An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
July 27, 2022 special Council meeting.
These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and videos can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Foothills Development Amendment Bylaws No. 279 and 280
The meeting started with the electronic public hearing (included in person attendance) for Council to receive and consider input regarding "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (Foothills Special Area Plan) Bylaw No. 279, 2021" & "District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Comprehensive Development Zone) Bylaw No. 280, 2021", to amend both OCP and Zoning Bylaws to renew the vision for Foothills as a more sustainable project to align with the OCP. A total of six people (including two of the developer's representatives) spoke before the hearing closed when no one else wished to speak. As the public hearing has closed, Council must not receive any further submissions from the public regarding Bylaws No. 279 and 280. Questions can be directed to staff at
6701 Harwood Drive Development Amendment Bylaws No. 315 & 316
The meeting continued with the electronic public hearing (included in person attendance) for Council to receive and consider input regarding "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (670l Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 315, 2022" & "District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (6701 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 316, 2022" to amend the OCP and zoning to accommodate a future single family subdivision with approximately 1/3 acre lots instead of 1 acre lots. A total of six people (including one developer representative) spoke (three of whom spoke two or three times) before the hearing closed when no one else wished to speak. As the public hearing has closed, Council must not receive any further submissions from the public regarding Bylaws No. 315 and 316. Questions can be directed to staff at
6717 Harwood Drive Development Amendment Bylaws No. 317 & 318
The meeting continued with the electronic public hearing (included in person attendance) for Council to receive and consider input regarding "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (6717 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 317, 2022" & "District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (6717 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 318, 2022" to amend the OCP and zoning to accommodate a future single family subdivision of 1/3 acre lots. A total of five people (including one developer representative) spoke (one of whom spoke two times) before the hearing closed when no one else wished to speak. As the public hearing has closed, Council must not receive any further submissions from the public regarding Bylaws No. 317 and 318. Questions can be directed to staff at
Foothills Development Amendment Bylaws No. 279 & 280
Council gave third readings to "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (Foothills Special Area Plan) Bylaw No. 279, 2021" & “District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Foothills Comprehensive Development Zone) Bylaw No. 280, 2021".
6701 Harwood Drive Development Bylaws No. 315 & 316
Council gave third readings to "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (6701 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 315, 2021" & “District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (6701 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 316, 2021".
6717 Harwood Drive Development Bylaws No. 317 & 318
Council gave third readings to "District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 150, 2019, Amendment (6717 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 317, 2021" & “District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (6717 Harwood Drive) Bylaw No. 318, 2021".
The Next Scheduled Council meetings are:
Wednesday, September 7th - 6:00 pm Electronic Regular (including Public Hearing)
Wednesday, September 21st - 6:00 pm Regular
Council members may attend in person, or electronically (except for the Mayor) for a hybrid meeting, or via Zoom Webinar for an Electronic Meeting (per the Community Charter and the Council Procedure Bylaw). Public Hearings are held electronically to provide greater access, transparency and convenience. Zoom also offers the option to dial in by phone. For in person, hybrid and Electronic Meetings, the Council Chamber is also open for the public to attend. Due to limited seating, the public is encouraged to view the open portion of the meeting via the livestream, and to provide verbal public input on agenda items by registering in advance using the Zoom Webinar link provided for each Council meeting event at, submit written comments by Noon the day of the meeting, or attend in person to provide public input. Prior to attending at Municipal Hall, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Members of the public must remain seated unless invited to address Council. Meetings recorded by the District of Lantzville may be viewed at The public is prohibited from recording Council meetings unless authorized by Council.
For meeting information, including meeting livestreaming and electronic participation, visit and click on the meeting date on the calendar to access the meeting agenda package, minutes and video recordings. The start time of the open portion/livestreaming of the meetings may vary if a closed portion is required at the beginning of the regular Council meeting. Please refer to the Council meeting agenda, published the week before the meeting, to confirm the open portion/livestream start time.
Calendar of 2022
Council Meetings