Council Updates
From the June 14, 2021 Special Council Meeting
and the
June 16, 2021 Regular Council Meeting
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the meetings.

This is not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Legislative Matters
Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 200, 2021

Council reviewed the amended “Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 200, 2021” that included the revisions made by Council since the Bylaw was first introduced and given second reading at the March 29th Council meeting. Council has considered numerous pieces of correspondence from concerned residents.

Council amended the Bylaw further and gave the Bylaw third reading (a bylaw requires four readings to become law). Council also referred the Bylaw to the Snaw-naw-as Chief and Council for review and comments by June 29, 2021.

Council will next consider Bylaw No. 200 at a Council meeting in July. After adoption, Bylaw No. 200 will replace the Regional District of Nanaimo noise, unsightly premises and nuisances bylaws (and add other requirements) and will come into effect on August 1, 2021.
Business Licence Bylaw No. 167, 2021

Council rescinded the second reading of Business Licence Bylaw No. 167, incorporated amendments from the March 29th Council meeting, and
gave second reading to the Bylaw again.

Updates to the Bylaw include differentiating between businesses based in Lantzville and those not based in Lantzville, including different fees for each. Persons who consider they are affected by Bylaw No. 167 will be given the opportunity to make representations to Council at the July 21, 2021 Council meeting, before Council considers giving the bylaw third reading.

For more information about the Business Licence Bylaw and how to provide input, watch for the Notice that the District is publishing and information mailed to the community. Visit the District website for updates.
Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 266, 2021

Council gave first three readings to the Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw, that reflects the Business Licence Bylaw fees.
2020 Annual Municipal Report

Council accepted the 2020 Annual Report. Local governments are required to prepare an annual report which states their goals and objectives for the coming year and demonstrates what progress has been made toward the preceding year’s goals and objectives. The report also includes the previous year’s audited annual financial statements, list of permissive tax exemptions, and the municipality’s services and operations.
Oar Road Beach Access

Council passed a motion for staff to provide a report with recommendations for improvements for the Oar Road beach road end, and for Council consideration of funding from either the recreation infrastructure category under the Gas Tax program or the 2022 budget.

Committee/Commission Recommendations
Community Safety Standing Committee

Council authorized the recommendations from the June 8, 2021 Inaugural Community Safety Standing Committee meeting for:
  • staff to provide recommendations to Council for crosswalk options at Clark Drive and Aulds Road, including cost estimates and funding options
  • staff to provide for Council’s consideration, an update to Traffic and Parking Regulations Bylaw No. 28, Truck Routes for vehicles exceeding 13,500 kg 
  • the District of Lantzville to write to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure requesting permanent speed reader signs for both south and north bound traffic directions on the Island Highway at the Ware Road intersection. 
New Business
Fire Department Mini Rescue Pumper 

Council authorized:
  • amending the Financial Plan to purchase in 2021 (instead of 2022) a Mini Rescue Pumper for the Lantzville Fire Department, replacing the 26 year old Rescue Truck (delivery would be in 2022)
  • funding the purchase 100% through a $382,100 loan from the Municipal Finance Authority that will be repaid over five years
  • the purchase of the Mini Rescue Pumper from Rocky Mountain Phoenix in the amount of $382,100.
Request for Conference Call Meetings with the Premier and Provincial Ministers 

Council authorized staff to request appointments for conference call meetings with Provincial Ministers in September, 2021 to discuss the following topics:
  • Minister of Municipal Affairs - submitted $6.4 million Clark Drive Area Expansion of Water System grant application under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Green Infrastructure - Environmental Quality Program 
  • Minister of Municipal Affairs - submitted $7.2 million Winds Residential Area Expansion of Water System grant application under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Rural and Northern communities Program.

The next scheduled Council meeting is:
6:00 pm, Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Public Health Officer's Order on Gatherings and Events prevents in-person public attendance at Council meetings.
Calendar of 2021
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors