Council Updates
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
January 12, 2022 regular Council meeting

These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Water System Expansion to the Winds Residential Areas, Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 299
Council gave three readings to the Water System Expansion to the Winds Residential Areas, Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 299, 2022 in order for staff to submit the application for grant funding. On November 3, 2021 Council authorized staff to apply through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Environmental Quality. Lantzville’s share of 30% of the project ($2,085,372) as well as cost overruns will be funded by a Local Area Service by Council initiative; Federal and Provincial funding contributions, if the grant is approved, will be 70% of the total project costs.

There are no financial implications from approval of first, second and third readings of this bylaw. Approval of the first three readings will allow staff to submit required documentation for the grant application due January 26, 2022. In the event the grant application is successful, a report including financial implications of establishing a new local area service and debt servicing costs will be brought before Council.
Legislative Matters
Public Works Pickup Purchase 2022
Council authorized the purchase of a new pickup truck for the Public Works Department. During the 2022-2026 financial planning process, Council approved a new Parks position and the pickup will be utilized by the new employee. The additional vehicle will enable works to be done in an efficient and safe manner.

Council also authorized amending the 2022-2026 Financial Plan to include $70,000 in 2022 funded from the Public Works Vehicle Reserve.
New Business
Grants In Aid - 2021 Report on Funding
At the February 17, 2021 Council meeting a $500 Grant in Aid was approved for the Boys and Girls Central Vancouver Island (the Club) to purchase new equipment for COVID-19 prevention to allow kids to play outside more and at safe distances. As required by the Lantzville Grants In Aid Policy, the Club submitted their report to Council on how the funds were expended.
Regional Growth Strategy Amendments to Allow for Industrial Lands 
The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) requested initial comments on proposed amendments (Bylaw Nos. 1615.05 and 1615.06) to the Regional Growth Strategy. The subject lands (2935 Trans Canada Hwy and 1329/1333/1340 Kipp Road) referenced in the RDN amendment bylaws are in Electoral Area A (Cedar, South Wellington, Yellowpoint, Cassidy), and in both cases are proposed to be designated "Industrial".

Council authorized staff to advise the RDN that the District of Lantzville has no comments and does not wish to provide further comments on the proposed amendments.
2022 Property Assessments
Due to Lantzville property owners raising concerns regarding significant increases to their 2022 property assessment notices, Council authorized staff to prepare and make available to Lantzville residents information that explains how property taxes are calculated and their relationship to assessed property values.

This information is intended to help eliminate the misconception that significant increases to property assessments received from BC Assessment will result in significant property tax increases from the municipality.

This information will be posted to and included in the February 2022 Community Update.
The Next Scheduled Council meetings are:
  • 9:00 am, Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - Special (Closed) CANCELLED
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, January 26, 2022 - Regular
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - Regular

Emergency measures and electronic meeting regulations continue to evolve in response to COVID-19. Council may participate electronically or in person. Public attendance is now permitted; however, due to ongoing health concerns, the public is encouraged to view the open portion of the meeting via the live-stream, and to provide verbal public input on agenda items electronically via Zoom by registering in advance. Prior to attending in person, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Members of the public must wear a mask at all times and remain seated unless invited to address Council.
Calendar of 2022
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors