Council Updates

An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
July 21, 2021 regular Council meeting.

These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Legislative Matters
Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Debt
Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 274, 2021
Council adopted the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Debt Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 274, 2021 to establish a reserve fund for unused borrowing for the project and all one time cash payments of the Local Area Service charge (paid instead of an annual parcel tax). Funds from this reserve may only be used to retire debentures issued or to purchase and cancel debentures issued for the purpose of the Phase III loan authorization bylaw.
Business Licence Bylaw No. 167, 2021
After giving Notice that Council intends to consider a new Business Licence Bylaw, and reviewing the comments received, Council gave third reading to the Bylaw. Adoption will be considered at a subsequent meeting, after which licensing by January 1, 2022 would be required.

Establishing a Business Licence Bylaw is a Council strategic priority and a foundational action in the District’s Economic Development Strategy (2018).
Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 200, 2021
Council rescinded third reading of “Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 200, 2021”, given June 14, 2021. Council also added the Bylaw to the September 8, 2021 regular Council meeting agenda for consideration of potential amendments to the Bylaw and third reading, before considering adoption at a subsequent meeting.

Council made numerous revisions to the Bylaw after considering community input since first introducing the Bylaw in March of this year. When adopted, the Bylaw will replace the Regional District of Nanaimo noise, unsightly premises and nuisance control bylaws.
Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Community to Community Forum Grant Application
Council authorized the District of Lantzville to submit a joint application with the Snaw-naw-as First Nation to the UBCM for Community to Community Forum Program Grant Funding for events to be held between September 27, 2021 and March 31, 2022. Local events to be funded would include Joint Council meetings and Joint Working Group meetings.

The funding program facilitates First Nations and Local Governments to provide a time and place for dialogue to build on opportunities, support reconciliation efforts, resolve issues of common responsibility, interest or concern, and/or to advance tangible outcomes.
Unfinished Business
Council Representation on the Regional District of Nanaimo Board
Council appointed Councillor Will Geselbracht as the District of Lantzville Municipal Director on the Regional District of Nanaimo Board, and Councillor Karen Proctor as the alternate Municipal Director to attend in the absence of Councillor Geselbracht.
Harper Road Beach Access and Lavender Road Beach Access
The Harper Road Beach Access motion and the Lavender Road Beach Access motion on the floor, both from the June 2, 2021 Council meeting, were each postponed to 2023.
Access to Beaches
Council passed three motions to fund (through the COVID Restart Grant reserve) work (includes surveys, contractor and arborist work) to improve access to beaches, including:
  • remove all encroaching hedges, bushes and tree branches impeding the line of sight for vehicles exiting Oar, Myron, Lavender, and Jacks Roads onto Dickinson Road
  • remove all nonconforming encroachments at beach road ends, including rocks, allowing full parking access on District road rights-of-way
  • increase available parking spaces on Sebastion Road, identify available parking on District road rights-of-way on Venture Road, and remove all nonconforming brush, hedge and rock encroachments on the northerly end of Peterson Road to allow parking on District road rights-of-way.
Council Strategic Priorities - Foothills Park
Council authorized referring Foothills Park to the next District of Lantzville and Snaw-naw-as First Nation Joint Councils meeting.

Council’s Strategic Plan, Parks and Recreation actions, include: achieve a partnership with the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) for Foothills Park as a regional park, and consider other options for partnerships for components. Initial discussions with RDN concluded the RDN would prefer that the District of Lantzville transfer the park after it has been totally acquired. Other options require Council direction.
Proposal Call for Public Art Installment in Road Right-of-Way at 7221 Lantzville Road
Council instructed staff to move ahead with a public art installment to be located at the garden in the road right-of-way in front of 7221 Lantzville Road, including amending the 2021-2025 Financial Plan from $2,500 to $5,000 and issuing a proposal call, with submissions to be considered at the September 22, 2021 regular Council meeting. Local artists, professionals and hobbyists should watch the District's website for a call for submissions to be issued in August.
New Business
Appointment of Director of Financial Services
Council appointed Raj Hayre as Director of Financial Services for the District of Lantzville.

Director Hayre brings over twelve years of local government finance experience with three municipalities, most recently as the Chief Financial Officer/Deputy CAO of Bowen Island Municipality. He has also worked with the Vancouver Island Regional Library, and in the private sector (forest industry). A graduate of Simon Fraser University, he also has Institute of Asset Management Program certification and CPA designation.
The next scheduled Council meeting is:
6:00 pm, Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Public Health Officer's Order on Gatherings and Events prevents in-person public attendance at Council meetings.
Calendar of 2021
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors