Council Updates
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the
November 24, 2021 special & December 1, 2021 regular Council meetings.

These are not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Special Council Meeting (Financial Plan)
2022-2026 Five Year Financial Plan
At the November 24, 2021 special Council meeting, Council reviewed the 2022-2026 Five Year Financial Plan, the Director of Financial Services gave a PowerPoint presentation to recap the October 13, 2021 and October 27, 2021 special Council meetings on the 2022-2026 Five Year Financial Plan.

Council passed motions giving first three readings to 2022-2026 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 289, 2021 and Council Remuneration Amendment (Mayor Remuneration) Bylaw No. 294, 2021.
Regular Council Meeting
School Site Acquisition Charges Bylaw No. 291
Council adopted the District of Lantzville School Site Acquisition Charges Bylaw No. 291 that authorizes a school site acquisition charge to a building permit for a building that contains one or more self-contained dwelling units.
Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 287
Council adopted the District of Lantzville Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 287, that in general terms amends references to social media and electronic meetings, for consistency with legislation, to:
  • include definitions for electronic and hybrid meetings;
  • regulate how electronic and hybrid meetings occur;
  • allow members of Council to participate in a Council or a Standing Committee meeting by means of electronic or other communication facilities;
  • clarify the limited number of consecutive hybrid Council meetings (eight) that a member may participate by electronic means;
  • new clause for Members of Council to abide by the guidelines for elected official social media use contained in Council’s Social Media Policy No. 3000-10; and 
  • clarify that a public hearing may occur at an electronic or hybrid meeting.
2021-2025 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 288
Council adopted the 2021-2025 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 288 to update the 2021-2025 Financial Plan.
2022-2026 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 289
Council adopted the District of Lantzville 2022-2026 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 289 to establish the District's five-year Financial Plan effective upon adoption.
Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw No. 294 (Mayor Remuneration)
Council adopted Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw No. 294 to increase the Mayor’s annual remuneration from $19,300 to $25,000 effective January 1, 2022.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 298 (Miscellaneous)
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020, Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bylaw No. 298, 2021. The miscellaneous amendments include amendments to the mobile home park zone, the village commercial zone, the agriculture zone, the home business regulations, the definitions, and rezoning of four properties.
Legislative Matters
Development Variance Permit Application for 7702 Lantzville Road
Council issued Development Permit Variance Permit No. DVP21-5 for 7702 Lantzville Road to construct a two-storey building with a garage on the first floor and a carriage house on the second floor. The variances requested were to waive the minimum access requirements and increase the maximum height for a carriage house from 7 m to 8 m.
Unfinished Business
Local Area Service Process
Staff provided a high level report, as requested by Council, outlining the steps to initiate a Local Area Service for Municipal Water Service for the Clark Drive Area (AW) as identified in the District of Lantzville Water Master Plan.

The high level report can be viewed on pages 57-59 in the December 1 agenda.
New Business
Approving Officer Appointment
Council appointed Frank Limshue, Director of Planning and Community Services, as Approving Officer; and Ronald Campbell, CAO, as Deputy Approving Officer, pursuant to the Land Title Act.
Royal Canadian Legion Request for Letter of Support for 2021 Grant Application
Council authorized a letter of support for the Royal Canadian Legion: Branch #257's 2021 grant application to New Horizons for Seniors (to replace the stove in the Legion).
The Next Scheduled Council meetings are:
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, January 12, 2022 - Regular
  • 9:00 am, Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - Special (Closed)
  • 6:00 pm, Wednesday, January 26, 2022 - Regular

Emergency measures and electronic meeting regulations continue to evolve in response to COVID-19. Council may participate electronically or in person. Public attendance is now permitted; however, due to ongoing health concerns, the public is encouraged to view the open portion of the meeting via the live-stream, and to provide verbal public input on agenda items electronically via Zoom by registering in advance. Prior to attending in person, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Members of the public must wear a mask at all times and remain seated unless invited to address Council.
Calendar of 2022
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors