Council Updates
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
February 23, 2022 regular Council meeting

These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Legislative Matters
Development Permit Application for 6846 Metro Road
Council authorized Development Permit No. DP21-28 to accommodate the construction of an addition behind the light industry building at 6846 Metro Road, in accordance with the District of Lantzville’s Development Permit Guidelines. The development will add four light industry units and four offices to the existing building.
Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment Amendment (Boundary Adjustment) Bylaw No. 270
Council gave three readings to the "District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017, Amendment (Boundary Adjustment) Bylaw No. 270, 2022", which will add and exclude parcels, or portions of parcels, in Phase III of the Sanitary Sewer Collection System which was completed in 2021. During construction of the system, property owners enquired to join in and in some cases questioned why their property was included. This bylaw results in a net increase of two parcels (increasing from 307 to 309 participants), and some housekeeping amendments. This amendment is time sensitive to coincide with the implementation of the new Phase III Sewer LAS parcel tax in 2022 that will tax owners of property within the Phase III Sewer LAS boundary.

The Community Charter (CC) regulates the establishment of a Local Area Service ("a municipal service that is to be paid for in whole or in part by a local service tax") proposed either by petition of the benefiting property owners or by the initiative of Council, for services that the Council considers provide particular benefit to part of the municipality, including the process to enlarge or reduce the boundary.
Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems Local Area Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 277
Council gave three readings to the “District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 277, 2022” and authorized for the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel to hold a zoom electronic meeting on March 23, 2022 at 5:30 pm, open to the public for viewing in the Council Chamber, to fulfill the duties of the Panel as provided in the Community Charter.

The Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System (PHIII-SSCS) project was approved by Council in September 2017, amended in February 2020 and the Local Area Service (LAS) was substantially complete in April 2021. The project enabled properties within the Phase III-SSCS LAS boundary to connect to the municipal sewer system and property owners had the choice of paying their portion of the capital cost for the project of $11,000 before January 31, 2022, or having repayment through an annual parcel tax, at $483 per parcel starting in 2022, for the next 29 years.

The Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel is mandated by statute and established pursuant to s. 204 of the Community Charter (CC). The Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel must meet before a parcel tax is imposed for the first time. The Panel must consider complaints from property owners subject to the parcel tax, respecting the parcel tax roll limited to the 4 grounds in the CC. The Panel must confirm and authenticate the roll. The Agenda for the meeting and the Notice will be published at
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 284 (Village South Special Area Plan Zone)
Council rescinded second reading of Bylaw No. 284, made an amendment to the bylaw, and gave it second reading as amended.
District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Village South Special Area Plan Zone) Bylaw No. 284, 2021, would add the Village South Special Area Plan Zone regulations, as attached as Schedule 1 to Bylaw No. 284, to the Zoning Bylaw if adopted.
The amendment authorized was to Schedule 1 within District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Village South Special Area Plan Zone) Bylaw No. 284, 2021, to add as subsection 5 "Notwithstanding subsection 4, the maximum number of dwellings within Area C not exceed 200 units." and to renumber the remaining subsections.
New Business
Pierce Woods Marine Park
Council authorized for the 2022-2026 Financial Plan to be amended to bring forward the $75,000 budgeted funds for a Pierce Woods Marine Park Master Plan in 2023 to be undertaken in 2022; and that staff develop a terms of reference, including the public input portion of the consultant's work be done when the public can access the property, to come back to Council for their consideration, and for authorization for staff to engage a consultant.
The Next Scheduled Council meetings are:
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, March 9, 2022 - Regular
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - Regular

The Province is encouraging electronic Council meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Council members participate electronically via Zoom Webinar (public may view in the Council Chamber per the Community Charter and the Council Procedure Bylaw). Due to ongoing health concerns, the public is encouraged to view the livestream of the open portion of the meeting online via the District's website, to provide verbal public input on agenda items electronically via Zoom by registering in advance, or provide written public input by Noon the day of the meeting. View instructions on the meeting date on the calendar at for more information. Limited seating will be available for the public in the Council Chamber. Prior to attending in person, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Those in attendance must wear a mask and remain seated. Proof of vaccination is not required for essential government activities and services, including Council meetings.
Calendar of 2022
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors