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Kingdom Council of State criticizes COHO draft law

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Review of the Raad van State advice (in Dutch)

Dinsdag berichtte Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties dat de Raad van State een vernietigend oordeel heeft geveld over de ontwerp-Rijkswet voor de oprichting van het Caribisch orgaan voor hervorming en ontwikkeling (COHO) dat de regie moet voeren over en ...

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Raad van State: Rijkswet COHO strijdig met Statuut

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Dead or alive

By Hilbert Haar ~ Reactions in St. Maarten to the negative Council of State-advice about the draft kingdom law COHO were jubilant and that is understandable. But the COHO, the Caribbean Reform and Development Entity, is far from dead, and therefore..

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Emmanuel on COHO: I told you so

Says govt an embarrassment onto itself ~ GREAT BAY - Independent Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel on Tuesday had only four words in response to reports that the Council of State has determined that the COHO is in contravention of the...

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Mission impossible

By Hilbert Haar ~ If you are not confused enough yet about the whole decolonization petition and what it means for Dutch liquidity support for our cash-strapped government, here is something else to think about. First remember: the United People's...

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Foundation for Recovery Laid in 2020 says Minister De Weever

Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications, Ludmila de Weever, is cautiously optimistic about the economic rebound forecast for this year by the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten (CBCS).

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MP Wescot wants urgent meeting Decolonization Committee

"The route to the UN via the CLG petition is a way to circumvent the route to the people of St. Maarten for their opinion." PHILIPSBURG - MP Sarah Wescot is of the opinion that the longer the government pussyfoots around the division in the...

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SXM Daily News March 23, 2021

SXM Daily News March 23, 2021

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Introducing St. Maarten's new dental hygienist: Esmee Bakker

By Terrance Rey ~ Esmee Bakker is an oral hygienist or what is known as a dental hygienist. She is 41 years of age, married and has two sons, 6 and 9 years old. Esmee is a new dental hygienist on the island of St. Maarten.

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World Meteorological Day 2021

The Meteorological Department of St. Maarten (MDS) celebrates World Meteorological Day, which this year boasts the theme "the ocean, our climate and weather." This day celebrates WMO's (World Meteorological Organization's) focus in connecting the ...

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Kritiek RvS op Coho

Voorwaarden over hervorming 'vanzelfsprekend' * Bevoegdheden Coho/BZK gaan in Rijkswet te ver Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - De Afdeling advisering van de Raad van State (RvS) heeft verschillende punten van kritiek op het voorstel voor...

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Restaurants sluiten deuren, horecapersoneel zonder werk

WILLEMSTAD - De meeste terrassen van de restaurants zitten op de vooravond van de nieuwe strenge lockdown op Curaçao bomvol. Veel mensen grijpen de laatste mogelijkheid om uit eten te kunnen met beide handen aan. "We genieten er nog maar even...

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Analyse redactie: Tweede lockdown tart economie

Vandaag treedt op Curaçao, sinds de Covid-19-pandemie de wereld al ruim een jaar geleden in zijn greep kreeg, de tweede lockdown in werking. Dit is nodig, zegt de demissionaire regering, hierin geruggesteund en daar vermoedelijk zelfs toe...

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MFK-leader Pisas brings major shift in politics on Curacao

WILLEMSTAD - "Believe me! We will be the biggest party. We're going for 11 seats. No one can stop us." The future prime minister of Curaçao, Gilmar Pisas, was extremely enthusiastic and was nearly shouting when he spoke to the media last Friday...

Read more now offering shared charters to St. Kitts & Nevis

Shared charter rates from $260 US Dollars per one-way and up for groups of up to seven (7) passengers + one piece of checked luggage and one carry-on each. Submit a reservation request online at

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Saba Legal Desk starts back

The Bottom, Saba - The Saba Legal Desk has started back per March 1, 2021. Initially, the Legal Desk will function mostly digital, but when policy to enter Saba changes per May 1, Nathalie Tackling will again come to the island for...

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Is the COHO dead on arrival?
We will see.
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Lockdown extended and no foreign holidays till May

Lockdown rules are being extended until April 20 because rising cases mean it would be unsafe to relax the restrictions, prime minister Mark Rutte told reporters on Tuesday evening. In a minor concession, the start of the night-time curfew has...

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Election watch: Segers warns against 'bitter' divisions

The nine smallest parties in the new parliament have set out their preferences for the new government coalition on the second day of exploratory talks. On Monday it was the turn of the biggest parties, headed by the VVD and D66, who are expected...

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Need a Shared Charter to Curacao?
AirStMaarten now offering shared charters to Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao starting at $2000 USD per seat.
It is smarter to charter!
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