Council Updates
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
November 17, 2021 regular Council meeting.

These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 281, 2021 (6935 Dickinson Road)
Council gave the first two readings to Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (6935 Dickinson Road) Bylaw No. 281, 2021 to rezone 1.85 ha (4.57 ac) of 6935 Dickinson Road to facilitate a ten parcel low density / large-lot residential subdivision. The owner will be providing a community amenity contribution in the amount of $3,000 for each new additional parcel created through subdivision, up to a maximum of $18,000; this cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication will be deposited into a reserve for the purchase of parkland elsewhere to better serve the community.

This Bylaw will be referred to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for their approval, and a public hearing will be scheduled to provide the public the opportunity to comment on the proposed Bylaw before Council considers third reading.

Council resolved that if Bylaw No. 281 proceeds past third reading, that final adoption not be considered until the registration of a covenant to install a permanent speed reader sign in the vicinity of Dickinson Road to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
2021-2025 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 288
Council gave 2021-2025 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 261, 2020, Amendment Bylaw No. 288, 2021 first three readings. The original 2021-2025 Financial Plan was adopted in December, 2020 with amendments in March and May, 2021. Bylaw No. 288 incorporates additional amendments required to the Plan from previous Council motions and events that occurred in 2021, including Phase III sewer debt servicing costs and establishment of Phase III reserve fund, establishment of parkland reserve fund, parks survey costs, 2021-2022 waterworks capital projects costs, human resource allocations, grant funding, purchase of rescue pumper, firehall/public works building design, Municipal Hall equipment modifications for improved virtual meetings, pedestrian safety enhancement, and authorization for various COVID-19 Restart Funds expenditures. None of the Financial Plan Bylaw No. 288 amendments will impact the 2021 property taxation rate.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 290 (Miscellaneous)
The Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020 was adopted in March, 2020 and it is the best practice in municipal planning to consider minor municipally initiated amendments and update the bylaw every one to two years.

Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bylaw No. 290, 2021, as amended in 2.g)(1) by adding "/hull" after "autobody". The miscellaneous amendments include to the mobile home park zone, the village commercial zone, the agriculture zone, the home business regulations, the definitions, and rezoning of four properties. Council in this instance used their authority under the Local Government Act to waive the holding of a public hearing as the proposed amendments are consistent with the Official Community Plan and are minor in nature.
School Site Acquisition Charges Bylaw No. 291
Council passed a motion to accept the Board of School Trustees of School District 68 (Nanaimo Ladysmith) proposed eligible school site requirements. The School District will adopt a bylaw to collect charges at the subdivision stage or at the building permit stage for a building that contains four or more self-contained dwelling units, and noted the municipality has the discretion to apply the charge to a building with less than four self-contained dwelling units.

Council gave first three readings to the District of Lantzville School Site Acquisition Charges Bylaw No. 291, 2021, that when adopted would authorize also charging a school site acquisition charge to a building permit for a building that contains one or more self-contained dwelling units.

School site acquisition charges are established under the Local Government Act. These charges are established by the School District but are collected by the local government at the subdivision and building permit stage and remitted back to the School District.

The School District has determined that at least two additional school sites are required that will likely be located in the Hammond Bay and Pleasant Valley neighbourhoods, at a land cost of approximately $10.5 million.
Legislative Matters
Development Variance Permit for 7452 Lantzville Road
Council authorized Development Variance Permit No. DVP21-3 for 7452 Lantzville Road. The variance will reduce the minimum exterior side parcel line setback from 13.0 m to 6.2 m for the property owners to construct a garage addition to the existing house.
Development Variance Permit for 6979 Dickinson Road
Council authorized Development Variance Permit No. DVP21-4 for 6979 Dickinson Road. The variance will reduce the front parcel line setback from 6.0 m to 5.1 m to regularize the siting of a secondary building on the property.
Unfinished Business
Sunbury Road Name Change Request
Council passed a motion that a road name change bylaw to rename the west section of Sunbury Road (off of Hall Road) be brought forward to Council for consideration.
New Business
Municipal Water Service
Council resolved that Staff prepare and include an update to residents about the progress of municipal water service in a future Community Update newsletter.
Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) Regional Parks and Trails - Acquisition and Capital Costs Among Service Participants
Council consented on behalf of the District of Lantzville electors for the RDN Board to adopt the “Regional District of Nanaimo Regional Parks and Trails Service Area Amendment Bylaw” that will reflect the current budget year to allocate acquisitions and capital costs among service participants on the combination (50-50) of converted assessment and population, rather than number of parcels, and to allocate operations and maintenance costs among service participants on the combination (50-50) of converted assessment and population, rather than population alone.
The Next Scheduled Council meetings are:
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, November 24, 2021 - Special (Financial Plan)
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - Regular

Emergency measures and electronic meeting regulations continue to evolve in response to COVID-19. Until further notice (after anticipated changes to the Council Procedure Bylaw in response to new provincial legislation), electronic Council meetings must be presided over in person by the Mayor in the Council Chambers. Councillors may participate electronically or in person. Public attendance is now permitted at open Council meetings; however, due to ongoing health concerns the public is encouraged to view the livestream of the open portion of the meeting online via the District's website. Prior to attending, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Members of the public must wear a mask at all times, remain seated unless invited to address Council, and proof of vaccination is not required for essential government activities and services, including Council meetings.
Calendar of 2021
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors