Council Updates
From the July 7, 2021 Special & Regular Council Meetings
An information report highlighting Council decisions from the meeting.

This is not the official minutes.
Meeting agendas, minutes and video can be accessed at
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email
Council released the resolution from the June 2, 2021 Closed meeting, that adopted the District of Lantzville and Snaw-naw-as Nation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) including the attached Joint Working Group Terms of Reference, and authorized the Mayor to sign the MOU on behalf of the District of Lantzville. The official signing of the MOU was held on June 18, 2021.
The Honourable Paul Manly, MP for Nanaimo-Ladysmith
The Honourable Paul Manly, MP, provided an update to Council on Parliament and MP initiatives.
Regional District of Nanaimo Emergency Services
Catherine Morrison, Manager Emergency Services, Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), and Emergency Program Coordinator for the District of Lantzville, provided a Powerpoint presentation on emergency planning services, with an overview of:
  • Legislative requirements
  • Mayor and Council roles in an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) activation
  • 2020 and 2021 emergency planning highlights.
Emergency planning highlights presented included Evacuation Route Planning, emergency support services, EOC preparedness, launch of the Voyent Alert Mass Emergency Notifications and public outreach. C. Morrison emphasized the importance of residents, businesses and visitors registering NOW (if they have not already) for the Alerting System, Voyent Alert! The RDN provides Emergency Planning Services to the District of Lantzville through a fee for service agreement.
Consent Agenda
2021 Summary of Council Resolutions 
Council received for information, a summary and status update of all Council resolutions from January 1 to June 30, 2021.
Lantzville Council Strategic Priorities 2021 Quarterly Update
Administration provided, for Council’s information, a quarterly update, Q2 as of June 30, 2021, on the status of Council’s 2021 strategic priorities.
Legislative Matters
Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System 2021-2025 Financial Plan Amendment and Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Debt Reserve Fund Establishment
Council gave three readings to the “District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Debt Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 274, 2021” and approved an amendment to the 2021-2025 Financial Plan. The Financial Plan amendment will include the 2021 debt interest and principal payments for the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System long-term borrowing and the new bylaw (after adoption at a future meeting) will establish a Statutory Reserve Fund for the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System unused borrowing and commuted payments.
Full Time Administrative Assistant (Building & Bylaw)
Council approved an amendment to the 2021-2025 Financial Plan to increase the existing Administrative Assistant (Building & Bylaw) position from a part-time (0.6 FTE) to full time (1.0 FTE). The cost for the remainder of 2021 will be $15,000 and approximately $30,000 thereafter per year. The cost will be offset with the anticipated increase in Building Permit Revenue.
Canada Community Revitalization Fund Grant Application for Phase II Lantzville Commercial Core Revitalization
Council approved the following for Phase II of the Lantzville Commercial Core Revitalization Project between Dickinson Road and Tweedhope Road:
  • Fund ($18,250 from surplus Planning Revenue until grant funding received) and complete a preliminary design (required to apply for grants), 
  • Submit a grant application to the Western Economic Diversification Canada in the amount of $487,500 under the Canada Community Revitalization Fund, and 
  • Amend the 2021-2025 Financial Plan to include $650,000 for the project, funded with $487,500 grant funding and $162,500 from Gas Tax.
Unfinished Business
Development Permit Application for 7885 Clark Drive W, 6790 Philip Road and 7370 Ware Road

Council authorized Development Permit No. DP21-16 for 7885 Clark Drive W, 6790 Philip Road and 7370 Ware Road for the 21.55 ha (53.25 ac) property to be subdivided to create 166 new additional parcels, in accordance with the District of Lantzville’s Development Permit Guidelines. Five of the proposed parcels are future multi-unit housing sites and two of the parcels are sites to be transferred to the District. The Permit includes a variance to reduce the streamside protection setback from 15 m to 5 m for a tributary to Blood’s Creek located on 7885 Clark Drive W and a condition that the development is carried out in accordance with the Riparian Area Protection Regulation Assessment Report, including registering a covenant, with a reference plan, on title to protect and prohibit development within the 5 m wide riparian protection area. Other conditions address building design, site design, garages, landscaping, invasive species, screening of heat pumps, and potential GHG emissions reductions.

This Development Permit does not authorize development of the multi-unit housing sites. Separate Development Permit applications will be required when multi-unit housing proposals are presented to the District in the future.
The next scheduled Council meeting is:
6:00 pm, Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Public Health Officer's Order on Gatherings and Events prevents in-person public attendance at Council meetings.
Calendar of 2021
Council Meetings
Mayor and Councillors