2017 hurricane season, although the season officially started in April when Tropical Storm Arlene formed over the north Atlantic. This is the third consecutive year that a storm has formed before the official start of hurricane season. Tropical Storm Ana formed in May 2015 and Hurricane Alex formed in January 2016.

This year, weather experts are predicting a slightly below-average Atlantic hurricane season. They are forecasting 11 named storms, four of those could become hurricanes, and two could possibly reach major hurricane strength. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th, but the peak of the season on average occurs from mid-August to mid-October.

In Texas, the county judge serves as the county’s emergency management director and has the authority over both incorporated and unincorporated areas. When cities can no longer handle a disaster on their own, they can request resources from the county. Harris County works closely with its 34 cities and other partners to prepare for all hazards in order to protect the health and safety of its constituents, property, infrastructure and economy.  While the Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management is responsible for all of Harris County, you are strongly encouraged to monitor and follow instructions from your city’s office of emergency management.  Successfully responding to a hurricane or any emergency requires strong collaboration between the county and cities.

The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management works year-round with local, state, and federal partners to prepare the region for disasters. Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. Their impacts can be felt hundreds of miles inland. For people who have recently moved here, it is very important that they are aware of the potential dangers during hurricane season.

It is important that residents know who their local emergency management contacts are and any questions pertaining to emergency preparedness should be directed to the emergency management office in their city.

Go to for preparedness tips and/or download the free ReadyHarris app, from the App Store or Google Play. The ReadyHarris app delivers real time weather alerts, hosts a step-by-step guide to building a personalized family disaster plan, offers survival tip sheets, maps evacuation routes and locates local emergency services. 

Everyone should have an emergency supplies kit with enough non-perishable food and water to last seven to ten days. Other essential items include:
  • Copies of insurance papers and identification sealed in a watertight plastic bag
  • First-aid kit
  • NOAA weather radio and batteries
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Supply of prescription medicines
  • Sleeping bag or blankets
  • Changes of clothes
  • Hygiene items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and deodorant
  • Cash or checkbook
  • Pet supplies including food, water, leashes, bedding and vaccination records

Residents should review and update their homeowners’ or renters’ insurance policies to make sure they include coverage for accidental damage, natural disasters and, if necessary, flood and windstorm insurance.

Flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period after the purchase date before coverage takes effect, so if you do not have a policy, you should obtain one as soon as possible. For more information about flood insurance, go to or call 1-888-379-9531.

Residents who live in an evacuation zone need to learn their evacuation routes and wait on instructions from local authorities before leaving. To determine if your home is located in an evacuation zone, check the Zip Zone Evacuation Map.

If you are asked to evacuate:
  • Leave as soon as possible
  • Secure your home; lock windows and doors
  • Unplug appliances; turn off electricity and main water valve
  • Pack your supplies kit, extra blankets and sleeping bags
  • Take your pets with you
  • Make sure your gas tank is full
  • Follow recommended evacuation routes

If you are staying home:
  • Identify a safe room, an area with no windows; stock it with a battery-powered TV/radio with spare batteries, sleeping bags, pillows, snacks and water
  • Secure your home; put away outdoor objects and furniture
  • Fill bathtubs with water for non-drinking use (such as flushing toilets)
  • Wait until storm passes to come out

Residents who need help evacuating should dial 2-1-1 to register for transportation assistance. The State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) is a free service available to the elderly, people with disabilities or special medical conditions, and individuals who do not have a motor vehicle or other means of transportation.

It is important to stay informed before, during and after a hurricane. Sign up to receive weather and emergency alerts at and closely monitor the news media. Local officials will provide information about current conditions, evacuations and re-entry. Residents can also follow HCOHSEM on Facebook and Twitter.

In addition to your personal preparedness, consider getting involved in neighborhood and community emergency preparedness activities. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills. CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. Call Harris County Citizen Corps at (281) JOIN NOW (564-6669) or go to to sign up for classes or to get information about other volunteer opportunities. You can also get Harris County Citizen Corps news and updates on Facebook.
Houston Parks and Recreation Department Summer
Food Service Program

The 2017 Summer Food Service Program sponsored by the Houston Parks and Recreation Department is underway!  FREE summer meals are available for children ages 1 to 18 from June 5 through August 11.  No registration is required.   The Summer Food Service Program is funded by the U.S.D.A. Child and Adult Care Food Program and is administered locally by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Food and Nutrition Division.   

CLICK HERE to view the list of approved 2017 Summer Food Service Program sites. Families can also find a Summer Food Service Program site by calling 2-1-1 and providing their zip code.  

Go Healthy Houston, Houston Bikeways Program launch bike rack donation program
The Go Healthy Houston Taskforce and Houston Bikeways Program will donate bike racks to local management districts, businesses, commercial properties, civic associations and community-based organizations as part of their new Bike Racks Program.

The initiative requires selected agencies to install the donated bike racks on property located within Houston city limits. The Houston Bikeways Program includes the Houston Health Department, Houston Public Works and Engineering Department and the Planning and Development Department.

Setting up bicycle parking is one of many recommended actions in the recently adopted Houston Bike Plan. End-of-trip accommodations such as bike racks encourage biking to key community destinations, physical activity of employees and patrons and overall safety and comfort of cyclists. New bike lanes and refurbished bike paths provide cyclists more access to everyday destinations such as parks, schools, shopping, work and places for socialization.

Agencies can submit applications to install the bike racks either on private property or a public right of way. The initiative will give priority to sites located in areas targeted by Complete Communities and sections of Houston with higher rates of obesity and physical inactivity.

Management districts, TIRZ and Super Neighborhoods with current maintenance agreements with the City of Houston are encouraged to apply for bike racks and installation in the public right of way. Businesses are encouraged to apply for bike racks for their property.

The program is accepting requests until supplies last. There is a 10 bike rack limit per applicant. Applications are online at .

The Go Healthy Houston Taskforce works to improve the health of all Houstonians by increasing access to healthy foods, physical activity, and smoke-free places— making the healthy choice, the easy choice. For more information, email .
Artist Residency Program
Mayor Sylvester Turner announces that the City of Houston is seeking three artists to participate in a pilot Resident Artist Program. The new, 16-week community-impact artist residency will pair Houston artists with city and partner agencies to create art that addresses the issues of community development, veterans, immigrants and refugees.

The artists will receive an honorarium of $7,500, with a $2,500 stipend for a project.  The program is made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Houston is home to one of the largest populations of military service members and families; 28 percent of its population is foreign-born; it leads the nation in refugee resettlement; moreover, Houston is facing significant population growth and affordable housing tensions.  In light of these factors, the artists will be hosted by the city Office of Veteran’s Affairs, the city Office of New Americans and Immigrant Communities, BakerRipley and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation.  The artists will work in the areas of Gulfton, Near Northside and Third Ward. The program will be managed by the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs.

The residency program aims to document what the artists learn, and use that as a guide for Houston agencies to use to incorporate artists into their community services.

Applicants from Houston’s visual, performing, literary and multimedia artists are welcome. Requirements include prior completion of Artists, INC Houston program of Mid-America Arts Alliance and Fresh Arts, or a grant through the local arts agency Houston Arts Alliance. 

Complete applications must be submitted online by 5:00 p.m., Sunday, August 20, 2017 via All eligible applications will be reviewed by a committee and the three artists will be announced in early September 2017.

Artists Wanted for New Murals Coming to Houston Neighborhoods
The City of Houston is gearing up to add another thirty-eight artworks to street-side traffic signal control cabinets throughout Houston and is encouraging artists to submit qualifications for the opportunity to create a mural. Known as “Mini Murals”, Houston now has over 170 new original artworks in neighborhoods throughout the city that have been funded by Mayor Sylvester Turner and District Council Members, as well as private sponsors.
Mini Murals will soon be popping up in many of Houston’s neighborhoods including Acres Homes, Central Southwest, East End, Gulfton, Heights, Near Northside, Second Ward and Third Ward.
If you are an artist interested in joining the registry, you can find the Open Call guidelines available  here. Artists will need to submit their qualifications, including work samples, a letter of intent, and previous work experience. The deadline to submit your application will be no later than August 11, 2017 and all artists will be notified of results by August 31, 2017.
UP Art Studio will convene a panel of art experts, community stakeholders, artists and City representatives to review all submissions and select artists for the registry. The panelists include:
Radu Barbuceanu – City of Houston, Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs
Marcus Gurske – UP Art Studio Advisory Board, Public Relations
Noah Quiles – Managing Partner of UP Art Studio
Alanna Reed – City of Houston, Department of Public Works and Engineering
Terry Suprean – Artist
Lisa Volpe – Curator of Photography, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
For more information about the City’s Cultural Programs go to or follow the Mayor’s office of Cultural Affairs on Facebook @HoustonMOCA.

Can I be Your Neighbor?

CLICK HERE for more information. 

METRONext Community 
Open Houses

METRO’s Board of Directors is developing a new plan for transit services in the Houston region. They intend to focus on providing more transportation choices to more people, and it is critical that METRO recieves your input on METRONext.

METRONext will build on the foundation laid by METRO Solutions, the long-range transit plan approved by voters in 2003.  The region’s population continues to grow thereby increasing demand for mobility.  Our transit system must help people get to where they need to go today, and we must have the forethought to plan for the future. Through this process, we will look for ways to better serve the needs of our current customers, as well as develop strategies to attract new customers to the transit system. The regional transit plan will be designed to serve area residents through 2040.

METRO has established goals for METRONext that include Improving Mobility, Enhancing Connectivity, Supporting Vibrant Communities, and Ensuring a Return on Investment. With these goals in mind, METRO invites you to join in developing a plan for a transit system that best serves our area’s residents, businesses and visitors.  We want to know the following:

  • What kind of transit system would best serve the future needs of Houstonians?
  • How do you feel about the goals of METRONext?
  • If you do not use transit today, what would entice you to use it tomorrow?
  • What are three important things METRO should keep in mind as it develops the plan?

METRO will hold its first round of community meetings this summer. METRO  invites you to attend these meetings, share the meeting schedule with your neighbors, and encourage them to provide input by going to .  METRO wants to hear from as many people as possible. 
METRO Summer of Fun Pass/QR Card for K-12 Students

Get ready for a summer of fun! METRO is taking students to all the fun for FREE with the Student Summer of Fun Pass.  It gives K- 12 students free rides on METRORail, local buses and Park & Ride services June 1, 2017 through Sept.1, 2017.  

The fun continues even when students head back to class. After September 1, 2017, the Summer of Fun Pass automatically converts to a discounted METRO Student QR Fare card which is coded with a 50 percent student discount.  When students reload the card with money, they will automatically get half off the full fare, which means the savings continue!

There are three ways to apply for the pass:

1. Online at under the Summer of Fun Link
2. In person at the METRO RideStore located at 1900 Main or 1001 Travis St
3. Call 713-635-4000 to request a mail-in application. 

Summer fun is waiting and METRO can get you there!
For more information on the program visit or call 713-635-4000.  

Minor Critical Emergency
Home Repair Program
The Minor Critical Emergency Home Repair Program (MCEHRP) is open!  Please call the Housing and Community Development Department (832.394.6161) for more information. Please see requirements: 
  • Minor critical emergency home repairs are those repairs critically needed to alleviate life, health or safety hazards
  • Applicants must be qualified to participate in the program; applying does not guarantee approval for or acceptance into the program
  • Rebuilding Together Houston will provide critical repairs UP TO $10,000 per home to qualified applicants
  • Specific repair services are determined based on condition of home, cost of repairs and availability of funds
For more information, please contact the MCEHRP at 832.394.6161 , or the Department at 832.394.6200 .
Meaningful Change; Not Spare Change. 
Contracting Opportunities

City of Houston

The City of Houston will receive statement of qualifications and proposals for Fire Station 55 replacement. The project consists of design and construction of the new (5) bay Fire Station approximately 15,000 SF. The project will consist of, but not limited to, site work, foundation, structure, MEP systems, furniture, appliances, landscaping, signage and traffic signal. Qualifications are due Thursday, August 10, 2017 while Proposals are to be submitted Thursday, September 28, 2017.


Click here for more information!

Houston First

Houston First Corporation has issued a Request for Qualifications for providing Audio Visual and Rigging Services to users of its facilities. This RFQ has a 20% diversity participation goal. A pre-bid submittal conference is scheduled for July 25, 2017 at 11:00 am at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Responses are due on August 8, 2017 at 11:00 am. If you require additional information, please contact Reuben A. Brown, BWA Diversity Consulting at (713) 398-9060 

Click here for more information!
July 2017 Events

Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM) announced today the culmination of a dream come true with the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of The Harrell Family Opportunity Center. The building is named after the Harrell Family, one of NAM’s most committed supporters. The Harrell Family Opportunity Center is the crystallization of NAM’s Capital Campaign, Roots & Wings, which started in January of 2014. This campaign allowed NAM to raise $5,373,885 to start the construction of a new building that would expand NAM’s vocational training and job- readiness program through a robust training center for mid-skills jobs, thus allowing NAM clients to reach financial, professional and emotional independence. The Harrell Family Opportunity Center will be fully-operational on the day of the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and clients can expect the same quality in vocational training that will allow them to pursue better-paying jobs.

4th of July Neighborhood Parade 
Nothing gets the celebration off to a better start than a good old fashion neighborhood parade.  

Feature Heading
Freedom Over Texas rounded out the 4th of July with a bang. Thousands enjoyed live music followed by the biggest fireworks show in Texas.
Pendelton Chapel Seminary School Honors
Honored to represent Mayor Sylvester Turner in receiving an Honorary Doctorate from Pendelton Chapel Seminary

Alief Community Association Veterans

Enjoyed visiting with the Alief Community Association Veterans Group. Very active and diverse group who likes to stay well informed on current events.

Manchester Derby

The Bayou City played host to the Manchester Derby at NRG Stadium. Manchester United faced off with rival team Manchester City. The derby between these two teams has been contested since1881.

The Recovery Center

The Recovery Center is a caring place for those who are impaired.  Leonard Kincaid was our tour guide.

Biggest Star at the Houston Zoo
This 300 lb. baby elephant, Joy, is the talk of Houston. She has captured the media spotlight and does not disappoint. Best time to see Joy is in the morning hours.  

Tour of James Webb Space Telescope at NASA-JSC

Council Member Mike Knox's staff had the opportunity to tour Mission Control and view the James Webb telescope. A million miles from Earth, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will use infrared vision to detect the most distant stars and galaxies in our universe. The Webb Telescope will peer deep inside swirling disks of dust and gas encircling newborn stars where new planets are formed. It will measure the sizes of planets orbiting other stars and the compositions of their atmospheres. Seeking to answer a major question -- are we alone in the universe?

CITGO Freedom Over Texas Sponsor Appreciation Luncheon

As a part of the Fourth of July festivities, Council Member Mike Knox joined the CITGO Freedom Over Texas celebration at a luncheon thanking the generous sponsors. 

Service Requests:
Important Information:
(832) 393-3014

311 or (713) 837-0311


HPD Non-Emergency 
(713) 884-3131

(832) 393-0955

(832) 393-1100

Mayor Sylvester Turner
City of Houston
P.O. Box 1562
Houston, TX 77251
311 or 713.837.0311 

Staff Information:
John Moss
Chief of Staff

Sheena Childs
Administrative Coordinator

Lanny Griffith
Communications Director
City Council Member Mike Knox, At-Large Position 1 | 900 Bagby St., First Floor | Houston, TX 77002 | (832) 393-3014 |
Stay in touch!