Council Updates

An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
September 22, 2021 regular Council meeting.

These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Legislative Matters
Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 200, 2021
Council adopted the Good Neighbour Bylaw, replacing the Regional District of Nanaimo noise, unsightly premises and nuisance control bylaws. This new Bylaw comes into effect immediately, and Bylaw Enforcement looks forward to working with the public as the Bylaw is implemented. Watch for a public education brochure, a Guideline, coming this fall.
Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application for Village South
Council gave first and second readings to Official Community Plan Amendment (Village South Special Area Plan) Bylaw No. 283, 2021 for a Special Area Plan (SAP) for three parcels of land at 7220 Ware Road, 6855 Wiles Road and 7133 Lantzville Road, supporting a variety of commercial and residential land uses. All new development in this SAP will be required to include abundant green space and open space, walking and cycling connections, innovative site and building design, and the provision of a range of housing forms and tenures. The proposal includes 22% public land, parks and greenways.

Council also resolved that:
  • Bylaw No. 283 is consistent with the District’s Financial Plan and the relevant waste management plans
  • prior to a public hearing being scheduled, a qualified professional be retained to prepare a financial analysis of the proposed development, including responding to the following questions:
  1. Will the development pay for itself, in terms of potential tax revenues weighed against the public costs to be incurred in providing local government services to the development?
  2. What benefit is the development to the community, including consideration of the appropriateness of any voluntarily offered community amenity contributions?

The September 22nd Council meeting adjourned with the motion on the floor to give first two readings to Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Village South Special Area Plan Zone) Bylaw No. 284, 2021, and will be considered at the October 6, 2021 Council meeting.


The next steps include:
  • the applicant organizing a community information session for residents. The applicant will inform residents about the information session via Canada Post once the session is planned
  • the District (subject to funding by the applicant) retaining a qualified professional to prepare a financial analysis of the proposed development, for consideration by Council prior to a public hearing being scheduled
  • Council considering the Phased Development Agreement prior to a public hearing being scheduled.

After the applicant information session and Council consideration of the financial analysis and the Phased Development Agreement, Council will hold a Public Hearing on the application before considering third reading and adoption.

How can I provide input?
The Public Hearing is the community’s opportunity to provide input to Council on the application. The Public Hearing is anticipated to be held later this fall or winter.

We appreciate and look forward to your participation when a Public Hearing is scheduled; the 'Notice of Public Hearing' will provide the information required by the public on how and when to make representations to Council respecting matters contained in the proposed bylaws.

Why is an OCP amendment being considered? Isn’t our OCP new?
The OCP purposely requires that an OCP amendment be undertaken to complete detailed planning for Special Planning Areas. This proposed development is in the Village South Special Planning Area and the OCP includes many policies that specify how the proposed OCP amendment is to be evaluated and what types of land uses are to be supported. Land uses supported in the Village Core include commercial and retail development, patio homes, town homes, limited apartments and mixed-use residential near commercial development, assisted living facilities, and enhanced transit.

When is this Village development proposed to happen?
If approved by Council, the Village development will happen in stages over a number of decades, subject to the developer's timeline.

Is the School District involved?
The School District has reviewed the application and informed the District that the proposed development, once fully built out, may require the addition of portables at Seaview Elementary School. The District is in regular communication with SD68 about long-term school planning.
2022 Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 286, 2021
The Community Charter allows Council to provide taxation relief to eligible charitable, recreational and philanthropic organizations. Accordingly, Council gave three readings to the 2022 Property Tax Exemption Bylaw and after a notice is published, will consider adoption of the Bylaw at the October 6, 2021 Council meeting. The properties included in the Bylaw are:
  • St. Philip-by-the-Sea Anglican Church,
  • Seaside Community Society (Community Use Buildings A and B),
  • Royal Canadian Legion Branch 257, and
  • Island Corridor Foundation
representing 1.2% of 2022 total Municipal property taxes.
Development Permit Application for 7908 Lantzville Road
Council authorized Development Permit No. DP21-30 for 7908 Lantzville Road. The owner is constructing a new house on the property in approximately the same location as the existing house, as well as a replacement bridge, and new detached garage. The property is located within the Watercourse and Coastal Protection Development Permit Areas, and a variance was required to reduce the streamside protection setback in the Zoning Bylaw from 15 m to 11 m for the house site and from 15 m to O m for the replacement bridge. Construction must be carried out in accordance with the Riparian Areas Protection Regulation Assessment Report prepared by a Qualified Environmental Professional.
Clark Crescent Water Main Replacement Budget Amendment
Council authorized amending the 2021-2025 Financial Plan bylaw to reflect additional funding in the amount of $150,000 for the Clark Crescent Water Main Replacement Project, with funding from the uncommitted COVID-19 Restart Grant funds, to enable the project to proceed.

During the 2021-2025 Financial Plan process last fall, Council approved $375,000 for the replacement of the asbestos concrete water main on Clark Crescent with PVC. Tenders received in August 2021 were significantly higher than the budget. PVC piping cost has risen as a result of raw materials to build the pipe because of shutdowns related to COVID-19.
Unfinished Business
2022 Council Meeting Schedule
The 2022 Council Meeting schedule was approved by Council. Availability of the meeting schedule will be published in the newspaper and posted on the District's website and bulletin board.
Committee Recommendations
Recommendations from the Community Safety Standing Committee
Council passed motions from the two recommendations from the September 7, 2021 Community Safety Standing Committee:
  • To invite feedback from residents of Lantzville, through the District’s community newsletter, on the potential of reducing the speed limit on Dickinson Road to 30 km/h. Watch for an article in the October newsletter on how to provide written input that will be considered at a future Committee meeting with background information, for the Committee's consideration of whether to propose a recommendation for Council decision
  • To provide standard wording for Council members to respond to community safety complaints received from the public: "Please call the RCMP direct (250.754.2345) re: speeding or criminal issues OR email regarding other community safety issues providing name, civic address and concern. If your concern could not be resolved with the Chief Administrative Officer, you can email, addressed to the attention of Council, and staff will distribute to all members of Council."

The new Community Safety Standing Committee is an advisory body to Council, comprised of the five members of Council, that meets a minimum of two times per year, to consider community safety issues such as, crime prevention, public nuisance matters, injury prevention, pedestrian safety, traffic safety, bicycle safety, fire prevention and generally enhancing public safety and security.

Day to day community safety operational issues continue to be the responsibility of the agencies and staff assigned. Please call the Nanaimo RCMP direct (250.754.2345) to report speeding or criminal issues or email regarding other community safety issues providing name, civic address and concern. District staff will consider traffic calming measures available to address traffic safety concerns. If your concern could not be resolved with the Chief Administrative Officer, you can email addressed to the attention of Council, and staff will distribute to all members of Council.
The next scheduled Council meetings are:
6:00 pm, Monday, September 27, 2021- Special
6:00 pm, Monday, October 4, 2021- Special
6:00 pm, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - Regular
6:00 pm, Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - Regular

Emergency measures and electronic meeting regulations continue to evolve in response to COVID-19. Starting in October, until further notice (after anticipated changes to the Council Procedure Bylaw in response to new provincial legislation), electronic Council meetings must be presided over in person by the Mayor in the Council Chambers. Councillors may participate electronically or in person. The public is encouraged to view the livestream of the open portion of the meeting online via the District's website. Limited seating will be available for the public in the Council Chamber; those in attendance must wear a mask and remain seated.
Calendar of 2021
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors