The 3rd District news & updates
City of Long Beach Council Meetings
Tuesdays @ 5:00PM
Community Meeting
July 7th @ 6:00PM
Long Beach Movies in the Park
See Details in '3rd District and City Community Events' Section
Los Cerritos Wetlands Stewardship Program
See Details in '3rd District and City Community Events' Section
4GIRLS Organization Virtual Workshop
July 17th @ 8:45am
Friends of Bixby Park Monthly Cleanups
Saturday July 3rd, 2021 @ 9AM-11AM
Belmont Heights "Last Saturday of the Month" Drive-Thru
July 31st, 2021
2021 Propeller Club of LA-LB Scholarship Application
Deadline: July 30th
*More information for all events can be found under "3rd District and City Community Events". Check it out!
Helpful and important City phone numbers will now be included at the bottom of the newsletter. This contact information can be used for a variety of city services such as:
- Graffiti
- Pot Holes
- Noise abatement
- Broken Curbs
- And much, much more!
The summer is shaping up to be a very busy one with most businesses and city facilities resuming normal pre-Covid operations. Our Junior Lifeguard program is off to a great start, our summer recreation programs are back to normal, and our beaches are activated with the addition of the two new play areas at Granada Beach and Junipero Beach. It’s great to see the district so alive and active.
There are a few updates that I want to share with you on citywide issues:
- Our upcoming virtual community meeting on July 7th will be focused on the redistricting process that we must participate in. If you have not been through this process in the past, or even if you have experienced this before, I urge you to participate so that you can better understand how the redistricting process works and how those decisions are made.
- On July 13th I will be bringing an item to council to ask for the feasibility of allowing telephonic public comments during council meetings, similar to how we heard public comment during the COVID City Hall closures. Of course, people could still attend council meetings in person, but the telephonic public comment saves people who have hardships from making the trip to city hall and having to sit through every agenda item before theirs is called. I would like to hear from you on whether this option is worth pursuing so please reach out to my office and let us know your thoughts on this.
- The city budget process will begin in earnest in the coming months. You will receive a budget survey that you can use to share your thoughts on how city monies should be spent. I urge you to complete the survey. We are anticipating a deficit so knowing your priorities will help me effectively advocate for the wishes of the majority of our residents. Please look for updates about the budget process, and the budget meeting, which will be in August. Your input is very valuable to me.
On the district level, I am very excited to welcome a team of middle school, high school and college interns to the District 3 team. You will likely see them around town picking up trash, helping with plantings, knocking on doors, and staffing informational tables at Farmer’s Market and upcoming concerts.
Speaking of concerts, I am hoping that municipal band concerts start back up in August. For now, however, the first 3rd District concert post-COVID will be on August 1st at 4 pm at Marine Stadium Park (soon to be named after the late Municipal Band conductor Larry Curtis). I hope to see you there. I’ve really missed our concerts and hope you will help me make this first one back a huge success.
Suzie Price
Councilwoman, 3rd District
3rd District Community News
Upcoming Items at City Council:
July 6th, 2021
Conductor Larry Curtis Concert Park Naming- Marine Stadium Park
I am very glad to be bringing this item before the City Council after the incredible support I have received from residents for the proposal to recognize Larry Curtis for his role leading the Muni Band.
Larry was the Conductor for the Long Beach Municipal Band’s summer concerts for 27 years. Larry was instrumental in the success of the Municipal Band, always advocating for the continuation of this amazing part of our City, which is the country’s longest running municipal band. During his time as conductor, he led the band for nearly 700 concerts. These concerts served to bring thousands of residents together on a weekly basis in friendship, and highlight the beauty our City has to offer.
Because of Larry’s long-lasting impacts on our City and, in particular, the Municipal Band believed his name should be added to Marine Stadium Park where tens of thousands of residents would (and will continue to) enjoy summer concerts.
For any one interested in providing Public Comment to City Council on this item, meetings are now being held in-person, so public comment is offered to those in attendance at the meeting.
July 13th, 2021
Request for Report on Allowing Public Comment by Phone
Throughout the COVD-19 emergency there have been creative solutions to follow state restrictions around public gatherings and social distancing. We have seen the availability of remote public comment provided by telephone become an incredibly useful way of offering greater access and accommodations for everyone to have a voice and participate in the important discussions facing our City.
As we move back to holding in-person City Council meetings it is important that we ensure our public comment process is available to everyone. This should include individuals with disabilities for whom attending Council meetings and providing public comment in person can be difficult, as well as Long Beach residents who are simply unable to attend the meetings in person due to work or school schedules, transportation needs, child care, the time needed waiting for their item to be called, or any other reason that may constrain someone from attending a meeting in-person or presents a substantial hardship.
So, it is important that we fully evaluate the feasibility of continuing the use of telephonic remote access to City Council meetings.
For any one interested in providing Public Comment to City Council on this item, meetings are now being held in-person, so public comment is offered to those in attendance at the meeting.
Delta Variant of COVID-19 Found in Long Beach
The Long Beach Health Department discovered that the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus is present in our city. Statewide, the Delta variant has increased from 4.5% of sampled cases on May 21 to 14.5% on June 21. This variant, which is believed to be more transmissible and more likely to cause severe disease, is of grave concern, especially to unvaccinated people. Elsewhere in the country and across the world, case rates and hospitalizations are rapidly increasing among unvaccinated populations. The Delta variant is quickly spreading and is expected to become the dominant variant in the U.S. within weeks.
The City offers vaccine clinics six days a week: the schedule can be found at No appointment is necessary at City-run vaccine clinics. People also may contact their healthcare provider or area pharmacies or visit to make a vaccine appointment. Vaccines are available to everyone 12 years old and older, regardless of immigration status, and are always free of charge.
Please see the calendar for the details on the clinics the Health Department will be hosting throughout July. Calendar will be created in other languages soon. Please be prepared, be safe, and get vaccinated today at one of these many locations!
Update on Colorado Lagoon Open Channel and Park Design
The City and the design team have worked closely to complete the open channel and park design. Initial site preparation began in December 2020 with removal of specific trees from parts of the project area where utility relocations and roadwork will begin.
The City advertised the project for bid in early May and held mandatory pre-bid meetings with potential bidders both online and onsite to provide an overview of the project and point out important site features and project elements. The pre-bid meetings were well attended by contractors, and interest in the project remains high during the bid preparation period. The bid period closed on June 25.
The City will review all bids received and make a recommendation to City Council to award a contract to the selected contractor. Project construction is anticipated to begin in August with relocation of existing utilities to make way for construction of bridges to accommodate the open channel. Utility relocations and construction of the bridges and road improvements will be closely coordinated and managed by the City and the design team. Excavation of the open channel and improvements to the western side of Marina Vista Park will begin after the initial utility relocation and bridge construction and will proceed in parallel with bridge and road construction. The City and Council District 3 will provide the community with regular updates about the construction schedule and activities as the start of construction gets closer and throughout the construction period.
Mouhsen Habib
Project Management Officer
Complete Streets & Mobility Division
4th of July Holiday Weekend Safety
The City of Long Beach is encouraging residents and visitors to celebrate safely over the Fourth of July holiday weekend to ensure everyone has an enjoyable and safe holiday. All personal fireworks are prohibited in the City of Long Beach and residents can expect ongoing citywide enforcement of the City’s fireworks ordinance.
Fireworks and Other Illegal Activity
Not only are all personal fireworks, including those labeled “Safe and Sane,” prohibited in Long Beach, but they are also a hazard for people and nearby structures. Amateur fireworks, including sparklers, cause tens of millions of dollars annually in property damage and result in many injuries, the majority of which are suffered by children. Fireworks also pose a serious health risk for veterans, people experiencing post-traumatic stress and pets.
The Long Beach City Council recently unanimously passed an emergency fireworks ordinance, enhancing the existing fireworks ordinance and expanding the scope of liability and penalties associated with illegal fireworks activity. Under the new ordinance, any “Host,” which includes but is not limited to property owners, tenants, landlords or property managers, can be held liable for any response costs associated with illegal fireworks activity taking place in and around the property, including any applicable administrative penalties, disposal fees and City response costs, which alone could be up to or exceed approximately $20,000 for very large responses involving multiple City departments.
The City will continue to provide ongoing enforcement of illegal firework activity in the weeks and days leading up to and including the Fourth of July weekend. Anyone cited or arrested for fireworks violations may be faced with a $1,000 fine, sentenced to jail for six months, or both. On June 15, the City Council unanimously approved an increased administrative penalty with recovery costs for illegal fireworks citations.
Reporting illegal firework activity by community members can contribute to the City’s enforcement efforts, and there are a few ways to report illegal firework usage and sales:
- Call the non-emergency number at the Communications Center at 562.435.6711 to report fireworks usage and/or sales. For emergencies, always dial 9-1-1.
Or email the patrol division where the firework activity is occurring and provide addresses, videos, license plates, photos and any other information that can be investigated. Please include your name, address and phone number so that you can be contacted if necessary:
Driving and Pedestrian Safety
The Long Beach Police Department will have additional officers on patrol on July 4 to deter drivers from driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Alcohol is not the only substance that can impair driving and possibly lead to a DUI. Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and marijuana may also affect one’s ability to drive safely. Drivers charged with DUI face an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, as well as a suspended license. It is essential to plan ahead, designate a sober driver, or simply stay at home for the night to ensure everyone’s safety.
Pedestrians should always maintain strict awareness of their surroundings, especially at night and when crossing streets, even when crossing in a marked crosswalk.
COVID-19 Safety
On June 15, the California Department of Public Health issued new guidance as the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy tier system ended and the resumption of everyday activities and reopening of all businesses began. To align with the State, the City issued an updated Health Order in addition to guidance regarding other risk-reduction measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The City continues to encourage community members to get the COVID-19 vaccine. For information on the City’s vaccination locations and hours of operation, go to
Recommendations for fun, safe ways residents and visitors can celebrate safely:
- Host a fireworks-free backyard barbecue with close family and friends.
- Host a virtual barbecue or party with those who are out of town.
- Spend the day at the beach.
- Go for a bike ride.
- Have a water-balloon fight.
- Enjoy a physically-distanced picnic in the park.
- Host an outdoors movie marathon with friends or neighbors.
Have a backyard dance party with glow sticks or fiber optic wands.
Additional safety recommendations for the holiday weekend:
- Water Safety – Always supervise children closely, even when lifeguards are present, and don’t rely on floatation devices. Never swim alone and, when swimming in the ocean, always swim near an open lifeguard station.
- Sun Safety – Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water; apply broad spectrum sunscreen that blocks from both UVA and UVB rays and has a SPF of 15 or higher before going outside; and wear protective hats and sunglasses.
Heat Exhaustion and Stroke – Be aware of signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. If signs of heat stroke are present or loss of consciousness occurs, call 9-1-1 immediately. Never leave a child, adult or pet alone inside a vehicle on a warm day. Additional heat safety information is available at
Public Fireworks Shows and Events
The City is encouraging individuals to attend a local, professional fireworks show to safely celebrate the Fourth of July holiday. This year, the Big Bang on the Bay fireworks show will take place on Saturday, July 3 at 9 PM. The annual Fourth of July fireworks show, hosted this year by the Long Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau and Harbor Breeze Cruise, will also make its return to the Long Beach waterfront on Sunday, July 4.
The City anticipates the issuance of permits for permissible block parties over the Fourth of July weekend, including the recently passed plan by the City Council to waive the application fee if an applicant pledges that the party will be fireworks-free. Keep in mind that permissible block parties must end at 7 PM.
Mollie Wilson
3rd District Legislative Assistant
Every year Bay Shore Ave. between E. 2nd St. and Ocean Blvd. is closed to traffic all summer long to provide a safe open street for walking, biking, and skating. Starting June 15th through September 15th from 9:00am-5:00pm Bay Shore Ave. will be closed to accommodate heavy pedestrian and beach use. Barricades will be placed on 2nd St. and Bay Shore as well as 54th Pl. and Ocean Blvd.
Please plan your commute times accordingly as many are expected to flock to the summer to enjoy the beach, concession stands, and our local businesses.
Mollie Wilson
3rd District Legislative Assistant
RECAP: June Community Meeting
Councilwoman Price’s June community meeting centered around the topic of traffic speeds in Belmont Shore. Given the concerns that residents have expressed over traffic speeds in the residential streets throughout Belmont Shore, Councilwoman Price brought in City Traffic Engineers to discuss a number of studies of streets in Belmont Shore and showed proposals to reduce the posted traffic speeds to from 25 MPH to 15 MPH on the residential one way streets in Belmont Shore.
The Councilwoman thanks both the Traffic Engineering Team and Belmont Shore residents for joining the meeting and for their participation in working to make the neighborhood the best it can be!
Mollie Wilson
3rd District Legislative Assistant
Concerns About Unpermitted Tree Trimming
Did you know that our avian friends are having a hard time now, especially native species? Bird populations everywhere are declining due to the impacts of climate change, pollution, invasive predators (including outdoor cats), and loss of critical habitat.
According to the first ever Cornell Lab of Ornithology study, the vast majority of North American birds have declined precipitously. According to the study, the bird population of North America is down by 2.9 billion breeding adults, with devastating losses among birds in every biome. A crisis for birds is a crisis for all of us. In their editorial in the New York Times the study’s authors argue that the the mass disappearance of North American birds is a dire warning about the planet’s well-being that could mean North America’s ecosystem is unraveling.
It’s up to all of us to do what we can to help our local birds. Here are some important things for you to know.
Don’t trim trees during nesting season; and if you want your parkway trees trimmed at any time (even if they are your trees), you must get a permit from the City. There are even more tree trimming rules for those who live within the Coastal Zone, and that is a good thing because people in the Coastal Zone share space with threatened species like herons, egrets and pelicans.
Nesting season is from March through September, the months during the year in Long Beach that birds build nests, lay eggs and raise their young. During those months there should be no tree trimming (except in the case of emergencies, of course). Tree trimming frightens birds, can destroy their nests, and results in the loss of protective tree cover.
According to the Audubon Society most trees are in Southern California are trimmed excessively and inappropriately, especially around apartments and condominiums. This kind of trimming harms trees and removes important bird habitat. For example it harms birds to thin out pine trees so much that that you can see through them. And there is no reason to to thin California sycamores; they don’t drop their limbs. Audubon also points out that removing the fronds that drape around local palm trees takes away nesting opportunities for local birds such as orioles and other important species.
After recognizing the significant threat to nesting birds posed by the annual spring and summer tree trimming, the Los Angeles Audubon Society created the helpful Guide to Bird-Friendly Tree and Shrub Trimming and Removal. The guide is for the Southern California area but most of the information applies anywhere.
Let’s all do our part to protect our bird neighbors. Birds need our help and we need them to thrive on the planet. Here in Southern California we are so lucky to live in an environment where we share our world with these wonderful creatures. Thank you for doing your part to help our local birds.
Elizabeth Lambe
3rd District Resident
Long Beach Public Library Seeks Community Input
The Long Beach Public Library has launched a survey to understand community interest and preferences in a variety of service areas. The survey is available online now through August 28 and is available in English, Spanish, Khmer and Tagalog. Paper copies of the survey, also available in multiple languages, are available at all library locations offering Grab & Go and LBPL To-Go services.
City Extends Application Period for Emergency Rental Assistance Program
For those tenants and landlords who may still be in need emergency rental assistance, the city is extending the deadline for residential landlords and tenants to apply for the Long Beach Emergency Rental Assistance Program (LB-ERAP). The new deadline for the multi-million-dollar program is now July 11, 2021.
All applications can be submitted via the program’s online information and service portal at People may call the program support line at 833.358.5372 for assistance Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
3rd District and City Community Events
Community Meeting July 7th on Redistricting
I would like to invite you to join a virtual community meeting on July 7th at 6:00 PM on the process of redistricting. The link to participate and the sign up form will be sent out as the date approaches. The meeting will cover a basic explanation of redistricting, a description of communities of interest and their role in the redistricting process, online mapping tools, and an opportunity to speak about your community.
This meeting is to introduce the redistricting process to the community, so if you would like to get involved or even just learn more about redistricting I would encourage you to join this meeting.
Zoom Dial in Number: (213) 338-8477
Meeting ID: 929 3213 7800
Click here to Provide Public Comment:
Link for More information
Los Cerritos Wetlands Stewardship Program
Los Cerritos Wetlands Stewardship Program Events are now available July - December 2021!
Rules and Items to Remember:
- All events require a ticket to attend, which can be acquired through our Event Brite sign up page, on their social media platforms.
- Closed-toe shoes are REQUIRED.
- Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
- No dogs or animals are allowed during events or walks.
Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine to Offer Free and Low-Cost Recreation Programs
Starting June 21
With long summer days and kids on school break, Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine (PRM) will offer 10 weeks of free and low-cost recreation programs for families, teens and older adults, beginning June 21. Community members can call or visit their neighborhood park for schedules and to register for activities.
“This summer promises to be a great time for all as families, teens and seniors can enjoy a variety of free recreational activities and movies at various parks,” said Mayor Robert Garcia.
Be S.A.F.E. (Summer Activities in a Friendly Environment) supports neighborhoods by extending free supervised hours at 11 select parks from 5 to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, June 21 through August 27, and employing local youth. Families can enjoy activities including arts and crafts, outdoor games, sports and science activities and free movies at the parks listed below. Movies begin at dusk.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Park, 1950 Lemon Ave.
- June 24 - Black Panther
- Pan American Park, 5157 Centralia St.
- July 1- Aladdin
- Scherer Park, 4600 Long Beach Blvd.
- July 8 - Abominable
- Seaside Park, 14th St. at Chestnut Ave.
- July 13 - Raya and the Last Dragon
- Houghton Park, 6301 Myrtle Ave.
- July 15 - Scoob!
- Drake Park, 951 Maine Ave.
- July 22 - Dora and the Lost City of Gold
- Bixby Park, 130 Cherry Ave.
- July 29 - Tom and Jerry (2021)
- Silverado Park, 1545 W. 31st Street
- August 5 - Ant Man and the Wasp
- Orizaba Park, 1435 Orizaba Ave.
- August 12 - Avengers Endgame
- Ramona Park, 3301 E. 65th St.
- August 19 - How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
- Admiral Kidd Park, 2125 Santa Fe Ave.
- August 26 - Spiderman: Far From Home
Free Movies in the Park, sponsored by Signal Hill Petroleum and Partners of Parks, will take place from June 21 through August 27. Movies begin at dusk. Residents are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, picnic-style dinner and their family and friends.
Frozen II: June 21, El Dorado Park; June 23, Grace Park; June 25, Chavez Park
Secret Life of Pets 2: June 28, Bixby Park; June 30, Veterans Park; July 2, Silverado Park
Abominable: July 7, Orizaba Park; July 9, Signal Hill Park
The Croods: A New Age: July 12, Ramona Park, July 14, Davenport Park; July 16, Wardlow Park
Toy Story 4: July 19, Stearns Champions Park; July 21, Admiral Kidd Park; July 23, Martin Luther King Jr. Park
Sonic the Hedgehog: July 26, Signal Hill Park; July 28, MacArthur Park; July 30, Coolidge Park
Trolls World Tour: August 2, Seaside Park; August 4, DeForest Park; August 3, Somerset Park
Dolitte: August 8, McBride Park; August 11, Heartwell Park; August 13, Scherer Park; August 14, Signal Hill Park
The Lion King: August 16, Cherry Park; August 18, College Estates Park; August 20, Houghton Park
Onward: August 23, Pan American Park; August 25, Drake Park; August 27, Whaley Park
Teen Centers will offer limited programming activities for those ages 13 to 18, Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., starting June 21. Engage and enjoy new games, arts programming, Zumba classes, sports, and mentorship opportunities. Teens can call their preferred site for schedule information and to sign up for activities at the parks listed below.
- Cesar E. Chavez Park, 401 Golden Ave., 562.570.8890
- Freeman Community Center, 1205 Freeman Ave., 562.570,8890
- Houghton Park, 6301 Myrtle Ave., 562.570.1640
- Admiral Kidd Park, 2125 Santa Fe Ave., 562.570.1600
- McBride Park, 1550 Martin Luther King Ave.,562.570.1605
- Silverado Park, 1545 West 31st St., 562.570.1675
Senior Centers will offer staff-led exercise classes, games, crafts and other activities. The Long Beach 4th Street Senior Center will reopen on June 21 and operate Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with limited programming. Satellite senior centers will start limited programming on June 28; however, the opening date of the EXPO Center site is yet to be determined. The satellite senior centers are open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The lunch program will continue in a “grab and go” format for the near future. Individuals can call their preferred site for more details, class schedules and registration. Classes are being added continuously; for the most up to date information, call the PRM office listed below.
- Cesar E. Chavez Park, 401 Golden Ave., 562.570.8890
- El Dorado Park West, 2800 Studebaker Road, 562.570.3225
- EXPO Center, 4321 Atlantic Ave., 562.570.1640
- Houghton Park, 6301 Myrtle Ave., 562.570.1640
- Long Beach Senior Center, 1150 East 4th Street, 562.570.3500
- McBride Park, 1550 Martin Luther King Ave., 562.570.1605
- Silverado Park, 1545 West 31st Street, 562.570.1675
In an effort to continue protecting the health and safety of all, those who are unvaccinated should wear a face covering when participating in the above events and activities. Additional information regarding recent COVID-19 guidance is available in the City Health Order.
Additional information about the various other PRM summer recreation programs is available by calling 562.570.3150 or by visiting
Information can be found: HERE
Jane Grobaty
Community Information Officer
Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine
Empowering Middle School Girls – The Commitment Continues Long Beach Founded, 4GIRLS Organization Hosting 12th Workshop Virtually
July 17th @ 8:45am
Inviting all middle school girls to participate at the free event.
On July 17th, 4GIRLS Organization will host the 12th 4GIRLS Long Beach Workshop Virtually for all middle school girls.
The FREE half-day workshop, brings together a cross section of middle school girls for a positive, engaging, inspiring experience, giving them an opportunity to connect and thrive. With this year’s theme of WORTHY, the workshop provides a safe place for girls to appreciate themselves for who they are and encourages them to develop self-reliance, discover or deepen their potential, and connect as a community.
This interactive event includes inspiring topics and activities such as: leadership skills, anti-bullying, kindness practices, vision journaling and goal setting, positive body image, unconscious bias, physical and mental health.
Here is what last year’s participants said:
Overall, I enjoyed this workshop. 100% agree
I would recommend this workshop to my friends. 98% agree
I can achieve my goals. 93% agree
I can depend on myself in tough times. 89% agree
I am confident in my abilities. 98% agree
I can ask for help when I need it. 91% agree
All materials and great "WORTHY" swag (journals, "I am WORTHY" pins, colored markers, face masks, hair scrunchies, and so much more) will be mailed, at no charge, to the girls prior to the event!
About 4GIRLS Organization: Founded in 2010, 4GIRLS (Getting Inspired 4 Real Life Success) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire and empower middle school girls to identify themselves as confident, authentic, and resilient preparing them for real life success.
Yesmean Rihbany, President
4GIRLS Organization
Friends of Bixby Park Monthly Cleanups
July 3rd, 2021
Event: Monthly Cleanup
When: Saturday, July 3, 2021
Time: 9:00AM-11:00AM
Where: Bixby Park 130 Cherry Ave. Long Beach, CA 90802
FOBP is reestablishing our Park monthly cleanups. Join us at the Bandshell in Bixby Park. Meet new friends and neighbors while making a difference at our local neighborhood park. A little bit of your time can make a big difference.
Stick around afterward and enjoy the Farmers Market!
Gloves, bags and pickers, will be provided...
all you need to bring is your mask and a smile under it!
Together we will practice litter picking and social distancing!
Thank you for helping make Bixby Park a great place to visit! See you then!
Belmont Heights "Last Saturday of the Month" Drive-Thru
July 31, 2021
Join Belmont Heights Community Association for a "Last Saturday of the Month" food collection!
Every month they collect food for a different local food pantry. Additionally they also collect a different household item that goes to different organizations in need.
Their next collection is on Saturday, July 31 from 9 to 11 am in the parking lot of the Belmont Heights United Methodist Church.
Will Cullen
Vice President
Belmont Heights Community Association
2021 Propeller Club of LA-LB Scholarship Application is Open!
Deadline: July 30th
As we approach the end of the academic year, I want to highlight a great opportunity for graduating high school seniors in the City of Long Beach and surrounding cities! The Propeller Club of Los Angeles-Long Beach is offering scholarships ranging from $250 to $1,000 to graduating high school seniors.
This scholarship is open to high school seniors currently attending schools located in the cities of Long Beach, Lakewood, San Pedro, Wilmington or Carson and to students of all intended majors.
Scholarship Requirements are:
- 500-word essay on a selected essay question
- List of your most important school activities, community service, and work experience
- Unofficial high school transcripts
- Two letters of reference; one from a teacher or counselor and one from an adult who is familiar with your schoolwork and activities
Click here to complete the online Scholarship application
The deadline to complete the Scholarship application is Friday, July 30, 2021.
If you have any questions regarding this, please email We hope local students will take this opportunity to begin their journey after high school!
Each month many great businesses open in Council District 3, but here is a spotlight to perk up your day! BLKdot Coffee opened on Friday, June 11 in the LB Marketplace, adjacent to Trader Joe’s and Veggie Grill. With numerous locations in Irvine, Laguna Beach and now Long Beach, sisters Mai and Stacie Tran have their hands full, but their family has owned restaurants in Orange County for years, so they are used to the hustle and bustle of the food business.
BLKdot Coffee sells slow-drip super concentrated coffee, with specialties like Vietnamese (VTM coffee) craft coffee, Sea Salt Coffee, and Thai Tea Lattes, but they carry the staples like Americanos, Cappuccinos, and Mochas too. Their delicious breakfast Bánh mì sandwiches, Sammies, Avocado Toast done 7 ways, bagels and bowls are sure to excite as well.
I am so excited to feature this incredible shop as a Small Business Spotlight, enjoy learning more about who they are and be sure to stop in and experience BLKdot Coffee for yourself!
BLKdot Coffee
6473 E. Pacific Coast Highway
(562) 431-6888
Sunday – Thursday: 7 AM – 6 PM
Friday & Saturday: 7 AM – 7 PM
Lisa West
3rd District Director of Business Relations,
Programming and Outreach
Did You Catch Suzie In June?
Meeting with the Traffic and Engineering Team with Belmont Shore Residents
Peninsula Neighborhood Association Meeting
Community Meeting to discuss commercial parking in Belmont Shore
Meet The CD3 Summer Interns!
Hello, my name is Andrew Simms. I am going to be a sophomore next year at Poly High School. I love to play sports in general but I mostly play tennis and basketball. I also like to skate a lot which I hope could be incorporated into this internship a little bit. I hope we all get to know each other a bit better and have a good time.
Hello, my name is Aidan Delgado. I am currently in 7th grade and am attending Rogers middle school. I live in College Estates in the 3rd District. One interesting fact about me is that I’ve been playing piano for 5 years!
My name is Justin Delgado and I am currently transitioning from Rogers middle school to Laguna Beach High School. I live in College Estates, near the southeastern edge of Long Beach- still in the 3rd District! A fun fact about me is that I played the national anthem for my middle school graduation.
Juliette is a rising sophomore in the CIC program at Long Beach Poly. She enjoys traveling, shopping, and good food. Her favorite place she’s traveled to is Rio de Janiero and is a varsity cheerleader!
Sarah-Eden is a rising senior in the PACE program at Long Beach Poly. She enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with family. She loves playing soccer and her sister is also Juliette!
Elizabeth Mueller is a rising sophomore at Wilson High who loves baking, the outdoors, and her community. She is interested in working with Long Beach youth and volunteering at our local community garden!
Hi, I’m Wyatt, I am a 14 year old who is very passionate about the environment. I grew up in Long Beach and I am interested in seeing what goes on behind the scenes in our local government. As an intern in Councilwoman Price’s office, I hope to learn more about local government, the 3rd District neighborhoods, and give back to our wonderful community!
Hi! I’m Sydney Scott, a rising junior at Wilson High School, I am a member of ASB, multiple clubs including Link Crew, Girl Scouts, a Youth Leadership Long Beach Graduate. I also have a very strong passion for politics! I am so excited and grateful for the opportunity to work with Councilwoman Price and her team this summer so I can expand my knowledge of local government and our 3rd District Community!
Hi! My name is Anya Murrell. I am 14 years old. I am very passionate about advancing social justice initiatives and making a world in which all people can happily live. I am passionate about music and love playing the harp.
My name is Kaeven Price I am 13 years old, and a rising 8th grader at Rogers middle school. I love sports! I’m a rower at LBJC and I play basketball. I am excited to be working in the council office and I’m always ready for the challenges that face me.
My name is Kian Price, I am 16 years old and I live in Long Beach California. I am a rising senior attending St. Anthony High School. I enjoy rowing, music and spending time with my friends. I am grateful to get an opportunity to work for the council office this summer and cannot wait to help our community.
Hello, my name is Matthew Jenkins and I'm an incoming junior at Polytechnic High School. I have been enrolled in the PACE program for two years at Poly. I enjoy playing soccer for Poly and on my own.
Calvin: I'm a kind person that always wants to help. I enjoy helping people in need and in the community. I also like bird watching and look forward to helping at the community garden!
My name is Evie Shillito and I am 12 years old. I live in Alamitos Heights, and I’m excited to be in this internship with Councilwoman Price. I enjoy cooking and reading. Fun fact about me: I am bilingual and speak Spanish!
I’m Paige Zwerner, a rising junior in the PACE program at Long Beach Poly. I’m very active in my school’s student government and other on-campus activities, such as Model UN. In my free time I love to read and roller-skate around Long Beach.
My name is Harrison Bolton and I am 12 years old. I like this internship because it is very interactive and also helps the Community. I'm also in the Junior Guard program.
Abigail also goes by Abby and goes to Wilson HS. She lives in the Alamitos Heights and is joining Councilwoman Price’s internship for a second year. She’s also passionate about sustainable fashion! Fun fact is that she was able to save an 8 yr old boy from drowning because of her training from Junior Guard!
3rd District Neighborhood And Association Meetings
Alamitos Heights Improvement Association - AHIA Meetings calendared Quarterly. Please visit their website for more information.
Belmont Heights Community Association
2nd Wednesday of each month
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Belmont Heights United Methodist Church
Belmont Shore Residents Association
2nd Thursday of each month
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Bay Shore Library
Bluff Park Community Meeting
Please check their website for meeting details
Friends of Belmont Shore
First Thursday of each month, 6:00 - 8:00 PM via Zoom
Visit their web site for the zoom link
Friends of Bixby Park
Please check their website
Greenbelt Heights Neighborhood Association
All neighbors welcome!
Regular meeting: 3rd Tuesday at 8pm-9pm
917 Bennett Ave., LB
2nd Sunday neighborhood clean-up at 9am
NW Belmont Park Community Watch
Approximately every 3 months as determined
Third District Field Office
Peninsula Neighborhood Association
Alamitos Bay Yacht Club
Stoneybrook Villas Association Meeting
3rd Wednesday of each month
7:00 PM - Clubhouse at 500 Bellflower Blvd
Do you have a community or neighborhood meeting that you would like to add to the 3rd District calendar? Email:
Important Phone Numbers For City Services
Abandoned Shopping Cart
(800) 252 – 4613
Broken / Inoperable Traffic Light (562) 570 – 2768
Broken Curb
(562) 570 – 2726
Broken Street Light
(562) 983 – 2000
Broken Parking Meter
(562) 570 – 2741
Damaged Banner
(562) 570 – 5333
Damaged Mailbox
(800) 275 – 8777
Damaged or Missing Tree Grate (562) 570 – 2726
Damaged Sewer
(562) 570 – 2726
Damaged Bus Shelter
(562) 591 – 8753
Damaged Trees
(562) 570 – 2700
Graffiti on Buildings
(562) 570 – 2773
Gas Emergency
(562) 570 – 2140
Leaking Fire Hydrant
(562) 570 – 2390
Noise Abatement
(562) 570 – 4126
Overflowing Sidewalk Trash Can (562) 570 – 2876
Pot Hole
(562) 570 – 3259
Shoes on Powerlines
(562) 570 – 2726
Trash in Street
(562) 570 – 2876 OR (562) 570 – 3867