Council Updates
From the March 29, 2021 Special Council Meeting
and the March 31, 2021 Regular Council Meeting
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the meetings.

This is not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Business Licence Bylaw No. 167, 2021

The District of Lantzville intends to establish a business licensing program - one of Council's strategic objectives/priorities for 2021 and a foundational action in the Lantzville Economic Development Strategy. Council gave two readings (the readings required before considering amendments) to the “District of Lantzville Business Licence Bylaw No. 167, 2021” for the licensing and regulation of businesses. Council also gave instruction for amendments to the Bylaw. Council will consider the updated Bylaw at a future meeting before the advertised opportunity for those affected to make representations to Council. After a one-month public input period, third reading and, at a separate meeting, adoption, businesses can apply for a business licence that would be in effect for 2022.
Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 200, 2021

Another Council strategic objective/priority is to develop and adopt District of Lantzville bylaws. Council gave two readings to the “District of Lantzville Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 200, 2021”, a bylaw that will replace the Regional District of Nanaimo noise, unsightly premises and nuisances bylaws in effect since Lantzville incorporated in 2003, and add other requirements. Council will continue with Council's review, amendment and development of Bylaw No. 200 starting at a special Council meeting April 19th, and at a subsequent meeting will consider the amended Bylaw.
2021-2025 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 267, 2021

Council adopted the District of Lantzville’s amended 2021-2025 Financial Plan Bylaw that reflects the following events (with no impact to the 2021 property taxation rate):
  • $112,040 from Gas Tax to proceed with the Village Core Streetscape Improvements,
  • Asset management reserve fund contributions replenished for 2021 in the amount of $312,200, to be funded from the COVID recovery grant,
  • $35,500 from the winter road maintenance reserve fund contributions to the legal expense budget,
  • Housekeeping adjustments with budget carry forward items and an update to the amortization expense.
Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 268, 2021

Council adopted the amending Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Bylaw to be able to charge back to an applicant:
  • legal fees when legal documents are required as part of processing an application, and
  • consultant fees to retain a qualified professional to respond to information submitted, or an application requires evaluation by a professional that is not on municipal staff.
Unfinished Business
Beach Road Access Planning, Engagement & Design Survey Summary Report

Becky Thiessen, Laura Clark, and Aishwarya Pathania, representing the District’s consultant, Vancouver Island University’s Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Regional Research Institute (MABRRI), presented the summary report completed from the Beach Road Access Planning, Engagement & Design Survey. The beach access management policies, and designs for Lavender Road and Harper Road beach accesses will come back to a Council meeting in May.
Temporary Use Permit Application for 7187 Lantzville Road

The applicant wrote to the District on March 4th that he no longer wished to pursue the application; however, he called in to the meeting March 31st to ask that the application proceed. Council asked the applicant to contact staff regarding proposed amendments, and postponed the motion referred from the March 3rd regular Council meeting to issue a Temporary Use Permit for 7187 Lantzville Road to authorize a 3-year temporary commercial use for the retail sales of landscaping supplies, rental of landscaping equipment, and excavation services.
New Business
7028 Black Jack Drive - Unsightly Premises

Council ordered that the owner of 7028 Black Jack Drive remove the accumulation of derelict vehicles, vehicle parts, tires, scrap materials, furniture, appliances, equipment, garbage, discarded and disused materials from their property within ninety (90) days, or the work will be undertaken by the District of Lantzville at the owner’s cost.
Snaw-Naw-As (Nanoose) First Nation Request to Access Water Service

Responding to Snaw-Naw-As (Nanoose) First Nation Chief Edwards' request for access to the District of Lantzville water system service for Snaw-Naw-As lands, Council directed staff to open discussions and provide a report to Council.
Lavender Road Traffic Calming

Staff will be preparing a report to Council on how to calm the traffic on Lavender Road (beach end), considering adding speed bumps and/or changing the direction of the stop signs at the corner of Lavender Road and Lancrest Terrace, and to indicate the funding sources for the options.
Sebastion Road Beach End Parking

Council passed a motion for staff to prepare a report on moving the cement barriers at the end of Sebastion Road as close as possible to the beach to allow for additional parking.
Immediate Protection of All At-Risk Old Growth Forest in BC

Council passed a motion that the District of Lantzville, Union of BC Municipalities and the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities call on the BC Government to defer logging in at-risk old growth forests and to allocate funding to enact deferrals in an economically just manner, in the full spirit of reconciliation and to support the economic transition of affected First Nations and non-first Nation communities from unsustainable old-growth logging for the development of long-term sustainable local economies.
The next Regular Council Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, April 21, 2021.
 in-person public attendance at Council meetings.
Calendar of 2021
Council Meetings
Mayor and Council