Mother, Father, Everything God
We come to you full of hope, doubts, fears, and challenges

What can we say but thank You for all of it

And for the many ways we are sustained by Your love
A love that knows no bounds
That heals as it moves in mysterious ways
A love that inspires us to seek You
When our spirits are lost and shattered

You are our Comforter, yes
And, yes, You challenge us to see You

In every moment
In every situation
In every child's face
In every elder's trembling hand
Show us Your mercy

In every boardroom let that lone voice
Speak with You in mind

In every confrontation of ideas
Your spirit, Your wisdom
That new thought or that better choice
We keep in our care because of You

Yes, You are there making a way
Helping us to be rich in humility, patience, compassion
To be Your eyes, ears, hands, and heart anew
Yet again and again

Pour out Your heart into ours
And yes fill us in our need
As You fulfill in us our purpose

Touch us and move us 
To make a difference we embrace
To become Your example
With every step and breath we take
With every utterance we make

Bless us with
Peace, harmony, understanding, and love
In all our endeavors with this Your world
For us to honor and with You claim
For and with and through each other


Metropolitan Community Churches is celebrating 50 years!
© 2019 Metropolitan Community Churches
PO Box 50488 | Sarasota | Florida | 34232 | USA
Phone: +1 (310) 360-8640 | Fax: +1 (310) 388-1252

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