Council Updates
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
March 23, 2022 regular Council meeting

These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems Local Area Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 277
Council adopted the “District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 277, 2022”.
The Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System project was approved by Council in September 2017, and was substantially completed in April 2021. The project enabled properties within the Phase III-SSCS Local Area Service boundary to connect to the municipal sewer system and property owners had the choice of paying their portion of the capital cost for the project of $11,000 before January 31, 2022, or having repayment through an annual parcel tax, at $483 per parcel starting in 2022, for the next 29 years.
2022 Alternative Municipal Tax Collection Scheme Bylaw No. 301
Council adopted the "District of Lantzville 2022 Alternative Municipal Tax Collection Scheme Bylaw No. 301, 2022", to give some financial relief to property owners from the pressures of Covid-19 by giving additional time to pay property tax balances without significant penalty.
This bylaw will allow for a two (2) percent penalty on unpaid 2022 taxes to be applied on July 5, 2022, and a further eight (8) percent on unpaid 2022 taxes will be applied at the end of day on September 30, 2022.
Repeal Regional Parks and Trails Parcel Tax Roll Preparation Bylaw No. 56, 2007
In 2007, the District of Lantzville imposed an annual parcel tax, that increased to $20 per parcel in 2020, to participate with the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) for the purpose of acquiring, developing, and operating regional parks and trails.
Council adopted the "District of Lantzville Regional Parks and Trails Parcel Tax and Assessment Roll Preparation Bylaw No. 56, 2007, Repeal Bylaw No. 303, 2022" to discontinue the parcel tax. The parcel tax will be replaced by inclusion of a new formula within the RDN annual levy. The Regional Parks acquisitions and capital development cost will be apportioned among participating areas within the RDN on the basis of a combination of:
i) Fifty (50) percent of converted assessment; and
ii) Fifty (50) percent of the proportionate share of the population of each of the participating areas.
Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 266
Council adopted the “District of Lantzville Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 266” that will:
  • increase the fee for Memorial Tree Installation with plaque (tree provided by donor)
  • increase the fixed rate, effective January 1, 2022, for water consumption for the first seventy-five (75) m3
  • update the residential user fees charged by the Regional District of Nanaimo to collect the District of Lantzville curbside garbage, recycling and food waste collection, effective January 1, 2022, for each Single Family Dwelling Unit
  • implement a new fee for excessive nuisance abatement, pursuant to the Good Neighbour Bylaw.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Bylaw No. 304
Council adopted the "District of Lantzville Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw No. 109, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 304, 2022" for changes to:
  • fees
  • An applicant will pay a $10 non-refundable application fee when submitting a Request for Access to Records (in addition to applicable processing fees), and
  • staff roles
  • The Director of Corporate Administration will remain as the Head for the purposes of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act, and
  • The Deputy Director of Corporate Administration will be designated as the Information and Privacy Coordinator.
New Business
Pierce Woods Marine Park
Council reconsidered and amended a motion from February 23, 2022 to amend the 2022-2026 Financial Plan to fund a Parks and Trails Master Plan, including the Pierce Woods Marine Park, (rather than fund only the Marine Park plan), and to increase the project cost to $100,000 from $75,000 (increase paid from Gas Tax). The motion also authorized staff to develop a terms of reference, including the public input portion of the consultant's work to be done when the public can access the Pierce Woods Marine Park property, and to bring the draft terms of reference to Council for consideration and for authorization for staff to engage a consultant.
Memorial Tree and Bench Program 
Council suspended the memorial tree and bench programs until further notice (with the exception of the proposed Demarce memorial bench application for the Rotary Park on Peterson Road which has already been initiated), and for staff to prepare a report regarding the District of Lantzville memorial tree and bench program for Council's consideration.
The Next Scheduled Council meetings are:
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - Regular (including a Public Hearing)
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, April 13, 2022 - Special (including a Public Hearing)
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - Regular

Council members may attend in person, or electronically (except for the Mayor) for a hybrid meeting, or via Zoom Webinar for an Electronic Meeting (per the Community Charter and the Council Procedure Bylaw). Public Hearings are held electronically to provide greater access, transparency and convenience. Zoom also offers the option to dial in by phone. For in person, hybrid and Electronic Meetings, the Council Chamber is also open for the public to attend. Due to limited seating, the public is encouraged to view the open portion of the meeting via the livestream, and to provide verbal public input on agenda items by registering in advance using the Zoom Webinar link provided for each Council meeting event at OR submit written comments by Noon the day of the meeting.

Prior to attending at Municipal Hall, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Members of the public must remain seated unless invited to address Council. Meetings recorded by the District of Lantzville may be viewed on demand at The public is prohibited from recording Council meetings unless authorized by Council.
For meeting information, including meeting livestreaming and electronic participation, visit and click on the meeting date on the calendar to access the meeting agenda package, minutes and video recordings. The start time of the open portion/livestreaming of the meetings may vary if a closed portion is required at the beginning of the regular Council meeting. Please refer to the Council meeting agenda, published the week before the meeting, to confirm the open portion/livestream start time.
Calendar of 2022
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors