An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
October 6, 2021 regular & October 13, 2021 special Council meetings.
These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Council released motions from the closed portion of the October 6, 2021 Council meeting that updated appointments to the Parks and Trails Select Committee and Board of Variance resulting in the following membership:
Board of Variance
Bob Colclough, John Garenkooper, and Michelle Jones
Parks and Trails Select Committee
Claire Belanger, Brad Howard, Liette Masse, Shandra Mayes, Wendy Phillips, Gerarde Sullivan, Councillor Ian Savage and Councillor Karen Proctor (non-voting member)
2021 Summary of Council Resolutions
Council received for information, a summary and status update of all Council resolutions from January 1 to September 30, 2021.
Administration provided, for Council’s information, a quarterly update, Q3 as of September 30, 2021, on the status of Council’s 2021 strategic priorities and objectives.
2022 Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 286, 2021
Council adopted the 2022 Property Tax Exemption Bylaw that will provide property taxation relief in 2022 for the following eligible organizations (representing 1.2% of 2022 total Municipal property taxes):
- St. Philip-by-the-Sea Anglican Church,
- Seaside Community Society (Community Use Buildings A and B),
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 257, and
- Island Corridor Foundation
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 284 (Village South)
Council gave first and second readings to the Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Village South Special Area Plan Zone) Bylaw No. 284, 2021 for a Special Area Plan (SAP) for three parcels at 7220 Ware Road, 6885 Wiles Road and 7133 Lantzville Road, supporting a variety of commercial and residential land uses, to be developed in stages over a number of decades.
Before the Public Hearing (anticipated later this fall or winter) is scheduled, the following steps are required:
- the applicant to organize a community information session for residents, informing residents of the session via Canada Post (scheduled for 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm, Thursday, October 28, 2021). For more information or to submit questions and register for the Zoom event, please contact:
- the District (subject to funding by the applicant) will retain a qualified professional to prepare a financial analysis of the proposed development, for consideration by Council before the public hearing is scheduled, and
- Council will consider the Phased Development Agreement before the Public Hearing is scheduled.
Selection of Outdoor Artwork in Front of 7221 Lantzville Road
Council awarded the contract to provide Outdoor Artwork on the road right-of-way in front of 7221 Lantzville Road to artist Leslie Robert Sam and directed staff to enter into an agreement for $5,000 for the design and installation of the public art.
Crosswalk Installation at Clark Drive and Aulds Road
Council approved a pedestrian-activated signalized crosswalk to be installed at the Clark Drive and Aulds Road intersection, at a cost of approximately $25,000 to be funded as follows:
- $11,300 through approved grant funds from ICBC, and
- $13,700 from the Roads Infrastructure Reserve.
Materials have been ordered; installation schedule subject to delivery.
2021 Council Meeting Schedule Amendment
Council amended the 2021 Council Meeting Schedule by adding a Special Council (Financial Plan) meeting to be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 electronically and in Council Chambers.
Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day Parade and Service
Council approved the closure of Lantzville Road from School House Road to Huddlestone Road from 10:00 am to Noon on November 11th for the Royal Canadian Legion’s parade to the Cenotaph for the Remembrance Day service.
UPDATE: Road Closure Cancelled
In consideration of public safety and their vulnerable members, the Royal Cdn. Legion Branch 257 will not be holding a parade to the 11:00 am Remembrance Day Service at the cenotaph in Huddlestone Park on Thursday, November 11th and there will be no access to the Legion (except by invite). Due to limited seating at the cenotaph and ongoing health concerns, you may wish to watch one of the televised or virtual Remembrance Day ceremonies on-line. If you are attending at Huddlestone Park, please ensure that you respect the spaces reserved for veterans, stand within the Park, and do NOT stand on the road or in the right of way. Parking is available on Lantzville School Road. For more information, contact the Legion at 250.390.2108. Honour and remember Canada's fallen veterans in other ways and help ensure Canadians never forget. Support the annual Poppy campaign, and take a moment to reflect on the freedoms we enjoy.
At the October 13, 2021 special Council meeting introducing the 2022-2026 Financial Plan, the Director of Financial Services gave a PowerPoint presentation and Council passed motions to instruct staff to make amendments to the Plan for the next review:
- include a necessary $312,200 increase in property tax revenue to maintain asset reserve contributions at 2021 levels
- include the operating budget pressures identified in the October 13, 2021 staff report be included in the 2022-2026 Financial Plan, reflecting a $204,000 increase in property tax revenue.
Council also passed a motion to revise the Asset Management Policy for Council consideration to include a strategy to address the asset infrastructure funding deficit.
The next scheduled Council meetings are:
6:00 pm, October 20, 2021 - Regular
6:00 pm, October 27, 2021 - Special (Financial Plan)
Emergency measures and electronic meeting regulations continue to evolve in response to COVID-19. Until further notice (after anticipated changes to the Council Procedure Bylaw in response to new provincial legislation), electronic Council meetings must be presided over in person by the Mayor in the Council Chambers. Councillors may participate electronically or in person. The public is encouraged to view the livestream of the open portion of the meeting online via the District's website. Limited seating will be available for the public in the Council Chamber; those in attendance must wear a mask and remain seated.
Calendar of 2021
Council Meetings