Council Updates
From the May 19, 2021 Regular Council Meeting
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the meeting.

This is not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
2021-2025 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 271, 2021

Council adopted the District of Lantzville’s amended 2021-2025 Financial Plan Bylaw that reflects the following items (with no impact to the 2021 property taxation rate);
  • Addition of Community Emergency Preparedness Fund grants that will be 100% funded when the final grant reports are submitted to the Union of BC Municipalities:
  • $20,000 for expenses for the Emergency Support Services Program, and
  • $22,500 for expenses for the Lantzville Emergency Operations Centre.
  • Copley Park Equipment $90,000 funding source be changed from Park Land Capital Infrastructure Reserve to Gas Tax, to utilize the Gas Tax program.
  • Reallocate for 2021-2025 the annual Mine Town Day event from the Parks and Recreation General Fund Budget, Other, to reflect the $10,000 payment to the Seaside Community Society to coordinate and deliver the annual event (subject to a Service Agreement).
  • Increase the Village Core Streetscape Improvements 2021 project budget from $515,389 to $570,389 with funding from the Gas Tax grant.
Legislative Matters
2020 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI)

The 2020 Statement of Financial Information was approved by Council. This report is required to be completed for every BC municipality by June 30th annually, and includes the remuneration and expense of each employee and the total paid to each supplier for goods and services exceeding $25,000.
Development Variance Permit for 7360 Venture Road

Council authorized a Development Variance Permit for 7360 Venture Road to decrease the minimum front parcel line setback from 9.9 m to 0.38 m to facilitate construction of a proposed garage (that is to replace a previous garage that was irreparably damaged by a falling tree).
Unfinished Business
Beach Road Ends Designs

Vancouver Island University’s Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute, the District of Lantzville’s consultant, provided presentations on the concept designs for Lavender and Harper Roads beach ends in response to the Lantzville Beach Design Survey results, and on management and improvement policy for beach accesses. Council accepted the designs and the management policies for Lantzville’s beach road ends. View the PowerPoint presentations on Lavender and Harper Beach Access Designs 2021 and Management & Improvement Policy Lantzville Beach Accesses 2021.
New Business
Appointment of Interim and Deputy Directors of Financial Services

Council appointed Kathleen Day as the Interim Director of Financial Services, and Cathy Nugent as the Deputy Director of Financial Services.
Flood Construction Level Exemption for 6998 Strait Road

Council approved an exemption from floodplain regulations for a 47 m2 addition to the existing house at 6998 Strait Road that is within the District’s Floodplain, subject to registration of a covenant on title with a save-harmless clause in favour of the District of Lantzville.
Water Leak Utility Account Adjustment

Council approved a leak adjustment in the amount of $121.38 to the utility account for 7360 Lantzville Road due to a faulty irrigation line.
Official Community Plan Development Permit Area 2 Amendment

Council authorized staff starting a process to amend the Official Community Plan Development Permit Area 2 (Sensitive Ecosystem Protection) to include areas around eagle nests and blue heron nests, by submitting a Special Request form for consideration in the 2022 Financial Planning process for funding to hire a consultant to identify, inventory and map known eagle and blue heron nests.
The next Regular Council Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, June 2, 2021.
in-person public attendance at Council meetings.
Calendar of 2021
Council Meetings
Mayor and Council